
Chen Chen blushed and quickly denied it.

"Hey~ let me use the latex!"


Zhao Lu did not tease Chen Chen this time, but handed the wooden barrel over.

"Well, you can leave now!"

Chen Chen blushed and started to chase people away.


Zhao Lu walked out of the shelter with a wicked smile, and then after waiting for a while, she returned again, poked her head at the door, and said softly"Hello"


Chen Chen's hands trembled when he heard this, and he almost spilled the sand on his hands.


Zhao Lu ran out with a smile. Hearing the three words"you bastard" behind him, he felt that Chen Chen was really interesting. After going out, he ran towards the direction of the mark he saw not long ago.

He wanted to get rid of the potential enemy in advance.

As the saying goes, the first to strike is the strongest, and the last to strike will suffer.

The first to strike will gain the upper hand, and the last to strike will be controlled by others.

If Zhao Lu can kill the enemy first, he will definitely not wait for the enemy to find him.

Not long after, he returned to the location of the mark and began to search for other marks left by the enemy near the mark.

The mark is not difficult to find.

The distance between all the marks is not far, so it didn't take Zhao Lu long to find the mark he wanted to find.

The marks will have some directionality. Although the directionality of this mark is very hidden, Zhao Lu still found the corresponding pattern through analysis.

Through the pattern, he can find the potential enemy through these marks.

However, following these marks, Zhao Lu became more and more confused.

"This direction is very familiar.

It seems to be the location of the breadfruit tree...

So, he must have discovered the breadfruit tree first, and then saw the traces of people picking breadfruit trees, so he guessed that someone had discovered this resource point first."

Zhao Lu frowned, and then his speed increased a bit.

Breadfruit trees are his important resources, and he will never let these breadfruit trees have any problems.

When he was about to reach the breadfruit tree resource point, his speed suddenly slowed down again.

As a person who likes to use his brain, he is used to thinking before taking action.

Moreover, he is used to thinking that the other party is smarter first.

"If I were that person, what would I do?"

Zhao Lu narrowed her eyes and fell into deep thought.

"If it were me, I would definitely take the initiative and get rid of the person who found the breadfruit tree resource point first.

However, if you want to get rid of someone, you have to find him first.

The easiest way to find someone is to find the mark left by that person, and then find that person.

But I never make marks, so there are only two ways.

One is to find a place suitable for human habitation nearby and look there.

This method is more troublesome and tiring.

The second is to set up an ambush directly near the breadfruit tree.

For example, set a trap?

Anyway, this trap is in line with the rules.

If it were me, I would make a very good trap first, and then look for the enemy's trace."

Zhao Lu thought of this and suddenly smiled.

His steps became slower, and his eyes kept searching around.

"It's not easy to trap people.

People are not animals.

You need to catch them by surprise and disguise them well!"

Zhao Lu used traps to trap Qian Lin before, so he was very familiar with this kind of thing.

In his opinion, the best place to set traps is around the breadfruit tree.

But it's not necessarily the case, because as a smart person, you have to consider the enemy discovering your mark and making countermeasures.

Zhao Lu walked carefully all the way and didn't find any traps.

Until he walked under the breadfruit tree, he didn't find an unusual place.


Either he is a master or a loser."

Zhao Lu picked up a stick and started to explore under the first breadfruit tree.

As a result, under the second breadfruit tree, he found a very clever trap!

"Looks like he's an expert."

Zhao Lu smiled, then he carefully opened the trap and looked at what was inside.

As a result, he got angry.

There were many short and sharp bamboo thorns in the trap!

If someone fell into it, they would definitely be stabbed!

Although it wouldn't be fatal, it would definitely not be pleasant!

""And it's quite vicious."

Zhao Lu sneered, restored the trap to its original state, and then began to explore the breadfruit tree.

Then he found that the other party had not touched any breadfruit.

"It seems that the other party is really cautious~"

Zhao Lu was not surprised by this. Just from the other party's form, it can be seen that the other party is a very cautious guy.

Then, he began to look for the other party's mark around.

Then he quickly moved forward following the mark and stopped at a place far away from the breadfruit tree. After simulating the way the other party moved forward according to the mark, Zhao Lu dug the trap in the place where the other party must pass.

After preparing everything and erasing all traces, he smiled with satisfaction.

"I hope you are satisfied with the gift I gave you."

Then, Zhao Lu turned and left.

He did not go to the other party's shelter because there was no need.

This trap could already eliminate the other party, so there was no need to go to the other party's shelter to alert the enemy.

Besides, he had more important things to do now.

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