Meng Wei felt pain all over his body at the moment.

Moreover, he felt like he was screwed.

Who could have thought that he would step into a trap?

"This is not a trap for catching prey, because there is no sign of prey around. It is impossible for someone who can make such an exquisite trap to make such a low-level mistake.

So, it is a trap specifically set to catch me.……"

Meng Wei felt very aggrieved, but he could do nothing about it.

After all, he was the one who set the trap first.

In the end, he didn't trap anyone, but instead irritated that person.

Looking at the disgusting degree of this trap, it can be seen that the other party is very angry.

"Damp rotten wood, animal feces, piles of poisonous mushrooms, and these disgusting bugs killed by parasitic mushrooms……"

Meng Wei really wanted to vomit now.

Although he was not seriously injured, he only had some scratches on his body, but it was disgusting.

The damp rotten wood was likely to contain tetanus bacteria. His body was already full of wood thorns, so he needed an injection.

He didn't know what was in animal feces, but it was disgusting.

He didn't know what would happen if poisonous mushrooms entered the wound, but it was disgusting.

As for what would happen if the wound encountered the insects killed by the parasitic mushrooms, he didn't know, but it was really disgusting!


Meng Wei sighed deeply and slowly climbed out of the trap - the trap was not deep, but it was disgusting!

Then he silently pressed the SOS button.

"you win!"


Today is the sixth day of survival on the deserted island.

Before the show started, the production team had released some basic resources.

The purpose was very simple, which was to prevent so many people from being eliminated in the early stages of the show.

Only after the show became completely popular, the real survival on the deserted island began.

They did it.

The show is now completely popular.

Moreover, some resources on the island have been exhausted.

All the contestants began to try every possible way to find resources.

Relatively speaking, the place with the most large animals should be on the grassland.

But the danger level of the grassland is also very high.

There are lions and leopards there.

So most of the contestants are still looking for food in the tropical rainforest.

In the tropical rainforest, although there is less meat and they are all small animals that cannot be caught, there are many fruits, plants and mushrooms.


Liu Deli is a new media practitioner.

He has created many self-media accounts, and he usually makes videos and posts popular science articles.

He mainly focuses on wilderness survival.

Although he is not as popular as Shi Zhigang, he is also a well-known self-media person.

Now he is walking through the woods, looking for something to eat.

"We have basically finished our food.

The prey we caught at the beginning should be the resources invested by the program group for the program effect.

So, next, we will enter a very difficult period.

However, I am not afraid, because this is the time to show real skills.

Everyone, pay attention!"

Liu Deli suddenly stopped and pointed to a branch not far away.

He whispered:"Look over there, there is a very beautiful blue frog.

That's the poison dart frog!

This thing is highly poisonous, so be careful!

Otherwise, you won't be able to see the gentle and lovely Liu Laoshi."

Liu Deli said as he walked forward cautiously.

"In fact, nature is very magical. Generally speaking, the more poisonous something is, the more beautiful it is.

With the protection of this warning color, it is also very easy for us to find these poisonous things in the wild and avoid them.

Look, these fungi on the ground are all colorful and poisonous.

In short, there are really many poisonous things in the rainforest!

Your gentle and lovely Liu Laoshi is really hungry!"

Liu Deli touched his almost bald head and smiled very frustratedly

"I hope I can find some food today. Mr. Liu’s fat body can’t stand hunger!"


Wang Di is a retired special forces soldier.

He came to participate in the show for money.

However, his luck was not very good.

In the early stage, he also found a resource point put in by the program team, but it was only a very small resource point. He had eaten it up in a few days.

Now, he has been hungry all day. He really can't stand it anymore.

"The tropical rain forest is really disgusting...

I have never been to such a place before, otherwise I wouldn't be so passive."

Wang Di muttered in a low voice.

"What bad luck!

Why is there such a place full of poison?



Wang Di's eyes suddenly focused, and he saw a good thing - a big spider as big as a bowl!


I found a good thing!"

Wang Di raised his hand and pointed to the spider not far away,"Look, there is a spider over there, it's very big!

This kind of spider, we generally call it flower spider, I don't know what its specific scientific name is.

But I know that this kind of spider is not poisonous.

It tastes very delicious!"

Wang Di said, and walked quickly over there.

First he cut a sharper branch, and then grabbed the big spider in his hand.

After putting the spider on the branch, a proud smile appeared on his face.


Finally I don't have to go hungry anymore.

Dear audience friends, we will make roasted spiders in a while!

This is a very delicious food!"

As he said, he began to look for a place to make a fire - he was almost starving to death!

Wang Di quickly made a fire and roasted it. After a while, a very scary roasted spider was ready!

"Dear audience, I'm about to start!"

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