Just as Zhao Lu and Chen Chen were cooking, the comments in the live broadcast room also became lively.

"The number one on the popularity list is indeed different.

Look at what this person eats, and then look at what the others eat.

Can they be compared?


"What a unique pair of people!"

"I'm so jealous!

They actually had a seafood feast!

They ate better than me!"

"I don’t know what such a big turtle tastes like!"


The turtle tastes pretty good, especially when stewed in coconut milk.

It has a light sweet aroma and is very delicious.


I found your cooking skills are really great~"

Chen Chen looked at Zhao Lu with some admiration, and even changed his way of addressing her.

"Although there are no seasonings, it is still so delicious!

It seems that the original flavor of the ingredients has been stewed out!

It is really amazing!

Have you learned how to cook?"

"Learned from watching videos~"

"So amazing!"

Looking at the admiration in Chen Chen's eyes, Zhao Lu inexplicably felt a little proud.

Although there was no seasoning, the food he made under the control of the full-level cooking skills still tasted very good.

The food tasted good and it was eaten quickly.

Not long after, the two of them ate up the whole pot of seafood.

The abalone and scallops grilled on the stone slab were also eaten up.

"Okay, let’s dig out the coconut meat and go back!"


Chen Chen nodded, looking at the coconut shells on the ground, he couldn't help but feel a little extravagant.

"We dried so many coconuts in one lunch...

It's really a bit too extravagant……"

"How can we get so much coconut meat if we don't do this?

We can't just carry a bunch of coconuts back home, right?

Not only is it heavy, but it also takes up space!"

"It seems so!"

The two chatted while working. After a while, they dug out all the coconut meat that had been opened.

Then, they returned home with bamboo baskets full of coconut meat!


"You put these coconut meats on the sun, and then come and help me build a shed."

As soon as he returned to the shelter, Zhao Lu began to arrange tasks.

Then he came to the stone platform not far from the shelter and began to build sheds.

The sheds were simple rainproof sheds.

They were mainly used to prevent rain from wetting the simple brick kiln.

Since they were just building some simple sheds and two people were working together, it didn't take long for the two to build all the sheds.

With these sheds, he could start making bricks.


Looking at the shed in front of her, Zhao Lu nodded with satisfaction.

"I suddenly realized that you work so fast!"

Chen Chen wiped the sweat off his face and looked at Zhao Lu in surprise.

"Of course, let's start firing bricks!

Please pass me some firewood."

Zhao Lu said, and began to place the already dried bricks in the simple brick kiln. After placing them, he lit the fire and started firing.

He made three brick kilns in total, and now all of them were firing less.

He put all the dried bricks in.

"Okay, you help me light the fire first, I'll go get some clay.

Then we can make some pottery pots. We can even make a casserole pot, and the food will be even more delicious!"


Chen Chen nodded vigorously. At this moment, she thought of stewing meat in a casserole.

Suddenly, she couldn't help but drool.

So, she used sticks and stones to husk the rice while watching the fire.

Not long after, Zhao Lu came back with a bamboo basket of clay.

He had mixed the clay with water, so he could just use the clay to shape it.

This kind of thing was very simple for Zhao Lu.

So, he didn't call Chen Chen, but quickly made two casseroles, three pottery basins, and two pottery jars.

Put them aside to dry.

After doing all this, Zhao Lu set up a big pot, filled it with half a pot of water, and poured the coconut meat crumbs that had been prepared long ago into it - he was going to start boiling coconut oil!

Coconut meat contains about 33% oil, and the easiest way to extract oil is to... The simplest method is to put it directly into the pot and boil it with water.

Then scoop out the oil floating on the water.

Boiling oil is relatively simple. Just put the pot on the fire and boil it.

After Zhao Lu finished all this, he handed all four fires to Chen Chen to take care of. He took the military shovel to chop wood, and continued to cut wood with the hatchet after returning.

As for digging the foundation and so on, he planned to wait until the rain in the evening.

Time passed slowly, and when the three pots of bricks were cooked, the coconut oil cooked by Zhao Lu was almost cooked.

Fortunately, he had more coconut meat, so in the end three bamboo tubes of coconut oil came out.

If it is used for cooking, it is indeed a bit less.

However, if it is used to make toothpaste, soap, etc.

It is quite sufficient.

"We are going to make soap and toothpaste now!"

"Let's make toothpaste first~"

Zhao Lu smiled, and then took out the Chinese herbal medicine powder that had been prepared long ago from the house.

Although there was no special grinder, it was still relatively easy to grind these things into powder after drying them.

"Do you use oil to make toothpaste?

Why does it feel greasy?"

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