"However, there is one more thing to do before building the shelter!"

Zhao Lu rubbed his stomach.

It was already past noon, and he felt hungry.

"Eat something first!"

Soon, Zhao Lu found everything and started a fire.

He took out two coconut crabs from the bamboo basket, took them to the stream to wash them, filled the pot with water, put a coconut crab back to the fire. After the crabs were cooked, Zhao Lu began to chop nearby with a hatchet.

He wanted to take advantage of this time to prepare for the construction of the shelter.

Since he had maxed out his felling skills, he chopped down trees very quickly.

When the crabs were cooked, he had already cut down enough trees. He took out the cooked crabs and put another washed coconut crab into the pot.

He planned to eat two coconut crabs for this meal!

This was not a waste of food when there was plenty of food, but because after drinking the advanced strengthening potion, he needed to consume a lot of food to digest the power of the potion.

As the power of the potion was continuously absorbed by him, his physical fitness would become stronger and stronger.

"Dear friends

, let’s enter the eating broadcast stage.

Zhao Lu smiled and pointed the camera at himself.

He didn’t forget that he could make money from live broadcasting!

"Today, I want to eat two coconut crabs.

Why two?

Because they have claws, so I can be willful!"



"Daze is really reckless! He killed two coconut crabs right away!

If he can't catch prey in the future, he will really starve!"

"He is so willful!

He just threw away a snake and now he is eating crabs without restraint!"

"I take back what I just said. I feel like Daze Brother won’t last more than a week!"

"I just came from another live broadcast room. Can anyone tell me what happened?

Did I enter the wrong channel?

This is actually a food broadcast channel?

Why do other people not even want to eat wild vegetables, but he actually eats two coconut crabs at once?!"

"Daze Brother is indeed the most special and unique live broadcast room among the 500 live broadcast rooms!

No nonsense, 20 rockets are sent!"


Zhao Lu naturally couldn't see the content of the live broadcast room.

He had just cracked the crab legs with a clean small stone and was eating the crab meat!

"It is said that the meat of coconut crab is delicious, and it is indeed well-deserved!

Not only is it very tender, but, I don’t know if it’s my illusion, I feel that there is a faint coconut fragrance in the meat~

It’s really great~

I heard that this thing costs more than 700 yuan per pound?

It seems that I will eat more than 5,000 yuan this time?"

"Please stop talking!"

"I was eating instant noodles and tears were about to fall!"

"I'm so jealous! I really want to participate in this show!

When the second season of this show comes out, I will definitely participate!"

"No, I have to go check out other live streaming rooms, otherwise I’ll have the illusion that surviving on a desert island is very easy!"


While countless comments were flying around in the live broadcast room, Zhao Lu's live broadcast room officially entered the top five of the popularity list!

However, Zhao Lu didn't know all this, he was still happily eating coconut crabs.

It must be said that coconut crabs do have a lot of meat.

Moreover, there was a lot of crab roe, which made his mouth full of oil.

"Friends, this coconut crab is really delicious~"

Zhao Lu said as she opened a coconut with a hatchet and drank from it in big gulps.

"After eating coconut crab, drinking a coconut is obviously a very enjoyable thing~

Okay, now, let’s eat the second coconut crab!"

"You old thief! Please be a human being!"

"Finished, this looks really delicious!

I want to eat it, but I can't afford it...


"My mom asked me why I was drooling at the computer screen...

I'm done!

She actually suspected I was having a stroke!"


While Zhao Lu's live broadcast room was bustling with activity, some other contestants were not having a happy time.

Some of them were very sad because they couldn't find food.

Others were very unhappy because they couldn't adapt to the life on the deserted island.

Liu Yiyi is such a person.

Her family is average, although not rich, but she has never suffered since she was a child.

In addition, she is an only child, and her family dotes on her.

So, she developed a princess syndrome.

As soon as she came to this place full of all kinds of insects, she couldn't stand it.

But because she had just arrived, she didn't have an attack, but after being hungry for a whole afternoon and being bitten by mosquitoes dozens of times, she completely exploded!

"I don't want to play anymore!

I want to go home!


I was really out of my mind to participate in such a boring show!

I don't want the reward anymore, I want to go home!"

"Liu Yiyi, what should I do if you leave?"

The person who teamed up with Liu Yiyi was also a girl.

"Please don't leave~

Hold on a little longer!"

At this moment, the girl was begging Liu Yiyi.

If Liu Yiyi quit, it would mean that she would have to survive alone on the deserted island.

This made her feel very insecure and panic.

"I'm sorry, Chen Chen~

I really can't hold on any longer!

Anyway, one more or one less doesn't make a difference, so keep going!"

Liu Yiyi said, and directly pressed the help button.


Chen Chen's face flushed immediately, but he couldn't say anything more.

After all, they were not familiar with each other before they formed a team.

With the arrival of the staff, Liu Yiyi became the first person to be eliminated!



Zhao Lu burped comfortably, feeling very satisfied.

The food on the deserted island was much better than what he had eaten in the city before!

"Okay, let’s get to work!"


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