
Zhao Lu's laughter was a little strange. Just as Chen Chen's ominous premonition was getting stronger and stronger, Zhao Lu handed him a thin wooden stick.

"This thing needs to be stirred, so I'll leave it to you.~"


Chen Chen took the stick and nodded in confusion.

This doesn't seem to be a difficult task.

However, just as she was secretly happy, Zhao Lu's voice came again.

"Well, this kind of soap made from wood ash saponifies slowly, so you need to stir it all the time.

You stir it first, and

I'll go make a soap mold.~"

"All the time! ?"

All my life! You finally found the blind spot!

"What kind of mold do you want?"

Zhao Lu calmly changed the subject.


Why is it always?"

"In fact, you just need to take a break and stir it a few times. I say"always", but it's impossible for you to stir it for the rest of your life, right?"


Chen Chen nodded, having completely misunderstood Zhao Lu's meaning.

In her opinion, this soap made of plant ash was���The saponification should be slower than that of ordinary soap, but just stir it for a while.

So, she looked at the glutinous rice in the pot, ground the rice, and stirred the soap liquid with a small wooden stick. She was very busy.

Zhao Lu continued to chop trees and carve wood.

The two of them divided the work and worked together.

Time passed quickly.

Unknowingly, several hours had passed.

While Zhao Lu was carving wood, Chen Chen suddenly exclaimed

"Zhao Lu! Come and take a look, is this state good enough?"


Zhao Lu walked over quickly after hearing this, and looked at the soap liquid that Chen Chen was stirring, and found that it was indeed ready.

Then he added the herbal powder that he had prepared earlier, stirred it again, and finally poured the soap liquid into the mold.

"Okay, just let it dry.~"


When can I use it?"

"Just leave it for a few days, but if you want this thing to really turn into soap, it will probably take more than a month.~"

"so long!"


We can just make some spare ones some other time~"

"Oh well……"

Zhao Lu put the mold away and walked towards the simple brick kiln.

The bricks had already been fired, and the temperature should have dropped by now.

He opened the kiln and found that the temperature was indeed right.

So Zhao Lu took out all the bricks and placed them under the shed on the stone platform.

"Brother, why are you building a new house?

Chen Chen looked at Zhao Lu who was busy and asked the question that had been buried in his heart.

"Actually, I am a little curious. I feel that the current house is very good!

Why should I bother to build another one?

Although I know that this new house will definitely be better than the old one."

"Because the show will become very cruel in the later stages~"

Zhao Lu smiled and shook her head

"Didn't your shelter get knocked down?

Later in the show, if your shelter is not strong, it will definitely fall into your shoes."

"But I feel that our current shelter is already very solid!"

"Not yet~

This one will fall if you use some strength.

And the human factor is not the most important"

"What is the most important thing?"




Zhao Lu looked at the sky in the distance.

Through the astronomical phenomena, he could find that there had been a lot of rain and strong winds recently.

Moreover, this kind of weather would last for a long time.

Although it might not be a typhoon, it was better to be prepared!

"Typhoons are terrible. If we don't have a solid house, we'll be doomed when the typhoon comes."

While speaking, Zhao Lu had already taken out all the bricks.

Then he took out the sand he had collected at the beach and poured it into a wooden barrel. He also took out the limestone he had found earlier and smashed it into powder with a stone.

Finally, he mixed the sand, lime, gravel and the glutinous rice soup that had just been made together and stirred it.

"Eh? Is this what you use your glutinous rice for?"

Chen Chen looked at Zhao Lu with some curiosity.

It was the first time she knew that glutinous rice could be used as a building material.


Did you know?

The Great Wall was built with this stuff~

In order to prevent the workers from stealing food, many measures were taken.~"


Chen Chen looked at the wooden barrel thoughtfully with his big eyes, his heart full of curiosity.

The mixing was quick, and soon Zhao Lu had mixed the glutinous rice lime slurry.

He found a wide wooden strip and inserted it into the barrel, and then Zhao Lu began to build a pool with bricks on the stone platform.

The pool was square, about one meter wide, and not very deep.

After seeing Zhao Lu building the pool with bricks, Chen Chen's eyes widened.

He asked in surprise:"You made bricks for this! ?"


Zhao Lu shrugged,"Do I need to use these bricks to build a house?

Moreover, if we use bricks to build a house, we won't have enough glutinous rice~

So, we can only give up building a pure brick house.~"

"I see~"

Chen Chen nodded, then looked at Zhao Lu with some doubt,"But what do you want to do by building a pool?"

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