Zhao Lu didn’t know that many of her fans sympathized with the contestant who ate roasted spiders and raw insects next door because of her good quality of life.

As a result, she lost a lot of tips.

And Lao Wang who was roasting spiders next door didn’t know that Zhao Lu’s"two dishes and one soup" made him a windfall.

If he knew, he would probably shout out loud - I don’t want tips but I want to eat stir-fried dishes! Whoever likes to eat spiders can go and eat them!


""It's done!"

Zhao Lu poured the first pot of fried black fungus and meat onto the stone slab that had been brushed and heated to a hot temperature.

The black fungus and rabbit meat made a"sizzling" sound when they fell on the hot stone slab, and then a fragrance suddenly rose up.

Chen Chen swallowed his saliva at the smell, and his evil claws quickly stretched out to grab the meat on the stone slab.

But before he touched it, he was hit by a big hand.

"Don't be impatient~

The food is not fully cooked yet, it's just a little off.

When my pot of food is done, that dish will be done~ and the taste is absolutely perfect!"

"So magical!"

Chen Chen's eyes widened when he heard this.

"You're really not a chef! ?"

""It seems that you really want me to take care of you~"

Zhao Lu smiled,"I am multi-talented~ I can do everything!"

As he said that, he freed his hands and turned over the rabbit legs roasting on the fire.

Then, he rinsed the tortoise shell with the coconut juice that had been prepared earlier, poured some coconut oil on it, and prepared to continue to fry the second dish!

"How do you use coconut milk to hot pot?"

"Because I use coconut oil, it will make the taste better~

Besides, there are so many coconuts, just drink it up!"

Zhao Lu responded with a smile, then put the vegetables into the pot and flipped it over.

Then he took a step and came to the pot of stew next to him.

Here, rabbit racks and coconut juice were used to stew soup.

He opened the lid of the pot, put the seaweed and eggs in, covered it, and went back to the turtle shell to stir-fry again.

"But you use coconut milk to make soup and cook rice.~"

"It's okay!

This is a tropical place with lots of coconuts!

There are coconuts all year round, and we can't eat them all~

Moreover, there are definitely more coconuts than just the one we found. There must be other places.

However, we haven't found any yet~"

While talking, Zhao Lu not only turned over the tortoise shell, but also turned over the fried meat with black fungus on the stone slab.

He took the rabbit hair, brushed some oil on the rabbit leg, turned it around, and continued to roast it.

He came back to continue making the fried meat with black fungus.


I think you are so handsome now!"

Chen Chen's eyes were full of stars.

Zhao Lu's appearance was originally very good, although his figure was not very good because he was lazy.

But with the help of body strengthening potions and the high-intensity work these days, his eight-pack abs have begun to appear.

I believe that in a few days, his figure will definitely make those models feel ashamed.

"I've always been handsome~"

Zhao Lu replied rudely, then quickly stir-fried the food and took out a stone slab to heat it on the fire.

"Okay, now you can take out the rice pot.

Put it on the table without opening the lid.

Let it simmer for a while, and it will taste just right when we eat.~"


Chen Chen nodded obediently.

At this moment, she really felt that she was very lucky. She could actually meet such a god-like partner.

She no longer thought about whether she could win the game. If she couldn't win with Zhao Lu, then she was a bad teammate!


Not long after, Zhao Lu quickly turned the tortoise shell over, then used a bamboo clip to pull out the stone slab, put it on the table, and scooped a little coconut juice on it.


Suddenly, a puff of mist rose.

At the same time, a faint coconut fragrance suddenly spread around.

Finally, pour the fried vegetables in.


Chen Chen was already stunned.

"You are awesome!"


Come, eat this rabbit leg first~"

Zhao Lu said as she sprinkled some pepper on the rabbit leg and then placed it all on the big broad leaves on the table.

"Don’t keep the barbecue for too long, it tastes best when eaten now!"

""Hmm~ It's so hot!"

Chen Chen didn't even wait for Zhao Lu to say the second sentence, and took a rabbit leg and started eating it.

Although it was very hot, she still ate it very happily.

"It's delicious!

Crispy on the outside and tender on the inside!

Especially after adding some pepper, the taste is really great!"

This is the first time to eat a dish with pepper, Chen Chen is obviously very excited.

Zhao Lu smiled and also picked up a rabbit leg and started eating it.

""Hmm~ Really good~"

Since he had maxed out his cooking skills, he liked what he made more and more - after all, it was delicious!

The rabbit legs were not very big, and the two of them ate all four of them in a few bites.

Then Chen Chen stared at Zhao Lu with wide eyes, pitifully.

"Brother! Can we eat now?"


Zhao Lu smiled, then took the soup aside and opened the rice pot.

"How much do you eat?"

"Let's have a big bowl first!"

On the deserted island, Chen Chen didn't think about losing weight or anything like that.

More importantly, she really wanted to eat too much!

The two rabbit legs just now not only didn't make her full, but instead increased her appetite.


Zhao Lu quickly served the rice, and then the two of them each held a large fistful of rice and started eating.

Seeing their cheeks moving and how delicious they were eating, countless netizens went crazy. Those who had the conditions started eating, and those who didn't, started to post crazy comments online.

Before long, the topic of"two dishes and one soup" was pushed to the top of the hot search list!

There was no way, when everyone was pitifully eating spiders and wild vegetables, having meat to eat had become everyone's focus.

What's more, Zhao Lu and the others were more"hateful" than eating meat, this was stir-fried rice!

A wave of hot searches instantly brought Zhao Lu and Chen Chen countless seven-digit rewards, but at this moment, they no longer cared.

All they saw at the moment was the delicious food in front of them.

The two of them ate all the dishes in a short time.

"Ah! I'm so full~"

Chen Chen burped without any image - he just couldn't help it, then patted his stomach,"Hey~ Do you think I will get fat in the wilderness?" Have fun reading on May Day! Top up 100 and get 500 VIP points!

Top up now (Event time: April 29 to May 3)

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