"What's wrong?"

Zhao Lu came to Chen Chen quickly and saw Chen Chen looking at a broken pottery on the ground in a panic.

The pottery was exactly the"sewer pipe" Zhao Lu asked to make."

"This thing~

If it breaks, it breaks~

May you be safe and sound~

It’s okay~"

Seeing that Chen Chen was fine, Zhao Lu patted her head gently and said,"Don’t take it too seriously, just make another one.~"

"But I'm afraid of wasting time.……"

Chen Chen said somewhat embarrassedly:"Those brick kilns are no longer usable.

We will have to build another brick kiln to burn this pottery."

"It's okay~

You can just watch and do it when the time comes.

This is a small matter, it won't take up much time.

Okay, let's go, I'll teach you how to make sesame paste first, we're going to have hot pot tonight, and it can't be changed!"


Chen Chen nodded vigorously.

She followed Zhao Lu to the millstone with a smile.

She thought Zhao Lu would say something to her, but she didn't say anything.

This made her feel a little annoyed at her clumsiness, but also a little sweet.

"This stone mill needs to be cleaned before use."

Zhao Lu said, and began to clean the stone mill, then found a wooden block to put the stone mill on, and began to teach Chen Chen how to use it.

"The usage is very simple, just put sesame seeds in this hole and start……"

"Okay, okay,

I know how to use this.

My grandma has a stone mill. Every time I go back home, I help her with the work.~"

"That's fine.

I'm going to build a house.~"

"rest assured~"


Just as Zhao Lu was busy building the house, a new situation arose on Xiang Mo's side.

"As expected! I knew it!"

Xiang Mo looked at the mark not far in front of him, feeling very angry.

What happened last night happened again today!

That wretched man with yellow teeth actually appeared again like a ghost!

"Fortunately, I am smart and improved my mark!"

Xiang Mo smiled proudly, then turned around and walked back.

As soon as she entered the shelter, her face suddenly changed, turning into a look of grievance, and ran towards Mo Xi.

"Xiao Xixi!

I was right!

That bastard Da Huangya really hasn't given up on teasing us. He shows up again!

We must find a way to eliminate him!"


Mo Xi turned his head and looked at Xiang Mo, then nodded slightly, stood up and walked out.


Xiao Xixi, what are you doing!?"

"Eliminate them"

"Uh... let's make a plan!

How can you go there like a fool?"

Xiang Mo shouted behind Mo Xi, but Mo Xi didn't respond at all, which made Xiang Mo anxious and angry, and he could only jog to catch up.

"Wait for me!"


The afternoon passed quickly as Zhao Lu was busy.

Looking at the"palace" that had already taken shape, Zhao Lu nodded with satisfaction.

"The progress is a little faster than expected.

We can insert the bamboo tomorrow."

Zhao Lu did not intend to make this"palace" out of pure wood.

Instead, he planned to use wood as the foundation, spread soil on the outside, and cover the outermost layer with lime mortar, so as to build the"palace" into a very solid residence.

Looking up at the sky, Zhao Lu frowned slightly.

"The rain is still falling. I'm afraid a typhoon is coming...

No, I must speed up."

Zhao Lu said silently in her heart, and then she started to cook.

Eating hot pot at night is relatively easy to make.

Just wash the ingredients and make the pot base.

Nowadays, there are fewer ingredients, so the pot base is purely mushroom soup with bones.

"Why do I feel like the wind has gotten stronger recently?"

Chen Chen said as he ate his meal,"Also, it feels like the rain has basically never stopped in the past two days.

Is there going to be a typhoon or something?""



"Don't be surprised, there are indeed some."

Zhao Lu took two bites of meat and then said slowly,"From the current weather, we can infer that there will be a typhoon in a while.

Therefore, we have to speed up the progress of the project.

Recently, all other unimportant things have been suspended, and the focus is on building the house."


How can I help you?"

"Not for now, you can continue to make bricks and tiles~ You can keep more for later use. When

I have finished making the frame, you can come and help me.~"

"Good! Wow~

This hot pot is so delicious!

And this sesame sauce is really perfect!"

"Hehe~ Then eat more~

When we have enough ingredients in the future, we can eat better!"

Hotpot on a deserted island is not rare, but hotpot with sesame paste is very rare!

The two of them ate with their mouths full of oil, feeling very comfortable!


The night passed in the busyness of the two.

In the blink of an eye, the next day arrived.


It's raining again~"

Zhao Lu frowned as he looked at the weather outside.

Although he already knew it would rain today, he still couldn't help but want to complain.

"The rain forest is indeed a rain forest!

I wonder what the situation is like in the savannah not far from the rain forest!

It is probably raining there too?

After all, the typhoon is coming.

We are all on an island. Although this island is relatively large, it will also affect some"


On the tropical grassland, Li Junrong frowned and looked at the sky, feeling very troubled.

"Why is it raining all the time, and the wind is so strong...

Is there a typhoon coming?"

When she thought of this possibility, Li Junrong panicked.

Their shelter really couldn't withstand the strong wind.

If the typhoon landed directly on the island, then it would be doomed.

If the typhoon was just passing by, it would be hard to say.

"If there is a wind force of more than 8, our shelter will be ruined!

I can't bet that everyone's shelter is also rubbish, so I need to reinforce it.

No, reinforcement is not necessary, let's build another one!"

Thinking of this, she immediately made a decision and took her companions to build another house!


""It's really inconvenient when it rains. Even washing has become so troublesome~"

Zhao Lu finished washing and shook his head and sighed.

Then he planned to take the ingredients to wash and cook.

However, just when he arrived not far from the shelter, he saw something next to the fence.

So he walked over with some doubts.

As a result, as soon as he saw that thing, he was stunned.

"How could it be here! ?"

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