Are you crazy! You call this an assist?

Chapter 1002 It costs money to issue a task

The reason why Jiang Chen had this idea was not just random speculation, but because he had seen the murderer.

The murderer was not only powerful, but also had a divine aura about him, and even used it to scare away the Dark Feather Demonic Vulture.

If some god really came, it makes sense that the Pope would not dare to investigate.

"Don't you dare?"

Luo Lianyue shook her head in confusion, "Whether it is the background of the Holy See of Light or the power of the Pope himself, there should be no one who dares to investigate."

"What if it's not a human being?"

Jiang Chen suddenly asked.

"What's the meaning?"

Luo Lianyue was startled.

"Aren't you investigating this matter? Didn't you find something else on Chief Hogg's body?"

Jiang Chen asked rhetorically.

"My people have not inspected the scene at close range. The soul mage Ruto is restoring Hogg's soul, and the unknown sword master is personally on duty, so there is no way to get close."

Luo Lianyue paused and asked, "What exactly are you talking about?"

"Not only does Chief Hogg's wound contain the power of light, he is even stained with the aura of divinity!"

Jiang Chen said word by word.

"Divine breath..."

Luo Lianyue murmured, and then said: "You suspect that the person who killed Hogg is not right, the person who killed Hogg is a god?"

"This matter has nothing to do with the Holy See. It was not instigated by the Pope, but the traces at the scene point to the Holy See. If the gods are not involved, there is no reason not to investigate."

Jiang Chen expressed his thoughts in a loud voice.

"I don't know that."

Luo Lianyue thought briefly and then said: "But I can tell you that the Pope's failure to investigate this matter is definitely not what you said."


Jiang Chen looked puzzled.

"Don't say that this matter has anything to do with gods. Even if a god comes to the world, the Holy See of Light will not be afraid."

When Luo Lianyue said this, there was no trace of pride on her face. Instead, there was a hint of sadness in her eyes, but she quickly covered it up and returned to her usual coldness.

"Does the Holy See of Light think it is invincible in the world?"

Jiang Chen muttered to himself, and then murmured: "That's right, there are gods in the Old Testament. Even if the gods come to the world, they must be restricted by rules. The Holy See of Light is not necessarily afraid."

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen became more and more confused. He didn't understand why the Pope wanted to prevent the investigation of this matter, and also used the temple as a medium to issue oral instructions.

It was as if he was doing it for others to see. To be precise, it was like he was telling the murderer that the Holy See would not get involved in this matter.

"The Holy See would rather make people suspicious than find out the matter. Who is the murderer?"

Jiang Chen kept thinking in his mind, and he really couldn't figure out why the Pope did this.

"Don't think about it. From the moment the Pope gives the decree, this matter is over. You can go."

After saying that, Luo Lianyue turned and walked out of the hall.

"After all, it was the chief mage of the palace who died. If we don't give a reasonable explanation, I'm afraid people from the palace will come looking for him."

Jiang Chen said towards Luo Lianyue's back.

"The palace would not be so rash, otherwise it would not let you investigate this matter."

Jiang Chen thought of Luo Lianyue's voice, and the latter's words used soul transmission.

"So you know."

Jiang Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, watching Luo Lianyue's back disappear into the corridor outside the hall, and murmured in his heart: "Luo Lianyue, have you truly become a believer in the Holy See of Light..."

After suppressing the thoughts in his heart, Jiang Chen strode out of the side hall of the Judgment Hall.

In any case, this matter is over for now. Unless I ask the Pope himself for the answer, I can only tell Qianye the information I got.

As for whether the mission is completed or not, it can only depend on the wishes of the Lord Qianye.

After all, this trip was not without rewards.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Chen walked through half of the imperial city and returned to the Adventurers Association.

He's going to issue a mission.

"That's great. I earned more than a hundred gold from this task!"

At this time, a team of players strode out from the entrance of the association, and they were chatting happily.

"The people who post tasks in the Adventurers Association are all rich brothers. Just spreading the water is enough for us to make a lot of money!"

"Although there are many mission rewards, there are also many people to accept. This new mission must be accepted quickly."

Listening to the chatter of this team of players, Jiang Chen paused and couldn't help but slap his forehead.

Only then did he remember that he didn't seem to have enough gold coins.

You know, publishing tasks costs money, and it costs a lot of money!

"It seems I have to go to Julu City. I don't know how Sister Rui'er is doing with her fashion store..."

After muttering to himself, Jiang Chen turned around and walked towards the large teleportation array in the imperial city.

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