Are you crazy! You call this an assist?

Chapter 1018: The Spirit of Earth Veins

Jiang Chen was obviously stunned for a moment. Ling, who had been silent for this period of time, suddenly said something without beginning or end in his mind, which made people confused.

However, the general idea can still be understood, that is, there seems to be some treasure at the core of the earth's veins.

"Were you woken up while sleeping?"

Jiang Chen did not ask the baby, but immediately became concerned about the other person's mental state: "Who woke you up?"

"That treasure."

There was obviously a hint of excitement in Ling's voice: "The fluctuations it generates are so strong, it's almost like it's calling me!"

"Are you sure you weren't dreaming just now?"

It wasn't that Jiang Chen refused to believe the other party, but it was indeed a bit too sudden. Besides, he had never heard of any treasures in the earth veins.

"You're just dreaming!"

Ling said angrily: "Wouldn't you know if there is a treasure by just taking a look?"

"Don't worry, pick up the things first."

Jiang Chen murmured to himself as he walked towards the corpses of the Earthling Spirits that shimmered with light and picked up their fallen items.

[You have obtained the earth element crystal! 】

[You have obtained the earth element crystal! 】

Soon, thirteen more earth element crystals appeared in Jiang Chen's backpack.

After scanning the circle of wild monster corpses to make sure nothing was missing, he came to a wall in the cave.

On this slippery wall covered with luminous moss-like plants, there is a long oval hole, about half a meter wide and about 1.56 meters high. The length is difficult to visually detect, and only a vague faint glimmer can be seen at the end. Light.

There were at least seven or eight long caves like this in the entire cave, and Jiang Chen judged that they were passages connected to other large caves.


Jiang Chen tried to walk into the long cave. He lowered his head and bent down before he could barely enter, which greatly affected his movement speed.

"Not this way."

At this time, the voice of the spirit sounded in my mind.

Jiang Chen exited the long cave, glanced at the people behind him, and then fell on Tian Xia Wu Thief: "Go to the other end of this passage to see if there are any wild monsters."


No Thief Under Heaven frowned: "Why do you want me to go?"

"You are the most suitable."

Jiang Chen's words were concise and concise.

"What is the most suitable thing for me?"

There is no thief in the world with a puzzled look on his face.

"You can walk normally if you're your height and it won't affect your movement speed."

Jiang Chen explained with a serious look.

The World Without Thieves is only 1.5 meters tall. You don't need to bend down and lower your head to enter, and you can quickly pass through the long hole.


The handsome and cool young man on the side couldn't help laughing.

"Is it funny?"

No Thief Under Heaven turned his head and looked at the handsome and cold young man with a murderous expression.

The latter immediately shut up and shook his head.

"There are no thieves in the world. Go explore the road quickly. I don't know when the cracks above will close."

Jiang Chen urged.


No Thief Under Heaven snorted coldly, and walked to the long cave entrance with a sullen face. After a brief hesitation, he stepped in.

It can be seen that his head is still two or three centimeters away from the rock above, and he can indeed move normally in the cave.

Jiang Chen stood by the entrance of the cave, quietly watching the other person's disappearing figure.

"I told you it wasn't this way, why did you go in there?"

At this time, the voice of the spirit sounded in my mind again.

Jiang Chen asked in his mind: "You said that treasure is at the core of the earth's veins?"

"That's right."

Ling quickly replied: "I'll tell you how to get there!"

"I guess I can't go."

Jiang Chen did not lose his mind because of the so-called treasure. He weighed it briefly and said: "The time I can stay in the earth line is not long. The top priority now is to complete Qianye's mission."

"This task only requires collecting materials, and you can complete it on the ground."

Although Ling was asleep before, she could check all of Jiang Chen's tasks.

"I don't even know what the baby is, so I don't want to waste my time."

Jiang Chen was very calm: "Besides, the core of this earth must be very dangerous. There is no need for me to risk my life."

Before Ling's voice could be heard, Jiang Chen continued to speak with his mind: "The most important thing is that you really want this so-called treasure, right? You just want me to help you get it."

After a brief silence, Ling Youyou said: "Everything you said is right."

Then, she changed the topic: "But after I get this baby, it will also be helpful to you."

"So, what is it, and how can it help me?"

Jiang Chen needs a motivation, or a reason, to take risks.

"It's called the 'Earth Vein Spirit', and it can help me condense my body for a short period of time." Ling said frankly.

"Earth Spirit?"

Jiang Chen had never heard of this thing, but that was not the point. He then asked: "What do you mean by condensation?"

"I am now in a state of nihilistic spiritual body, unable to have any substantial impact on the Origin Continent or Blue Star."

Ling slowly explained: "After condensing, I will have a physical body and can use some abilities."

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