"The Eye of Truth?"

Is this left eye called the pupil of truth?

Jiang Chen looked at Youina's eyes. He seemed to have heard this name somewhere, or had he heard similar names?

But I couldn't remember it for the moment.

"Yes, but you have to pass the Guardian Trial first."

Youina nodded, looked forward, and said, "The place ahead is where I live."

Immediately, she stepped forward.

Jiang Chen saw that there was a high slope in the front, and there was a huge broken and fallen tree on the slope, covered with thick white snow.


The tree stump alone is four to five meters high.

Under the leadership of Youina, several people walked up the high slope and came to the tree stump.

stump most

Yoina walked straight in.

Jiang Chen and the others had to bend down to enter.

But once inside, the space is much more spacious.

"Live here?"

Jiang Chen saw that there was almost nothing inside, except for a long wooden strip that was cut out from a nearby tree trunk and could be regarded as a bed.

There is also a square wooden block that can barely be identified as a table.

This is very different from what Jiang Chen imagined.

Because, Youina was wearing a long embroidered dress embroidered with golden lace.

It has a simple and elegant pattern printed on it.

It definitely doesn't look like an ordinary item.

But this tree hole is really too crude.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen discovered that there was a strange magic circle with complicated patterns engraved under his feet.

"It looks very much like some kind of sacrificial array?"

Jiang Chen observed these lines and made a rough judgment in his mind.

But he really has no research on this aspect, and he is not particularly sure.



A cold and strange laughter sounded, which seemed to come from outside.

"What's wrong?"

Qingying's complexion changed slightly.

Tao Xiaoyao's face showed a solemn expression.

Jiang Chen also felt a little more wary in his heart.

"stop fighting!"

Youina shouted, then quickly walked to the innermost position of the tree hole, leaning against the trunk of the tree.

On the tree wall next to her, there were also some strange runes printed on it.

Moreover, these runes are connected to the magic circle on the ground and seem to be part of the magic circle.

At the same time, there is a thick iron chain extending from the center of these runes.

I saw Youina grabbing the chain.


The magic circle on the ground shimmered.

It seems to be working.

"What's going on? Did you jump into the pit?"

Jiang Chen was startled when he saw the faint light of the magic circle rising under his feet.

Could this little girl have deliberately lured her here to be sacrificed?

It shouldn’t be, the system says that I have gained the other party’s initial trust.

Jiang Chen was still thinking.


Yoina's childish voice sounded. She screamed in pain and directly wrapped the iron chain around her body!

There was light surging around her body.

These light blue lights, like waves, quickly rushed towards the iron chain.

It was as if this iron chain was absorbing the energy in Youina's body.

At the same time, the rays of light from the magic circle became even brighter!

"Is this... sacrificing yourself?"

Jiang Chen frowned slightly.

He heard the sinister "Jie Jie" laughter gradually getting smaller.

After more than ten seconds, it became completely quiet.

And Youina also untied the iron chain and fell to the ground, her whole body shaking uncontrollably.

Her body was soaked with sweat and her face turned pale!

The most shocking thing was her left eye, which was covered with red.

This is covered in blood!

At the same time, the left half of her face was already covered with bright red blood.

"What's the matter?"

Jiang Chen couldn't bear to look at Youina like this.

If he were an adult, he wouldn't be much touched.

But what a young child this is!

On the side, Qingying and Tao Xiaoyao looked directly at their toes, not daring to look at Youina at all.

"It's okay, I have to do this every day."

Youina was furious and looked very weak. She looked at Jiang Chen, squeezed out a smile, and said slowly: "It's my fault too. Since breaking free from the chains, I've been lazy, and the number of monsters has increased."

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and asked, "Is this iron chain used to lock you?"

Youina nodded: "Well, I broke free a year ago."

"a year ago……"

Jiang Chen was slightly startled, and then asked, "How long have you been chained?"

"217 years."

Yoina said a figure that was unbelievable with a matter-of-fact look on her face.

For a while.

Jiang Chen was stunned.

It was hard for him to believe that the little girl in front of him was alive two hundred years ago?

"But I did it voluntarily. Since the day Dream City was destroyed, I have been taking care of this deserted city alone."

Youina's childish voice and childish face made her look particularly lonely.

"Why do you do this?"

Jiang Chen was very puzzled.

"That day, Fantasy City was destroyed by the Demon God, and my father and mother died trying to seal the Demon God. I was recognized by the Eye of Truth, and the power in my body was activated to maintain the seal."

"Before my father and mother died, they cried and told me that I must keep the seal. At that time, I was still young and they were afraid that I would run around, so they locked me up with iron chains."

"Just like this, I keep sleeping and waking up, providing energy for this magic circle, year after year."

You Yina seemed to have recovered some strength. As she spoke, she took out a handkerchief and wiped the blood from her eyes and face.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen's throat choked and he was a little speechless.

After several seconds, he pointed to the magic circle on the ground and asked: "Is this the magic circle that seals the demon god?"

"This is a sacrificial magic circle, which is used to provide energy for the seal of the demon god. The magic circle that seals the demon god is still in the last

You Yina slowly stood up and said with some self-blame: "But because I was lazy, I often went out to play this year, and I didn't provide energy for the magic circle all the time, so the breath of the demon god increased again."

As she said, You Yina changed her words, looked at Jiang Chen and smiled: "Luckily I met you, big brother, I think you are a good person, can you help me eliminate those monsters affected by the breath of the demon god?"

"Is it the monsters that laughed just now? "

Jiang Chen thought for a moment. In that case, the mission location is nearby.

"Well, this is your Guardian Trial."

You Yina nodded and said to herself: "Anyway, now, I have the final say on what the Guardian Trial is."

"No problem!"

Jiang Chen nodded immediately.

"Anyone who completes the Guardian Trial can obtain the Guardian Medal, which is one of the highest honors in Dream City!"

You Yina's face was filled with smiles.

[You have accepted the mission: Dream City Guardian Trial!]

[Mission details: Behind the Dream Tree, there are many dead Dream City citizens. Their bodies, affected by the breath of the demon god, have become zombie monsters. Please destroy these demonized dead! (0/50).]

[Mission reward: Guardian Medal.]

"This is the Dream Tree..."

Jiang Chen murmured, and then said: "Then I will go and complete the trial first! "

Speaking of this, Jiang Chen quickly left the tree hole.

Qingying and Tao Xiaoyao followed him out.

Then, the few of them went around to the back of the huge tree stump.

There was a downhill slope in front.

The slope

This place was also covered with snow.

Jiang Chen walked down immediately.

After a while, he came to the deep ditch.


The sound of snow rolling was heard around.


One by one, rotten black arms stretched out from under the snow.


One by one, ragged and rotten monsters, like lost people, crawled out of the snow and laughed coldly.

[Demonized Dead: lv19]

[Power of Decay: The target attacked will have its attack power and spell strength reduced by 20%, which lasts for 5 seconds and cannot be stacked.]

"A level 19 monster will not have more than 10,000 HP. For me, this 20% spell power is the same with or without. "

Jiang Chen looked calm, standing there waiting for the monsters to crawl out.

Then, more and more monsters appeared in the deep ditch.

"Brother Fanchen, I will help you pull the monsters out! "

Tao Xiaoyao's voice sounded, she stood on the slope and quickly summoned the big yellow dog and the big grizzly bear.

Let the two summoned beasts lead the monsters on both sides to Jiang Chen in the middle.

A dozen seconds later.

A group of monsters surrounded Jiang Chen.

He let these monsters attack.





Damage numbers kept popping up above Jiang Chen's head.

His phantom clone was hit out, his magic power was reduced by 20%, and his health reached 50%.

Then, his mana was constantly decreasing.

The monsters were also increasing.


Jiang Chen glanced at the number of monsters around him.

At the same time, a dazzling hexagram magic circle emerged.

A large group of monsters were shrouded by the light of the magic circle.


A damage number floated above the head of each monster.

In an instant, their health was reduced by more than 20%!

"It didn't trigger the double, but it only took 5 seconds! "

Jiang Chen just stood there, watching Xiaoguai's health drop rapidly.

5 seconds later.

All the monsters fell down.

[Current task: Destroy the demonized dead! (50/50), completed!]


Jiang Chen smiled slightly, quickly climbed up the snow slope, and came to the back of the huge tree stump.

Then, he went around the stump.

Walked in through the tree hole.

"Ah, so fast!"

Seeing Jiang Chen, You Yina was surprised and said happily: "Congratulations, you have completed the trial task, this is your reward!"

As she said, she had a round medal in her hand and handed it to Jiang Chen.

[You got the Guardian Medal!]

Before Jiang Chen took a closer look, You Yina's voice sounded again.

"Big brother, I have another final task, I need your help, as long as you complete this task, I will give you the Eye of Truth!"

Jiang Chen was slightly startled and asked: "What task?"

You Yina: "Help me kill someone! "

Jiang Chen: "Who?"

"My brother, the Lord of Dreams!"

You Yina said slowly.

Lord of Dreams?

Suddenly, Jiang Chen also remembered where he had heard of "Eye of Truth"!

Or rather, what he had heard of was not the Eye of Truth.

But, the Eye of Illusion!

The Lord of Dreams possesses the Eyes of Illusion!


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