Are you crazy! You call this an assist?

Chapter 146 Qiantian Skill Pavilion

Friends’ message:

[Qingying: Brother Fanchen, a team has come to Qiantian City and joined Qiantian Academy. ]

“So fast?”

Seeing this message, Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows slightly.

Although Jiang Chen was a little surprised that someone had come to the Royal City, he knew it was reasonable.

After all, many of these warriors who were leveling up only slept for three or four hours, and each one was more endurable than the other.

And Jiang Chen has been in the Royal City for a while, plus he moved today and was not online for most of the day, so it is reasonable that a team has reached level 20.

However, this is nearly half a day faster than in the previous life.

“The leveling speed depends on the strength of the players. It seems that the players have generally become stronger. At least, the top players are stronger than in the previous life.”

Jiang Chen muttered to himself, and he also guessed the general reason.

Because he sold a lot of high-quality equipment in the market, and solved the tasks of the entire server.

Those players who were not weak to begin with will naturally have a greatly improved efficiency in upgrading after obtaining these equipment that transcends the timeline.

The more powerful players there are, the more benefits the players behind can get from it.

For example, low-level equipment becomes cheaper faster.

This is a chain reaction brought about by the butterfly effect.

"By tomorrow at the latest, most of the players in the first echelon will rush into the royal city."

Jiang Chen made a judgment in his heart, and then strode out of the accommodation area in the inner courtyard of the church. He was going to Qiantian College.

When passing the main hall of the church, Jiang Chen saw a group of monks, led by the priest, praying together in front of the statue of the God of Light.

The statue of the God of Light, which was originally full of cracks caused by Jiang Chen, has been replaced with a new one.

Jiang Chen just glanced casually and saw that in the corner of the crowd, Ai Lili was standing there with her hands clasped and her eyes closed praying.

He did not disturb her, just took a look and left the main hall directly, and then Jiang Chen quickly passed through the outer hall and walked out of the church.

Because he could not ride a mount in the city, Jiang Chen had to walk towards Qiantian College.

After walking for 15 minutes, Jiang Chen came to the main gate of Qiantian College.

As soon as he arrived here, he saw a team of four players, led by several students from Qiantian Academy, entering the academy gate.

Among these students, there was Kaiqiang.

And Jiang Chen knew this team of four.

They were the group of Jianqi Hengqiu that he had met before on Chiyan Mountain.

Jiang Chen remembered that they had bought equipment from him.

At this time, they all looked very curious and looked at everything in the academy.

Especially the female priest named "Xiaochun Rises to Life", who was still excitedly saying: "I didn't expect that there is an academy in the royal city, and there is a welcome ceremony. It seems that our treatment is still quite high!"

"Kaiqiang just said that the welcome ceremony is to spar with them, which feels quite interesting."

The speaker was the knight named "Xiaoan Unmoved as a Mountain".

"What do you think, if we accidentally kill a student during the sparring, should we be responsible?" The archer "Who will listen if the string breaks" also said happily on the side.

"It shouldn't kill anyone. It's probably just a show." Jian Qihengqiu analyzed calmly.


Jiang Chen walked not far away, listening to the conversations of several people, and couldn't help laughing in his heart.

They are still too young. They will know what a beating is in a while.

In particular, Jiang Chen saw Kai Qiang, who was walking in front, and his face was not very good.

It is estimated that since he was beaten up by him last time, he still has a lot of anger in his heart and has nowhere to vent.

Of course, this is none of Jiang Chen's business. He is going to learn skills now.

Jiang Chen passed by quickly. When he was about to turn around and enter the corridor on the left, Kai Qiang, who was at the front of the crowd on the right, noticed Jiang Chen.

"Hello, junior brother Fan Chen."

Kai Qiang shouted immediately.

This term sounds quite strange, because "Hello" means "paying respects", which is a humble word.

And he added "junior brother" after it.

But how can anyone use humble words to junior brothers?

However, Kaiqiang said so, and his tone was very respectful, as if he was the junior.

Because of this shout, the other students here also looked at Jiang Chen.

And they all shouted respectfully: "Meet Junior Brother Fanchen!"

This scene confused Jianqi Hengqiu and his group who were following the crowd.

"It's him? The number one priest in the country!"

"Yes, he arrived in the royal city earlier than us. I didn't expect that he also came to Qiantian City."

"By the way, the students of Qiantian Academy are all quite polite, which is really good!"

"Isn't it just politeness? This is simply respect. The status of players is too high!"

The four Jianqi Hengqiu talked to each other.

Seeing Jiang Chen's treatment, several people couldn't help but straighten their backs a little. After all, they are also players.

They would naturally think that they would also be treated like this in Qiantian Academy.

Have status and be respected!

Jiang Chen had to stop and looked at the students who were looking at him, and said helplessly: "Is there something wrong?"

"No, no!"

Kai Qiang shook his head quickly, and then asked, "I don't know what Junior Fan Chen is going to do, do you need help?"

"I'm going to learn skills." Jiang Chen said directly.

"Learn skills?"

Kai Qiang's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said, "So, Junior Fan Chen is going to the Skill Pavilion to choose skills?"

"What else?"

Jiang Chen was a little confused.

"I will come to cheer for Junior Fan Chen later!"

Kai Qiang said, and then turned to look at Jian Qi Heng Qiu and his group behind him, and said, "Hurry up, finish the welcome ceremony, I want to watch Junior Fan Chen choose skills!"

"Why is this person so rude to us?"

Here, the female pastor named Xiao Chun muttered a little dissatisfied.

"It is estimated that we have not completed the welcome ceremony yet, and we are not yet a member of Qiantian College. By then, the attitude should be better." Knight Xiao An replied with a smile.

As he said, they followed Kai Qiang to the martial arts arena.

At this time, Kai Qiang was still muttering, "Junior Fan Chen is so powerful, I don't know what star-level skills he can get, it's really curious!"

This side.

Jiang Chen was a little puzzled.

He shook his head helplessly and turned to walk towards the corridor on the left.

After passing through a long corridor, Jiang Chen came to a small square.

The ground was paved with green stone bricks, and a five-story attic stood in the middle of the square.

When you get closer, you can see that on the door of the first floor of the attic, there are five big characters "Qiantian Skill Pavilion".

At the same time, there is a beautiful woman standing in front of the door. The information shows that she is the administrator of Qiantian Skill Pavilion.

"Hello, I want to go in and choose skills."

Jiang Chen walked over.

"Fan Chen, a new student, temporarily has a chance to choose skills."

The beautiful woman said expressionlessly, "Please come in!"

"Thank you."

After that, Jiang Chen quickly walked into the five-story attic.

The attic is very empty.

From the outside, it looks like there are five floors, but inside, it is a whole space.

There is a white stone pillar in the middle, like a pillar that goes straight to the top of the attic.

It can be clearly seen that the stone pillar is divided into five sections.

Probably the corresponding five-story attic.

Apart from that, there is nothing else here.

Jiang Chen came to the stone pillar and could see the information displayed on it.

[Skill Pillar: You can obtain skills by passing through this pillar. ]

[Hint 1: Place your hand on the skill pillar, and the pillar will judge your ability and select the corresponding skills for you. The stronger the ability, the higher the skill star rating, up to five stars. ]

[Hint 2: If you do not agree with the judgment of the pillar, you can choose to take the ability test. ]


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