Are you crazy! You call this an assist?

Chapter 256 Return to the Ancient Land of Red Flame

"That's right, King-level equipment, no level limit!"

Wuming looked at Jiang Chen and nodded with a smile.


Looking at the smile on the other person's face, Jiang Chen suddenly felt a little uneasy.

At this level, the reward of King-level equipment is unreasonable.

Moreover, the reward is generally linked to the difficulty of the task. The greater the benefit, the greater the risk.

Suddenly, a piece of King-level equipment came, and Jiang Chen lost his confidence.

"Don't worry, the difficulty of the task is not as high as you think."

Wuming looked like persuading.


Jiang Chen was skeptical about the other person's words.

However, he had to try this task anyway to get this level of reward.

After a brief thought, Jiang Chen followed the other party's words and asked: "What is the mission?"

"You will know after you return to the Adventurer's Association and submit the mission of Luoyun Volcano, but..."

Wuming paused, and then said: "You killed so many adventurers. If the mission is not completed, you will be punished."

Hearing that there is a punishment, Jiang Chen was relieved a little.

Otherwise, with this level of reward, there is no failure penalty, then the possibility of completion is probably infinitely close to zero.

He is not afraid of danger, but he is afraid of wasting time.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen nodded and said: "I know, I will go back and submit the mission as soon as possible."

"In this case, I wish my little brother a successful completion of the mission."

Wuming smiled, tapped the ground with his toes, and left here with a trace of afterimage.

This speed also made Jiang Chen envious.

Afterwards, Jiang Chen rode the unicorn, left the woods at the foot of the mountain, and headed towards the main city.

Not long after, a towering city wall appeared at the end of the field of vision.

That is the east gate of Lihuo City.

You can vaguely see some shadows going in and out of the city gate.

At this time, there are still many players rushing to Luoyun Volcano.

After taking the unicorn back to the pet space, Jiang Chen walked towards the city gate.

Soon he entered the city gate and came to the main city square through the teleportation array here.

When he was about to go to the large teleportation array, a friend message came from the chat bar.

[Xiaosha Leng Shao: Master, I collected the Jiyin Flower! For it, I specially learned the collection technique. ]

Seeing the content of the message, Jiang Chen was also slightly startled.

"By the way, the collection technique."

He remembered that if it was not a ready-made material, it would need to use the collection technique to obtain it.

This is a life skill, and Jiang Chen has never paid attention to it.

"It takes five materials to hatch a dragon egg. I have the Extreme Yin Flower, the Fire Spirit Crystal, and the Elf Holy Spring Water. Now I only need the Extreme Yang Flower and the Dragon Blood Grass, both of which need to be collected."

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen stopped and turned to walk towards the mansion.

He was going to learn the art of gathering. Fortunately, this kind of general life skill has zero threshold and can be learned at will.

Then, Jiang Chen came to the first floor of the Lihuocheng mansion.

Following the spiral staircase, Jiang Chen walked to the third floor.

There are not only major professional instructors here, but also various life sub-professional instructors.

And the art of gathering is basically a necessary skill for life professions, and it can be learned from any sub-professional instructor.

Jiang Chen walked towards the nearest life profession instructor's room.

A pattern similar to a pot was carved on the door.

Pushing the door and entering, Jiang Chen saw a long wooden table at the end of the room.

A fat man with drooping ears sat in front of the table.

"Hello, I'm Tang Niu, a professional chef instructor. Is there anything I can help you with?"

When he saw the newcomer, the chef named Tang Niu's eyes lit up.

"Hello, I'm here to learn the life skill of gathering."

Jiang Chen got straight to the point.

"As a chef, you need to collect the freshest and best ingredients, and gathering is essential."

Tang Niu said this in a formal way, and then smiled, "You need to complete a task to learn gathering."

He knew that free labor was coming again!


Jiang Chen frowned subconsciously.

"You need to go to the North City Livestock Farm to kill 10 hairless turkeys and collect the chicken from them for me."

Tang Niu nodded and smiled, "Of course, I will teach you the apprentice gathering technique first, and after completing the task, I will teach you the formal gathering technique."

"Wait, how much?"

Jiang Chen waved his hand and said directly, "You name a price."

He remembered that gathering can be learned directly for a fee.

It's too outrageous to ask him to kill hairless turkeys.


Tang Niu was stunned.

"I paid to learn the art of gathering." Jiang Chen said.

"You paid to learn? This is not cheap!"

Hearing this, the fat-headed Tang Niu's face was immediately full of smiles. He stretched out a finger, "At least one gold coin!"


Jiang Chen threw a gold coin directly onto the table.

Tang Niu happily put away the gold coin, then took out a page of paper with a faint glow and handed it to Jiang Chen.

Without hesitation, Jiang Chen clapped his hands, and the page of paper turned into a stream of light and sank into his body,

[You learned the life skill: the art of gathering! ]

After receiving the system prompt, Jiang Chen also smiled slightly and turned to leave the cooking instructor's room.

Afterwards, he walked out of the mansion and came to the large teleportation array in Lihuo City.

Stepping onto the teleportation array, Jiang Chen was about to choose the teleportation location, Qiantian City.

Suddenly, I discovered that the teleportation list here was different from other teleportation arrays.

There is an additional teleportation location inside: Chi Yan Ancient Land!

"By the way, Aisha, the Holy Lord of Scarlet Flame, made a request before, which is to repair the teleportation array between the ancient land of Scarlet Flame and the outside world!"

Jiang Chen's eyes lit up. He didn't expect that it was actually repaired!

"Then go and pick the polar flowers first!"

With that said, Jiang Chen chose the teleportation location: Scarlet Flame Ancient Land.

Immediately, his figure disappeared from the place.

[You have been teleported to the ancient land of Chiyan! 】

As the system prompts appeared, the scene in front of Jiang Chen's eyes flashed, and he came to a piece of red land.

The surrounding temperature has also risen a lot.

Under his feet was a medium-sized teleportation array, surrounded by an endless red land.

Directly ahead, you can see a group of low buildings.

"It's the Scarlet Flame Holy Land... If I remember correctly, there are a lot of polar flowers growing on the back terrace of the Scarlet Flame Holy Palace!"

After muttering to himself, Jiang Chen immediately walked forward with steps.

After passing through the outer buildings, he followed a main road and came to a white palace.

This is the Holy Palace.

Before he could go around the back terrace, he saw flowers growing under the white wall on the side of the Holy Palace.

Each flower has eight bright red petals with a golden stamen in the middle, surrounding it in a spherical shape, like a small sun.

This is the Extreme Sun Flower that Jiang Chen is looking for!

His eyes lit up, he quickly walked over and used the collection technique on it.

[You used the gathering technique to obtain a Polar Sun Flower! 】

[You used the gathering technique to obtain a Polar Sun Flower! 】

After picking ten plants, Jiang Chen stopped and prepared to leave.

Right now.

"Who is sneaking around here!"

A scolding sound sounded.

I saw five men wearing armor and holding spears walking over.

These are soldiers from the Holy Palace, patrolling nearby!

Jiang Chen looked at it and was slightly startled.

Because the captain of this group of soldiers turned out to be Yiding!

"It's you, long time no see!" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Who have you not seen for a long time? Who are you and what are you doing here?"

Yi Ding's eyes were cold and his voice was stern.


Jiang Chen was startled and immediately took off the mask on his face, "It's me!"

"Your Excellency Fanchen!"

Yiding's mouth opened slightly, and then he said with an ecstatic expression: "Why did you come to Chiyan Ancient Land?"

"Come here and pick some Polar Flowers." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Oh, polar flowers, you can find them everywhere here, just pick them as you like."

Yiding just finished speaking.

Not far away, a graceful figure wearing a long skirt walked over.

"Lisang, why are you here?"

Seeing the person coming, Yi Ding showed a fond smile on his face. He immediately looked at Jiang Chen and said, "Who do you think this is?"

"Your Excellency Fanchen, I am here to find him."

Lisang smiled sweetly and replied.

"Looking for me?"

Hearing this, Jiang Chen looked confused.

"Your Excellency Fanchen, the Holy Lord wants to see you." Lisang replied.

"The Holy Spirit wants to see me?"

Jiang Chen concentrated his attention, nodded and said: "Okay, I understand."

"Come with me."

With that said, Lisang turned and walked towards the gate of the Holy Palace.

Jiang Chen followed.

"Lisang, I'm with you too!" Yiding said loudly.

"You're still on patrol, why are you following me here? When the defense changes, I'll go home and prepare delicious food for you." Lisang turned around and said.

"All right."

Yiding nodded, with a happy smile on his face.

Immediately, Jiang Chen followed Lisang and entered the Holy Palace.

After passing through the outer courtyard, the two went straight to the front hall of the Holy Palace.

On the front step, a tall woman was standing.

She was wearing a white dress with very ethereal ink lines printed on it.

He also wore a very simple jade hairpin on his head, and his hair was like a waterfall, and the ends of his hair almost touched his slender calves.

The whole person looks antique.

She is the Holy Lord of Red Flame, Aisha.

"Sister Aisha."

Jiang Chen walked over and said hello.

"Fanchen, when you come to Chiyan Ancient Land, are you sure you can kill Demon God Aini?"

Aisha's clear voice sounded, and she looked at Jiang Chen with her beautiful eyes.


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