A total of twelve players walked out of the west city gate.

The ID prefix of each of them has the word "Ambition".

This group of people walked towards Jiang Chen and the others.

"Are the people from the Ambition Club here to cause trouble?"

Jiang Chen was still thinking.

To his surprise, the group did not stop, but passed by.

"Be careful, the people from the Heavenly Guild are looking for you."

As they passed each other, Xiongtu Lengfeng, the leader, whispered something.


Jiang Chen paused and looked back in confusion. The people from Xiongtu Club were already walking out of the city.

"These people...were they just talking to us?"

Also confused was Qingying.

"seems like it……"

Tao Xiaoyao also replied uncertainly.

"People from heaven are looking for us?"

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows. He could tell that Xiongtu's people were waiting for them at the gate of the west city on purpose.

This shows that the other party has investigated their whereabouts.

Otherwise it wouldn't be such a coincidence.

"You came here specifically to tell us this news. Are you really an enthusiastic player?"

Jiang Chen couldn't help but make a joke.

However, he didn't care whether the person who made the ambition was truly enthusiastic or not.

Because someone was looking for trouble, he had already expected it.

Previously, I deliberately waited for the bidding of the Blood Tide Giant Blade (gold level) to be completed before killing the ancient ghost boss.

He was already prepared for someone to get angry.

"If you put it this way, it was the president of the Heavenly Court who 'raised the sword to kill Yama' and took the Blood Tide Giant Blade?"

Jiang Chen guessed in his mind.

After all, he has no interaction with the people from these big guilds, and they don't know him, so there can't be any other conflicts.

The only possibility is that killing the boss first will cause some people to be unhappy.

The most angry among them are undoubtedly the people who took the picture of the Blood Tide Giant Blade, because they are the most confident of clearing the ancient ghost boss.

"Go to the main city mansion first."

After Jiang Chen roughly speculated on the cause and effect, he went directly to the teleportation array at the city gate.

Qingying and Tao Xiaoyao followed closely behind.

A "swish" sound.

Jiang Chen teleported to the central square of the main city.

Directly in front of the square is the Julu City Mansion.

"Xiaoyao, just trade the equipment you just picked up to Qingying directly." Jiang Chen said.

Although all the monsters in the rift in the demon world were killed by him, Qingying had the credit of pulling monsters after all.

As long as he works hard, he will not be stingy.

"I see."

Tao Xiaoyao nodded and immediately started trading with Qingying.

"This, so much equipment? I can't fit it in my backpack."

Qingying looked at the traded equipment with a blank look on her face, somewhat unable to recover.

Fifty pieces of bronze-level equipment. Her backpack couldn't hold so much equipment because of the potions.

"Xiaoyao, please get a set of summoner's equipment."

"Huh? No, I didn't do anything..."

"It's okay. You're welcome. I can help you just by getting the equipment."

After the two women were polite and reluctant, Tao Xiaoyao finally couldn't stand it anymore and agreed to choose some Summoner's equipment.

Jiang Chen went directly to the store he bought on the first floor of the mansion.

As soon as I entered a store, the system popped up a prompt:

[The shop you rent (No. 003, Julu City) has not yet been named, please name it! 】

"Treasure Pavilion."

Jiang Chen knew that the simpler a store name is, the easier it is to spread, and the greater the reputation, the better.

[The Treasure Pavilion was named successfully! 】

I saw a plaque on the lintel of the shop, with the words "Treasure Pavilion" written on it.

The "Treasure Pavilion" is about twenty square meters in size, with only one long shelf inside.

There are 500 positions on the shelf.

Jiang Chen placed all the more than forty pieces of bronze-level equipment in his backpack.

Each piece sells for 20 gold!

Cheaper than what’s available on the exchange.

"This armor..."

Jiang Chen looked at the Demon Blood Armor (gold level) in his backpack, and after a brief hesitation, he also put it on the shelf.

Although it is definitely easier to sell if it is listed on the trading house, the selling price will be higher.

However, now it is necessary to make the reputation of "Treasure Pavilion" known, and there is nothing more suitable than a piece of gold-level equipment.

[Item for sale: Demon Blood Armor (Gold Level)]

[Price: To be discussed. 】

Later, Jiang Chen placed a message in the "Treasure Pavilion":

[New store opens, gold-level equipment is on sale at a discount! 】

This line of writing is on the wall of the main entrance and can be seen by everyone passing by.

After doing this, Jiang Chen deliberately took a few screenshots of the front of the "Treasure Pavilion" and the equipment sold inside.

He was very careful not to cut himself in.

Later, he posted the screenshot to the game’s official forum.

Title: [Julu City Mansion Shop has gold-level equipment for sale! 】

Qingfeng City.

In the main city mansion, several players came out.

"Boss, I saw some interesting news."

An assassin player with the ID name "King of Drifter" said to the leader.

"what news?"

The leader turned to look.

He is the president of the [King of the World] Guild, a domineering madman.

"The president of Tianting took 300 people to Julu City. It is said that he is looking for trouble with the team that killed Guyou's first boss."

King Drifter had a playful smile on his face.


A hint of surprise flashed in the eyes of the domineering madman, "They started to make trouble so soon?"

After the Blood Tide Giant Blade was auctioned off, the domineering madman immediately asked someone to check the news of the bidder.

He soon learned that the person who bid off the Blood Tide Giant Blade was the president of the Tianting Guild, Tiaodao Zhan Yanluo.

However, because the Guyou boss had been killed first, the domineering madman's anger also disappeared, and he was more gloating over Tiaodao Zhan Yanluo.

The other party spent so much money, but the first kill was not yet.

This made the domineering madman feel very comfortable.

At this time, he heard Tiaodao Zhan Yanluo and went to trouble the first kill team, which was also within his expectations.

"Boss, should we intervene?" The king wanderer asked in a low voice with a sinister smile on his face.

"On one side is the Blood Tide Giant Blade, and on the other side is the reward for the first kill of the Ancient Ghost Boss. If anyone dies on either side, they will be a big meat soon if they get something."

After a brief thought, the domineering madman waved his hand and said, "Take twenty core brothers to Julu City to join in the fun."

"Yes, boss!"

At the same time.

Many large guilds, as competitors, are more or less paying attention to the movements of other guilds.

In particular, the actions of the Tianting Guild this time are not only known to the King Guild.

Similarly, there are many people who think that there is profit or fame in it.

Dynasty, Immortal Mythology, Supreme Alliance...These old guilds, with their own thoughts, mostly sent guild members to Julu City.


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