Are you crazy! You call this an assist?

Chapter 426: Placing Guild Buildings Ye Qingjun's Soliloquy

"Do you have a teleportation stone?"

Jiang Chen's eyes lit up.

"Well, I got it in the academy, big brother, please use it."

Saying that, Youina took out a bag and handed it over.

Jiang Chen reached out and took it.

[You have obtained a small bag of teleportation stones! 】

[Small bag of teleportation stones: After opening, you can get 6 primary teleportation stones. 】

"6 teleportation stones..."

For Jiang Chen, this teleportation stone was very crucial. He looked at his backpack and said, "Deploy the guild building first!"

Placing buildings takes little time.

Immediately, he took out the fine gold gate (five stars) in his backpack.

A phantom foundation appeared on the ground, which was the area where his guild resided.

He lowered the door to the front end of the foundation, where the exit of Immortal Fallen Valley was.

[You have used the fine gold gate (five-star) of the guild's residence. Should you build a gate at this location? 】

The system prompt appears.

Jiang Chen chose to confirm.

Suddenly, a dark golden door rose from the ground at the exit of Luo Xian Valley.

This is a double door, five meters high and ten meters wide.

There are very complicated defensive formations carved on it.

Moreover, the name of the guild [Dengshen] is printed on the door.

At the same time, after the door appeared, a transparent light curtain emitted a shimmering light, like a cover, covering the entire guild territory.

This is the defensive barrier that comes with the gate of the station.

If you attack the barrier, a "health" bar, or defense bar, will appear on the gate.

Only when the defense bar is empty will the barrier disappear.

The higher the star rating of the gate, the higher the defense bar.

At this time, the fine gold gate (five-star) of the guild station has a defense bar of 1 million "blood volume".

Moreover, all star-rated gates will automatically recover 0.5% of their "blood volume" every second after being attacked.

In other words, if someone attacks the Ascension Guild, the damage caused must exceed 5,000 points per second, otherwise the barrier will never be broken.

Of course, as long as there are enough people attacking, it is not difficult to do more than 5,000 points of damage per second.

However, the Ascending God Guild is located within Luoxian Valley, and the only area that can be attacked is within 20 meters of the entrance.

Not to mention that there are not many people who can be attacked, even if the enemy is forced to gather in this small area, using a range of skills can cause heavy losses to them.

This location can be called a fortress!

Immediately, Jiang Chen placed the [Guild Station Mission Notice Board (Intermediate Level)] in the center of the station.

Suddenly, a rectangular wooden sign like a blackboard stood on the ground supported by two pillars.

This notice board is three meters high and five meters long. It looks ordinary.

However, even a basic mission notice board is more expensive than a one-star gate.

Because it has a special feature, that is, guild tasks are released every day.

Guild members can collect it themselves here.

The task notice board is divided into levels. The higher the level, the more tasks are refreshed every day, and the greater the probability of high-level tasks appearing.

At this time, a row of numbers formed by white bright lights appeared on the notice board. This was a countdown:



"The first time the mission appeared was at midnight on the second day after the notice board was built."

Jiang Chen looked at the time. It was now 4:30 pm, which was exactly 7 and a half hours before 12 pm.

Immediately, he took out the [Guild Station Warehouse (Intermediate Level)] in his backpack.

And placed it at the back of the station.

Immediately, a large storage box one meter wide and two meters high appeared on the ground.

The station warehouse can store equipment and gold coins.

An intermediate warehouse with 200 grids.

It is generally used to store guild funds and expenses.

Some guild items that cannot be traded, such as guild buildings, can also be stored there.

In this case, other members of the guild can take it out, which is equivalent to a disguised transaction.

Of course, the access qualifications of guild members are determined by the president.

Generally speaking, the qualification for storing items will be set to the guild owner.

The qualification for taking out items is set to be the sole authority of the guild leader.

The same goes for Jiang Chen.

After quickly finishing these, he took out two teleportation stones.

"Yina, let's go back to the imperial city!"

As he spoke, he handed over one of the teleportation stones.

Then he held one in his hand and chose to use it.

Youina quickly took the teleportation stone and chose to use it.

Suddenly, two guiding beams lit up.

After a while, the two disappeared.

At this time, in the cave entrance of the mountain wall at the end of Luo Xian Valley.

While drinking, Ye Qingjun glanced at the station barrier in the distance and said to himself:

"It seems that I can see this kid more often in the future..."

"Liu'er, I seem to have a neighbor. Are you okay in heaven alone? I really miss you..."

"Tell me, is he qualified to inherit my mantle?"

"I really want to pass on the mantle and come to you..."



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