Are you crazy! You call this an assist?

Chapter 526: Challenge again when you are almost at the finish line

The effect of this Book of Challengers is to challenge the player closest to the Black Sacred Mountain.

If the challenge is successful, swap places with the opponent.

If the challenge fails, retreat behind the player farthest from the Holy Mountain.

Not to mention anything else, it was really disgusting for the player at the front.

Passively accept the challenge. If you win, there will be no reward. If you lose, you will have to switch places with others.

It is an unforeseen disaster.

However, for Jiang Chen, this was very comfortable.

Because the player currently at the front is only more than a hundred kilometers away from the Black Holy Mountain!

Way ahead of the rest!

I just don’t know how this person did it.

Because the normal traveling speed cannot be so fast.

Jiang Chen clicked on the map with doubts.

He zoomed in on the map to its maximum extent and focused on the light spot at the front.

It can be clearly seen that the speed of the light spot is not particularly fast, it can only be said to be at a normal level.

"It's impossible to get so close to the Black Sacred Mountain in such a short time at such a forward speed."

Jiang Chen whispered to himself: "Do you have any props?"

He just finished speaking.

I saw the light spot on the map suddenly flickering, and then moved forward hundreds of meters in an instant!

And almost every 10 seconds or so, this person will teleport forward more than 100 meters!

Jiang Chen watched for 5 minutes and found that the opponent had advanced at least 4 kilometers!

In other words, this person can walk nearly 50 kilometers in an hour!

"What kind of prop is it? This is so cool."

Jiang Chen knew that the other party must have used some kind of prop.

I just don’t know what kind of prop it is.

After all, no one knows how many magical props there are on the Exiled Island.

However, this is not important, no matter how fast the opponent can go, as long as you challenge him now, you can take his place!

Just when Jiang Chen was about to use the Book of Challengers, his eyes suddenly lit up and he stopped.

"Since this man can walk so fast, why should I wait until he reaches the finish line before challenging him? This is much faster than walking by myself and can save a lot of time!"

Jiang Chen muttered to himself and couldn't help but smile!

According to the opponent's speed, it would take about two hours to reach the Black Holy Mountain.

Moreover, these two hours can be used to kill people and accumulate teleportation distance!

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen quickly looked at the light spots near him on the map.

Although there were very few people in front of him.

However, there are many people behind him!

Now there is no need to rush, you can just fight back!

Moreover, killing forward is chasing, while killing backward is running in both directions, which is definitely much faster!

Immediately, Jiang Chen turned around and ran towards the player coming from behind.

"what happened?"

Violet Shirley, who was following closely next to her, suddenly showed a confused look: "Why are you going to the back? Aren't you going to the black holy mountain at the end?"

"What does it have to do with you where I go?"

Jiang Chen replied quietly.

One sentence left the other party speechless.

Five or six minutes later.

A player who was originally more than 3,000 meters away met Jiang Chen when he walked almost 2,000 meters away.

This is a black man holding a longbow. The information shows that his ID is "Wind of Wakanda".

As soon as he appeared in the field of vision, a white light came down without any warning.

In other words, as soon as he saw Jiang Chen, he was already attacked.

In this case, most people have no time to react.

A damage value appeared from its head:


However, the color of the damage numbers is gray.

I saw Wakanda Wind's body turning into a broken arrow after falling to the ground.

And his body appeared next to him safe and sound.

"It should also be a substitute method..."

Jiang Chen groaned, this is very similar to his phantom clone!

"Shameless attacker, the Holy Mother will not forgive you!"

The Wakanda Wind roared angrily.

At the same time, he pulled the long bow into a full moon shape, and only heard a "whoosh" sound, and an arrow with an orange tail flame quickly cut through the air.

I have to say, this is extremely fast!


"Little Holy Light Apocalypse Formation!"

Jiang Chen disappeared and teleported behind Wakanda Wind.

While dodging the arrows, he also raised the staff in his hand.


Wakanda Wind looked shocked and was about to turn around.

A dazzling six-pointed star formation appeared on the ground.


This time, Wakanda Wind, who had no means of saving his life, his blood volume was instantly emptied and he fell to the ground.

[The current number of players killed is 1, and you can teleport 1 kilometer in the specified direction! 】

System prompts pop up.

Jiang Chen clicked on the map again, found the next target, and ran away.

Nearly half an hour later.

More than ten people died in Jiang Chen's hands.

His teleportation distance has reached 16 kilometers!

Violet Shirley behind him also distanced herself from him at this moment.

The duration of the shadowy talisman is up.

However, the white girl ran forward a few steps desperately and continued to follow Jiang Chen.

There was a little panic in his expression.

"Why are you following me? Hasn't the duration of the item expired?"

Jiang Chen stopped and looked over.

"You, you know..."

Violet Shirley said nervously: "I'm afraid you'll kill me, so..."

"So the effect of pretending to be a prop is still there?"

Jiang Chen frowned slightly and said coldly: "Now that we have made a deal, I will let you go, but if you follow me again, I will send you to death immediately!"

After the warning, he turned around and left.

Violet Shirley stood there, not daring to move, and kept watching Jiang Chen's back disappear into the white mist.

Then after a while, she turned and left.

Everything she encountered in the past few hours made her feel like she was in a dream.

Jiang Chen's figure was all in his mind.

More than an hour passed.

In a swamp.

Jiang Chen used the healing technique again and killed a player in seconds.

[The current number of players killed is 36, and you can teleport 36 kilometers in a specified direction! 】

"It's been almost two hours. I guess that person is almost at the Holy Mountain, right?"

Jiang Chen muttered to himself and clicked on the map.

Soon, he found the light spot at the front.

It can be seen that this person is less than 10 kilometers away from the Black Holy Mountain!

"about there."

Jiang Chen muttered to himself and took out the Book of Challengers from his backpack.

[Would you like to use the Book of Challengers? 】



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