After the car rolled and collided, Jiang Chen inside the car was thrown to pieces.

He never thought that the opponent actually had heavy weapons!

Fortunately, this bulletproof car was strong enough. Although the impact of the explosion overturned it, it did not cause too serious damage.

The whole car is only slightly deformed on the outside, but the internal structure is still intact.

Coupled with the ultra-high-standard airbags that were all-encompassing, Jiang Chen was fine except for some dizziness and some minor scratches on his head.

Henry, who was in the main driver's seat, also suffered only some superficial injuries. He pushed away the airbag on his face and took out an assault rifle from the special armrest box while cursing.

Immediately, he took out four more metal grenade bombs and tied them to his waistband.

Because the car was upside down, Henry lay down on the front windshield and sunroof, then slowly lowered the window and aimed the rifle in his hand outside.

"Is it so professional?"

Jiang Chen murmured as soon as he finished speaking.


Suddenly, Henry looked shocked. He retracted the barrel of the gun, closed the window tightly, hid aside and said, "Mr. Jiang Chen, call for rescue, we can't fight!"


Jiang Chen's eyes were stunned, and he quickly leaned over and tilted his head to look out the window.

I saw that the four Hummer off-road vehicles had stopped on the road behind the car.

A total of more than ten people came down from the top. Everyone had weapons in their hands, some were pistols and some were rifles. Some even set up a machine gun on the front hood of the car!

This is simply a group of militants!

"I've seen rocket launchers, what are you afraid of?"

Looking at Henry who was extremely nervous, Jiang Chen curled his lips and said.

"Mr. Jiang Chen, this is different. The one just now was a portable single-shot rocket launcher. It is useless after being fired. What they are setting up now is a 'Metal Storm'. This is a heavy machine gun. We can't even get out!"

Henry explained, and then quickly said: "Call for rescue, Miss Shirley has arranged an armed force for you, it should be nearby!"


Jiang Chen groaned, and then asked: "Does this armed force dare to kill Sean?"

"No, but they can save you!"

Henry said anxiously: "Mr. Jiang Chen, don't waste time, otherwise we will really die here, your bracelet can send a rescue signal!" M.caset

As soon as he finished speaking, a series of banging bangs sounded.

Small, shatter-like pits suddenly appeared on the car window glass.

This is caused by bullets falling on it.

The other party has already fired!

Fortunately, the thickness of bulletproof glass reaches more than ten centimeters, and the circular craters caused by these bullets are only two or three centimeters deep.

It's not that easy to break through glass, it takes a while.

However, this continuous banging sound can easily cause great psychological pressure to people.

But Jiang Chen still opened his eyes wide and glanced out the window very calmly.

It can be seen that there are only two or three people shooting now, and most of the others are standing there laughing and chatting.

Jiang Chen and the others were not taken seriously at all.

"Mr. Jiang Chen, what are you still looking at? Call for rescue quickly!"

Henry said immediately, he was extremely uneasy by the gunshots that kept ringing outside the car.

"I didn't see Sean..."

Jiang Chen pondered for a moment, then said immediately: "Did you stay in the car and didn't get out, or did you not come over at all?"

"Are you looking for Sean?"

Henry paused and then said: "He should be in the car, otherwise he wouldn't bring so many heavy guys out. These weapons are his treasures."


Jiang Chen nodded and made a decision immediately: "I'll go down and get rid of these people first."


Henry's eyes were stunned and he asked in confusion: "You want to go find them?"

"if not?"

Jiang Chen didn't talk nonsense. He put one hand in his trouser pocket and used the other hand to push the car door.


Henry hurriedly grabbed Jiang Chen's wrist and shouted, "Aren't you looking for death if you go out?"

"Can't die."

Jiang Chen pinched the three cards in his pocket, the Divine Movement Card, the Power Card and the Defense Card, and used them all!

Suddenly, a strange feeling emerged in his body, as if he had endless energy.

At the same time, the skin and muscles became slightly tighter and seemed to become more solid.

Immediately, Jiang Chen pushed Henry's hand away, then opened the car door and rolled out.

Bang bang bang!

Suddenly, a burst of violent gunfire rang out.

The bullets flew over like a shuttle.

Jiang Chen kicked his feet, and like a hurricane, he quickly rushed towards the four off-road vehicles.

In just a moment, he crossed a distance of forty to fifty meters and arrived in front of the dozen armed men.

Although there were bullet holes on Jiang Chen's body and blood flowed out, these were only skin injuries and no injuries to his muscles or bones.

However, if he is hit by bullets more times and has more wounds on his body, even if he has a super defense card, he may bleed to death again.

Without hesitation, Jiang Chen came to the off-road vehicle first and punched the man holding the machine gun over.

The opponent's head was dented directly by the hammer, and blood and brain matter flowed out.

Immediately, Jiang Chen held the Silver Moon pistol, pointed it at the other person at close range, and pulled the trigger.

Blood spurted from the latter's head.

Then, Jiang Chen's figure swayed, and he rushed to the third person and kicked him.

The man's chest instantly caved in, and his body flew backwards more than ten meters away.

It took Jiang Chen less than three seconds to kill these three people in succession.

Suddenly, the remaining militants were all stunned in place.

The expressions on their faces were as if they had seen a ghost.


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