Are you crazy! You call this an assist?

Chapter 575 What on earth is the mastermind?

"What the hell is this 'mastermind'?"

Jiang Chen has never seen the master brain of the [Gods]. In his opinion, it should be similar to an intelligent computer.

If it has artificial intelligence, that's normal.

But to say that there is a sense of autonomy, or even emotions, is outrageous!

Because this is something that only "living creatures" have.

Is the mastermind a living being?

Jiang Chen was still thinking wildly.

"You'll know it when you see it."

Cao Yun said: "It will take at least four hours to fly, so take a rest first."


Jiang Chen didn't ask any more questions, he lay half-ly on his seat and closed his eyes to rest.

Cao Yun and Zhao Anguo also closed their eyes and began to take a nap.

Only Deng Xiaonian was sitting in his seat, performing his duties as an escort. His eyes were alert and he remained awake at all times.

More than an hour later, the plane left the mainland and flew over the East China Sea toward the Pacific Ocean.

Until around 19 o'clock, a broadcast sounded in the cabin: "We are about to arrive at the destination of Island 012. Leaders, please prepare to get off the plane."

Hearing the sound, Jiang Chen opened his eyes and looked out the window, and immediately a beautiful scene came into view.

As the plane flew downward, you could clearly see the line between the sea and the sky. The huge red sun was slowly sinking into the sea, and the sea was covered with a layer of red glow.

The originally blue ocean turned into a sparkling sea of ​​blood, giving people a unique and sad beauty.

Jiang Chen inexplicably thought of a word in his mind: Ragnarok.

Immediately, he shook his head, feeling that he was affected by the game, and he was a little confused.

After all, in the game, it's easy to feel the influence of the gods.

And the higher you go, the more you come into contact with the gods.

It gives rise to some unwarranted associations.

"I can see the island."

From the side, Zhao Anguo's voice suddenly sounded.

Jiang Chen looked sideways and saw an oval-shaped island at the bottom. He could see a forest and an integrated dome building above.

It looks like a steel pot lid.

As the plane continued to lower its altitude, the island continued to enlarge, and the building gradually became larger.

It covers an area of ​​at least more than 50,000 square meters.

Next to it, there is a larger apron and some military facilities, including radar stations and anti-aircraft batteries.

After a while, the plane landed on the runway. After taxiing for a while, it stopped smoothly.

"We're here, let's get down."

In the cabin, Cao Yun stood up first and walked towards the open door.

Jiang Chen, Deng Xiaonian, and Zhao Anguo followed closely behind.

As soon as they stepped onto the ground, they saw more than a dozen armed soldiers walking over in neat steps.

Among them are oriental faces with black hair and dark eyes, as well as white-skinned Westerners.

The leader was a Chinese man about thirty years old. He walked closer and said, "Bureau Cao, I haven't seen you for a while."

"Yeah, I've been quite busy lately."

Cao Yun replied.

"But why does Lao Zhao feel a little fatter? It seems he is still comfortable when he is not in the army."

The man then looked at Zhao Anguo standing aside and joked with a smile.

"It's time to get fat."

Zhao Anguo didn't care and said jokingly: "Okay, I won't bother you. Counselor Wang will come and pick him up. We'll go to the company base ourselves."

"You guy."

The man smiled and shook his head, and immediately said: "Director Cao, you can go there on your own first. I just have some trivial matters."


Cao Yun nodded and walked towards the steel dome building outside the tarmac.

Jiang Chen and others followed closely behind.

After a while, the group arrived at the front of the dome building.

What comes into view is a round silver-white metal door.

There is a logo printed on the door, which is in the shape of an empty hand.

There are also five big characters written at the bottom: "Creator Company".

At the same time, there are not only Chinese characters, but also the other five official characters of the United States.

"Creator Company..."

Looking at the printing on the door, Jiang Chen murmured.

He knew that the so-called Creator Company was a company jointly established by all the major countries in the world.

In terms of background, it is definitely the most powerful company on the planet.

"This is a secret branch of the Creator Company, and the mastermind of the Gods Game is under its custody."

On the side, Cao Yun said: "Let's go in."

As he walked forward, the silver door automatically opened to both sides, revealing a long metal corridor.

Under his leadership, the group all walked in.

As you can see, the top of the corridor is filled with white light panels, making it as bright as day.

After walking in it for more than a minute, a wide circular hall appeared in front of you.

This appears to be an office space.

There are desks and computers inside, as well as staff from more than a dozen countries.

As soon as a few people entered, a middle-aged woman wearing a gray coat and glasses walked over.

This is a Chinese.

"Professor Li Ping, hello."

Cao Yun took the lead in saying hello.

"I received a notice from the headquarters that you have to meet the mastermind."

A middle-aged woman named Li Ping glanced at several people. .


Cao Yun nodded.

"follow me."

With that said, Li Ping turned around and walked towards the depths of the hall.

Soon, several people walked through the hall and entered a metal corridor.

After walking for about five or six minutes and passing through two halls of different specifications, an opaque glass door appeared in front of me.

Li Ping scanned an unknown card on the metal instrument next to the door, and the glass door slowly punched in the card.

Then the whole group walked in.

This is a very empty circular hall with a ceiling more than ten meters high.

Located in the middle is a metal round platform.

Surprisingly, there is a little girl suspended on top of this round platform!

He looks only five or six years old.

At the same time, there were two men wearing gray coats like Li Ping, talking to the little girl.

"Can't you tell us why?"

One of the men in gray coats spoke.

"I already told you that I'm too lazy to say it. You just know that the servers will be merged in advance."

The little girl suspended on the round platform replied impatiently.

"Then can you tell us, if the 'gods' are opened to the universe, will there be any alien civilization connected to it?"

The man in the gray coat asked again.

"you guess!"

The little girl raised her lips and smiled, without any intention of answering.

At this time, Jiang Chen looked at this scene and asked in shock: "Is this little girl the mastermind of the game!?"

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