Are you crazy! You call this an assist?

Chapter 617 Let’s go back to the origin continent together

As soon as these words came out, everyone present looked at each other.

"The senior scientists who found you in the polar ruins have all passed away long ago."

Immediately, Li Ping's voice sounded, and she asked the little girl: "I don't know what the ring you are talking about is?"

Because in her impression, there seemed to be no ring.

"I can sense that those rings are in this area. You can find out by yourself."

The little girl was too lazy to say anything and just waved her hand.

"In this area?"

Hearing this, Li Ping's eyes narrowed and she quickly said: "Acheng, Hank, go and get the list of items in the storage warehouse immediately!"

"Okay, Teacher Li."

Immediately, the two men in gray coats quickly turned and walked towards the glass door.

"Professor Li, is it true?"

Jiang Chen looked at Li Ping and asked.

"Many things were brought out from underground back then, but most of them were of no use, or were not found to be of any use. Some of them were brought to the island with the mastermind, and they were all kept in the warehouse."

Li Ping explained: "If the so-called ring is in this area, it can only be in the storage warehouse."

"I see."

Jiang Chen nodded and looked at the little girl again.

At this time, the latter had a smile on his face and a hint of excitement in his eyes.

She even stood on tiptoes and turned gracefully in a circle in mid-air.

"Are you so happy?"

Jiang Chen didn't know why the other party was so happy, and he always felt something was wrong.

About seven or eight minutes passed.

The two researchers in gray coats named Acheng and Hank quickly walked in from outside the glass door.

Among them, Acheng was holding a tablet in his hand.

He quickly came to Professor Li Ping and handed the tablet over: "Teacher Li, I have copied the electronic list and photos of the items in the storage warehouse. Please take a look."


Li Ping took the tablet, adjusted her glasses, and kept running her fingers across the screen.

Immediately, Cao Yun and Zhao Anguo both came over.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen also came to Li Ping's side and looked at the tablet in her hand.

I saw many photos of strange-shaped rocks on it.

Then there are some incomplete metal plates with carved patterns and some almost decayed wood blocks and leather.

As Li Ping's fingers continued to slide, some broken statues and unknown gray-white crystals also appeared on the screen.

However, when I turned to the last page of the photo, I didn't see the so-called ring, not even anything similar to a ring.

"What kind of ring is it?"

Li Ping looked at the tablet in her hand, frowning and thinking.

"Professor Li, give me the tablet."

Immediately, Jiang Chen's voice sounded.

"Can you find it?"

Li Ping handed over the tablet with some suspicion.

"She can find it."

As he said that, Jiang Chen held the tablet and approached the metal round platform, looking at the little girl floating on it: "I wonder if the thing you want to give me is in here?"

"Let me see."

As expected, the little girl gave the answer Jiang Chen wanted.


Jiang Chen turned his back to the little girl, then raised the tablet in his hand and kept drawing on it.

A picture appears on the screen.

After a while, the little girl's voice sounded: "Stop, that's it!"

Hearing this, Jiang Chen quickly stopped his hand and looked at the tablet.

All I saw was a black metal strip above the screen, with twisted patterns engraved on its surface.

There is also a line of introduction written next to it: [Item number: D010. After testing, the main material of D010 is nickel-titanium alloy, which contains trace amounts of unknown components and does not contain special energy. The meaning of the texture is unclear, and the function of the item is unclear. 】

"Is this a ring?"

Looking at the photo, Jiang Chen asked in astonishment.

"Just go get it and you'll find out."

The little girl waved her hands impatiently.

At the same time, Li Ping and others quickly came over and looked at the photos on the tablet.

"What's the connection between this alloy wire and the ring?"

Researcher Acheng said doubtfully.

"Ignore it for now, go and get item D010 right away!"

Li Ping gave an order immediately.


Immediately, Acheng and Hank turned around again and walked towards the glass door.

Ten minutes later, with Jiang Chen and others looking forward to it, Acheng walked in with a glass container similar to a test tube.

What was placed inside was a black metal bar.

The metal contract is about 10 centimeters long, relatively slender and rounded, and the twisted lines on it appear particularly clear under the light.

Immediately, Li Ping took the container and looked at the little girl on the metal round table: "Is this the ring you are talking about?"


The little girl stared at the metal bar and smiled: "Take it out and put it on my heart."

Hearing this, Li Ping opened the glass container, took out the metal strip inside, and placed it on the irregular stone inlaid in the center of the metal round table.

This stone is the body of the master brain of the gods, also called the "main heart", and the little girl's projection is also reflected from it.

"Put it on, what next?"

Li Ping raised her head and asked.


The little girl pointed at Jiang Chen and said with a sweet smile, "Put a finger out and put it on the ring."


Jiang Chen paused and asked with some hesitation: "It won't cause any harm to me, right?"

"Why are you so timid?"

The little girl curled her lips and said, "Don't worry, there won't be any harm."

"Then may I ask, what is the use of this thing?"

Jiang Chen asked again.

"Its function is the same as the game helmet you made, and it can enter the Origin Continent."

said the little girl.

"Is this a login device?"

Jiang Chen looked surprised.

At this time, everyone else present also had the same expression.

"Besides, this ring has an extra little surprise."

The little girl had a smile on her face.

"What surprise?"

Jiang Chen asked quickly.

"Put your hand up and I'll tell you."

The little girl said with a sly smile.

"You promise not to do any harm to me!"

Jiang Chen remained cautious.

"I said I couldn't do it, I'm just so whiny."

The little girl rolled her eyes.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen was still a little hesitant, and he looked at Cao Yun and the others.

"You make your own decision."

Cao Yun said immediately.

"There should be no problem. The mastermind has never harmed anyone, except for some arrogant ones."

Li Ping's voice sounded.


Hearing this, Jiang Chen took a deep breath, then approached the metal round table and placed his right index finger on the slender and round metal bar.

Immediately afterwards, a stream of light lit up on the irregular stones under the metal bars.

And these streams of light are moving towards the metal bars.

Immediately, the twisted lines on the metal strips began to glow.

The next second.

The two ends of this metal bar automatically bent upward.

And the magnitude is getting bigger and bigger.

Soon, it wrapped around Jiang Chen's finger.

And it continues to wrap around, round after round.

After about ten seconds, the original metal strip was tightly and neatly wrapped around Jiang Chen's finger, forming a ring.

And it's tailor-made to fit your fingers perfectly.

Jiang Chen didn't feel any discomfort.

He looked at the metal ring on his finger and asked curiously: "Can I use it to log in to the game?"


The little girl nodded and said: "But the server is still being merged now, so you can enter later."

"Then what's the little extra surprise you just mentioned...?"

Jiang Chen looked at the little girl curiously. case

"The little surprise is..."

The little girl stopped mid-sentence, with a strange smile on her face.

Immediately afterwards, a voice sounded in Jiang Chen's mind:

"I can communicate with you in consciousness, and at the same time, I can also go back to the Origin Continent with you!"


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