Are you crazy! You call this an assist?

Chapter 653 The boss was robbed

Jiang Chen crossed the river in the blink of an eye and flew towards the forest on the other side.

The White Jade Giant Rhino King on the ground chased after him with his head raised. After reaching the river, he even jumped directly into the foul and turbid Sunset River and waded across.

However, after it waded ashore, Jiang Chen had already disappeared.

It could only roar in anger and chose to give up.

However, although the White Jade Giant Rhino King gave up, the Green Winged Flying Luan still pursued him.

The latter had eaten a life sacrifice before, and the hatred value was full, and it would not give up at all.

Jiang Chen continued to fly four or five kilometers above the lush forest.

The Green Winged Flying Luan behind him always followed closely.

Its speed was faster than the Fire Yuan Dragon Bird, and even if Jiang Chen used the black wings, he could not pull away.

After flying nearly a thousand meters, Jiang Chen saw a bare rocky land in the forest below, which was very open.

This kind of terrain can ensure an unobstructed view, and other wild monsters cannot hide here, so he immediately chose to land.

The Blue-winged Luan also dived down.

After Jiang Chen landed, he saw a blurry blue-green figure in the air, attacking him.

"Balanced order, increase damage!"

Jiang Chen muttered silently.

[Balanced order has been turned on, all damage within 20 meters x2! ]

At the prompt of the system, the Ruler of Order spread out a transparent ripple.

Then, Jiang Chen waved his staff: "Life Dedication!"

Suddenly, a white halo appeared above the head of the Blue-winged Luan.

A terrifying damage value immediately appeared:


In mid-air, the health bar of the Blue-winged Luan directly returned to zero, and it fell straight to the ground.


Jiang Chen was stunned at first, and then reacted: "Oh no!"

He remembered that the Blue-winged Luan had the skill of clones!

At the same time, another Blue-winged Luan appeared in front of him.

The opponent's extremely sharp claws had already grabbed Jiang Chen!

In other words, the one who just fell was just a fake clone, and the one attacking him now was the real one!

As a tearing pain came from his chest and arms, a damage value appeared on Jiang Chen's head:


Jiang Chen's health suddenly decreased by about 20%!

And three flesh-worn wounds appeared on his left shoulder to his right chest.

And he continued to lose blood.




This is the tearing and bleeding effect attached to the attack of the Green Winged Luan's claws.

"Why is the damage so high!"

Jiang Chen's health was decreasing by 7% every second, and he was in a bad state.

"You have turned on the balance order, and the damage caused by the Green Winged Luan will also be doubled."

Ling reminded.

"You have to retreat first, the balance order reduces the damage!"

Jiang Chen muttered silently, and his body quickly retreated.

[Balance order has been turned on, all damage within 20 meters ÷ 2! ]

The system prompt sounded immediately.

And the Green Winged Luan continued to approach and waved its sharp claws again.

This time, Jiang Chen was prepared in advance. He made a prediction before the opponent attacked and took a step forward to the right.

Immediately, the three claws of the Blue-winged Flying Luan almost touched Jiang Chen's clothes and tore them down.

Three cracks suddenly appeared on the ground.

"Holy Light Punishment!"

Jiang Chen waved the Ruler of Order to heal himself.

A holy light in the shape of an arrow fell on him.


Jiang Chen's blood volume recovered by about 12%, reaching about 70%.

And the bleeding effect of the wound is still causing him to continue to lose blood.

Damage values ​​kept popping up above his head:




However, the bleeding damage is only a quarter of the previous one.

Looking at the Blue-winged Flying Luan who was still attacking in front of him, Jiang Chen had to continue to move and dodge.

The opponent's general attack did not pose a threat to him.

After 15 seconds, the life sacrifice cooldown turned good.

Jiang Chen saw that the boss's health was also slowly recovering, and it had reached 71%!

"Healing spell!"

He quickly waved the Ruler of Order and threw out a healing spell to test it!


Because of the damage reduction effect of the balanced order, the boss's health bar barely moved.

There was even a hint of sarcasm in the eyes of the Blue-winged Luan.

If it could speak, it would have already started to taunt at this moment.

Immediately, the Blue-winged Luan pounced, and its sharp claws tore off fiercely.

Jiang Chen dodged sideways again.

And the damage increase effect of the balanced order was turned on!

[Balanced order has been turned on, all damage within 20 meters ×2! 】

"Life dedication!"

While emitting transparent waves on the Ruler of Order, Jiang Chen threw out the skill.

Instantly, a white halo appeared above the boss's head.

A terrifying damage value immediately appeared:


Suddenly, the health of the Blue-winged Luan dropped by 60%!

Its current health value is only 11%.

"Finally got hit!"

Seeing this, Jiang Chen's eyes lit up with joy.


Then, a heart-wrenching cry came.

The Blue-winged Luan flapped its wings angrily and flew into the sky.

Then, it hovered in the sky, and a large amount of blue energy gathered between its wings.

The next second.

A blue laser rain fell from the sky!

Its coverage area was at least more than 35 meters.

And the speed was extremely fast.

"Hide in the void!"

Jiang Chen immediately chose to escape into the void plane.

Almost at the same time, these laser rains fell on the ground, and violent explosions sounded.

The ground became pierced and terrifying in an instant, which was shocking!

2.4 seconds later, Jiang Chen appeared 50 meters away.

He first glanced at the ground, and then looked at the blue-green figure in the sky.

Similarly, Qingyi Feiluan also saw Jiang Chen quickly and flew down rapidly.

Jiang Chen raised the Ruler of Order and was ready.

Just when the opponent was about to enter the attack range.


A rapid sound of breaking wind suddenly sounded.

Then, a pure white beam of light appeared in the sight, directly from left to right, piercing through the body of Qingyi Feiluan.

Suddenly, a large amount of blood sprayed out from the air.

The Qingyi Feiluan, which was originally attacking Jiang Chen rapidly, seemed to lose power and fell straight to the ground!

Qingyi Feiluan is dead!


Jiang Chen never thought that the boss was robbed!

He was instantly furious, his eyes turned red, and he looked around.

"Fan Chen."

Immediately, a peaceful voice came from a distance.

The voice was not loud, but it was very penetrating.

A red figure could be vaguely seen in the forest.

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