Are you crazy! You call this an assist?

Chapter 703 After the fusion, someone has reached level 40

Jiang Chen looked at the stone pillar with icons such as the hexagram array, angel shadow, and life halo.

This stone pillar represents the skills he has learned.

As long as he chooses to merge this stone pillar, he can bring the skills he has learned back to reality.

Of course, how much he can bring back depends on how much he can do in the real dream world.

What is certain is that the more and more powerful skills he has learned in the real dream world, the more skills he can merge.

"Unfortunately, there is only one key to the door of reality, and he can't enter that world for the time being."

Jiang Chen's voice just fell.

The system prompt popped up:

[You have completed this fusion, and my real body has obtained: Constitution +5; Strength +6; Intelligence +75; Agility +4. 】

"This is the attribute I merged into the real world!"

Jiang Chen smiled.

Although the values ​​of the attributes such as constitution and strength obtained are very small, they are much stronger than ordinary people in the real world.

After all, the strength or physique of an ordinary adult, converted into a numerical value according to the standard of [Gods], is only 10 points at most.

Moreover, Jiang Chen also gained 75 points of intelligence, which is undoubtedly a very explosive existence in the real world!

Intelligence attributes can increase mana and spell strength, and in reality there are additional effects. It can enhance people's mental strength, thereby improving reaction speed and perception of the outside world.

A strong spirit is no less beneficial than a strong body.

Just as Jiang Chen was still immersed in joy, the five stone pillars in front of him collapsed and turned into ashes.

A huge teleportation array appeared on the ground.

"It's time to go."

Jiang Chen immediately walked up, and a teleportation list appeared in front of him, with the names of major towns on it.

This is a giant teleportation array that can teleport to all safe zones.

"Let's go back to the Imperial City first."

Jiang Chen chose his destination and disappeared from the spot in a short while.

[You have teleported to the City of Heaven (Imperial City)! ]

With the prompt of the system, Jiang Chen appeared on the large teleportation array of the Imperial City.

He walked out of the teleportation array quickly, came to the central square of the imperial city, and then chose to log off!

He needed to confirm the results of his fusion of attributes!

Star City, Manor No. 1, Villa No. 21.

In the master bedroom on the second floor, Jiang Chen slowly opened his eyes.

He found that he was not lying on the sofa chair, but was lying on his buttocks with his back against the sofa legs.

"Why did I fall off the sofa..."

Jiang Chen muttered, quickly got up, and took off the game helmet.

Then, he noticed that the flesh on his arms seemed to be much firmer, and with a little force, smooth muscles appeared on it.

He quickly lifted his shirt, and saw that there were also clear muscles on his abdomen and chest.

Jiang Chen knew that this was due to the fusion of strength and physique attributes. Although the fusion value was not much, the effect was obvious.

Of course, as the fusion of strength and physique and other attributes increased, it would not become the exaggerated muscles in bodybuilding competitions.

Because this fusion of strength and physique attributes is not just a simple quantitative change, it will not increase and thicken muscles one by one.

After fusion to a certain degree, it will undergo a qualitative change, and the muscles will return to normal, but its strength will undergo a qualitative leap.

It can be said that by that time, the skin and muscles of the body have already deviated from the scope of modern medicine's cognition of the human body.

In simple terms, people who have fused a large number of attributes are no longer flesh and blood from a medical perspective.

Of course, the little strength and physique that Jiang Chen has fused are still far from that level.

To be precise, his priest profession is actually difficult to achieve that level.

However, his intelligence attributes and skills can also make him infinitely powerful and extremely strong!

Then, Jiang Chen closed his eyes and felt his body.

Soon, he felt that there was a warm current between his chest and abdomen below the navel.

Moreover, these two warm currents were still flowing slowly, forming a circle.

At the same time, Jiang Chen also found that his mind was refreshed as never before.

You know, every time he went offline before, he would be very sleepy and wanted to sleep.

But now, there is no sleepiness at all.

There is a feeling that he can easily stay up all night for ten days and half a month.

Immediately, he opened his eyes, walked to the window and opened the curtains.

Whether it was the garden downstairs, the road in the distance, or the woods farther away, they all became clearer than before.

Even the feathers of a bird on the top of a tree in the distance could be seen clearly, including its rolling eyes, which did not escape Jiang Chen's eyes!

At the same time, he could also hear the sound of someone walking on the first floor of his villa.

In the past, it was impossible to hear it.

"Because of the integration of intelligence attributes, the five senses seem to be enhanced!"

Jiang Chen's face was full of smiles.

Then, he pushed the door and walked out of the master bedroom and came to the first floor.

In the kitchen on the right side of the living room, a heroic short-haired woman was mopping the floor.

She was Tang Xue, the cook applied for Jiang Chen by the Super Dimensional Security Bureau.

"Commissioner Jiang."

Seeing Jiang Chen coming downstairs, Tang Xue put down the mop, stood up and shouted.

"Commissioner Jiang?"

Jiang Chen sounded a little strange, so he said: "Just call me Jiang Chen."


Tang Xue nodded, and then asked: "You must be hungry, I will cook for you now."

"Is there nothing left? It's faster this way."

Jiang Chen was indeed hungry, but he felt that cooking was a waste of time.

"Let me make you some beef noodles. It will be done in twenty minutes."

"Okay, put more beef."

Jiang Chen said casually and came to the dining table.

Tang Xue started working furiously in the kitchen.

"The noodles are ready!"

When Tang Xue served the beef noodles that night, Jiang Chen was shocked.

In a large bowl as big as a basin, a small mountain of beef was piled up, with thick soup poured on top, and the aroma was fragrant.

"There's too much beef..."

Jiang Chen couldn't even see where the noodles were.

"Eat as much as you can."

Tang Xue seemed to think it was a bit much.

"Began to eat!"

Jiang Chen picked up the chopsticks and started to eat happily.

What was unexpected was that in just a few minutes, Jiang Chen devoured the entire bowl of beef noodles.

Tang Xue looked on blankly.

"After merging attributes, my appetite seems to have grown a lot..."

Jiang Chen felt that it should be the influence of physical attributes.

"Eat, are you full?"

At this time, Tang Xue asked in a daze.

“It’s full, it’s delicious!”

With that said, Jiang Chen stood up, patted his belly, and returned to the master bedroom on the second floor.

Then he lay down on the sofa and put on his gaming helmet.

【Welcome back to the world of gods! 】

An ethereal voice sounded.

[Announcement: Player "Adam" is the first to reach level 40 and now opens a large-scale guild instance. Players are asked to explore the contents of the instance on their own. 】

Immediately afterwards, the system issued an announcement.

"Someone has reached level 40. It seems that I haven't leveled up for a while..."

Jiang Chen couldn't help but murmured.


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