"You threaten me with Irene?"

Jiang Chen's expression turned cold and he stared at the young man in front of him.

He didn't recognize the other person, but he felt familiar, and his appearance was somewhat similar to Leo's.

"How can it be called a threat? Ours is called exchange. If you lose the next game, you can get a fortune. If I lose, I will keep Miss Eileen forever. Isn't this reasonable?"

The young man in gorgeous robes sneered: "By the way, don't tell others what I just said to you. Once you say it, you will lose both your life and wealth."

After saying that, the young man turned around and shouted: "Referee teacher, Jiang Chen and I have discussed it, and the finals can start right away!"

After a while, the middle-aged bald man returned to the center of the field. He glanced at Jiang Chen and the boy, and then asked, "Do you both agree to start the finals now?"

"Yes, we have all rested and are in good condition now."

After the young man finished speaking, he looked at Jiang Chen, his eyes as sinister as a poisonous snake.

"let's start."

Jiang Chen also nodded.

Seeing this, the young man smiled.


The middle-aged bald man nodded, and then said loudly in the direction of the stands: "The finals of the ranking battle will begin. Jiang Chen from the Imperial College's headquarters will face Luo, the second branch of the Imperial College. Please be prepared."

Immediately, he placed an hourglass on the ground: "The battle will officially begin in thirty seconds!"

After saying that, he turned around and left, leaving the place to the two of them.

As the sand in the hourglass was about to fall, the young man named Luo, who was wearing a gorgeous robe, raised the magic wand in his hand: "Come on, I hope I can have a wonderful showdown with you!"

"It's going to be exciting."

Jiang Chen said expressionlessly.

Soon, all the grains of sand fell, and a transparent light curtain enveloped the sky.

Luau immediately waved his staff, and a fist-sized fireball shot over quickly.

Jiang Chen moved to the side, avoiding the fireball, and at the same time raised his hand to wave.

A light purple ball of light shot towards the opponent.

Luau began to run quickly, chanting magic spells as he ran.

A large amount of fire elements in the air began to condense, and then, fireballs the size of heads hit one after another.

These fireballs are larger and faster than the Fireball spell.

This is the fire-type intermediate magic "Fireworks". Jiang Chen knows it, and he can cast it instantly!

He immediately activated the magic power in his body, then raised his hand and waved.

Suddenly, fireballs of the same size were shot out, colliding with the fireballs flying from the opponent.

boom! boom! boom!

Amidst the loud explosions, the fireballs that collided exploded brilliantly, as if fireworks were set off in mid-air.

Luau's eyes narrowed and he recited the magic spell again.

Jiang Chen circulated the magic power in his body and raised his hand again.

The ground beneath Luau's feet suddenly trembled, and with a roar, a giant rock hand was grabbed out of the ground.

He reacted extremely quickly and rolled quickly, barely avoiding the grasp of the giant rock hand.

However, this move also made him look disgraced and extremely embarrassed.

The magic spell he just recited was also broken.

"If I hadn't escaped just now, wouldn't I have lost?"

Lu Ao stared at Jiang Chen, his expression terrifyingly gloomy.

"You will lose even if you hide."

Jiang Chen replied expressionlessly.

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill Eileen?"

Luau's voice was extremely low, like a beast roaring.


Jiang Chen sneered, the magic power in his body was running rapidly, and suddenly, his legs were wrapped with wisps of cyan wind.

This is the intermediate wind magic "Wind Movement", which can increase movement speed.

Jiang Chen felt that his whole body was as light as a swallow. With a little effort on his legs, he rushed to Lu Ao like the wind.

Then he suddenly raised his fist and smashed it down!


With a muffled sound, Luault was punched in the face, and the huge force caused him to fall to the ground.

"You threatened me with Irene, have you ever thought about whether you are afraid of death?"

Jiang Chen squatted down and looked at the other person with cold eyes.

"I don't believe you dare to kill me, and you can't kill me here!"

Luau spat out a mouthful of blood, and then said: "You admit defeat now, I will give you everything you want in terms of people and money, otherwise I will torture Irene to death. I will do what I say!"


Jiang Chen glanced at the people outside the venue, and then quickly activated his magic power.

Suddenly, the ground shook.

A giant rock hand emerged from the ground.

Immediately afterwards, another giant rock hand emerged.

Immediately, a third giant rock hand appeared.

These three giant hands were lined up in a row, blocking the sight of outsiders, especially the middle-aged bald man.

"What are you going to do?"

A trace of surprise flashed in Luau's eyes, and he quickly got up and wanted to leave.

However, Jiang Chen punched him directly.

At the same time, he threw magic bullets with his other hand.

Jiang Chen's fists and lavender light balls kept hitting Luo's head, causing his head to bleed.


Luau finally couldn't stand it anymore. He squatted on the ground holding his head and shouted: "I..."

He wanted to shout "I surrender", but before the last two words came out, Jiang Chen grabbed his throat and vocal cords.

"Tell me, where is Irene? Otherwise I will let you die here!"

Jiang Chen said coldly.

"I... don't... believe... you... dare... to... kill... me... here!"

Because his vocal cords were pinched, Luo's voice was only a breathy sound, so small that it was almost inaudible.

But his tone was very tough.

At this time, the people outside the venue also noticed something wrong.

The middle-aged bald man walked towards the center of the venue with some doubts.

"I'll give you the last five seconds. Tell me where Irene is, and I won't kill you."

Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Five... four... three... two... one!"

As Jiang Chen counted down the last word, he pushed Olu away.

At the same time, he waved his arm and a green whirlwind flew out.


Along with the sound of flesh being cut, a stream of blood spurted out.

Luo's throat was completely cut open.

He looked at Jiang Chen with horror and disbelief, and then slowly fell to the ground.

At this time, the middle-aged bald man also came over.

He saw Luo Ao lying on the ground, and was startled at first, then he ran to him in a hurry.

Then, he shouted angrily: "Jiang Chen, you killed Luo Ao!"

The voice spread throughout the venue.


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