Are you crazy! You call this an assist?

Chapter 767 Reaching level 44 and meeting in real life for the first time

The insect nest is like a production machine, with monsters emerging from it continuously.

Although this machine will go on strike every once in a while, as long as you wait for a few dozen minutes, a large number of creeping armor demon insects will be refreshed in it.

And Jiang Chen is like a tireless robot, constantly throwing out his skills.

Since he last entered the door of reality, he has not slept.

Although Jiang Chen's mental power has become extremely powerful after integrating a large number of intelligence attributes.

However, the long-term repeated use of skills still makes him feel a little tired.

It seems that it is more exhausting in the combat state.

However, since he has come to the insect nest cave, there is no reason to rest.

Jiang Chen continues to have a cordial exchange with the creeping armor demon insect.

After brushing for almost 16 hours again, Jiang Chen gained another 882 murderous points.

At the same time, a faint light flashed on his body, and he was upgraded!

[Your level is upgraded to: Level 44! ]

[Your four-dimensional attributes +1 point, and get 4 free attribute points, please distribute freely. 】

"I spent almost 45 hours in total and got 4 levels!"

When Jiang Chen first arrived, it took him more than 4 hours to get from level 40 to level 41, and then it took him almost 24 hours to get from level 41 to level 43.

Now it took him more than 16 hours to get from level 43 to level 44.

It will take at least 24 hours to get to level 45.

The experience points required for each level increase are increasing, and there will be a marginal diminishing effect if too many monsters of the same kind are killed, and the experience gained will decrease accordingly.

Similarly, the murderous aura that Jiang Chen can get has also decreased a lot.

Immediately, he added all the attribute points to intelligence, and then looked at the panel.

Constitution: If killing 10 creeping monsters could get 1 murderous aura point before, now you have to kill 500 to get 1 point.

It can be expected that the probability will be lower as time goes by, and it is impossible to increase the murderous aura value infinitely by killing monsters.


An hour later, Jiang Chen's experience value increased by about 4%, while his murderous aura value only increased by 5 points.

"It's time to log off."

Then Jiang Chen turned and left the insect nest cave.

He took out the teleportation stone and tried to use it.

[Tip: The recent safe zone (Sixiang City) has been blocked and cannot be teleported! ]

"It seems that the holy fire purification has not yet ended, and I can only log off in the wild."

Jiang Chen looked around, ran a few steps further away, came behind a big tree, and then chose to log off.


Devil City Superpower Group Headquarters.

In the compartment, Jiang Chen on the massage chair opened his eyes.

He stood up from the chair, staggered, and almost stood unsteadily.

At the same time, he felt weak all over, with an indescribable feeling of weakness.

"This is... I'm hungry."

Jiang Chen then remembered that he hadn't eaten for more than three or four days.

Although after the fusion of physical attributes, he would not have any big problems if he didn't eat for a few days.

However, the feeling of hunger was still unavoidable.

Moreover, this time cannot be too long. Maybe they will not starve to death, but their bodies will become very weak.

Then, Jiang Chen took out his mobile phone and called Zhu Yeqing.

After the call was connected, a gentle voice sounded in the phone: "Hello, boss."

Jiang Chen said: "I told you the day before yesterday that there will be new people joining the superpower team. They will arrive at the Magic City Railway Station at 12 noon today. You can pick them up."

"Okay boss, but how can I contact them?"

Ye Zhuqing said on the phone.

"No contact information..."

Jiang Chen pondered for a moment, thought about it and said: "I will send you their IDs. Ask someone to hold up a few more pick-up signs at the exit of the station, and you will definitely be able to pick them up."

"Okay boss, I will arrange it now."

After that, Ye Zhuqing hung up the phone.

Jiang Chen also immediately sent the three names of Tao Xiaoyao, Qingying, and Yi Zhangdeng to Ye Zhuqing.

Then, he went to the bathroom to take a shower and simply relieved his physical discomfort.

"Let's eat something."

As he said that, Jiang Chen left the cubicle, walked quickly through the headquarters lobby, walked up along the underground passage, opened the refrigerator door, and came to the boss's office on the first floor.

He closed the refrigerator door, then opened the outer door again, revealing the freezer inside.

The freezer was empty.

"Nothing to eat..."

Jiang Chen muttered to himself, quickly left the office, and came to the front desk of the Power Bar.

Because it was 11 o'clock in the morning, the bar was closing time, and there was no one here.

"Forget it, let's go eat with Xiaoyao, Qingying and others later."

After muttering to himself, Jiang Chen returned to the boss's office.

He sat on the chair and began to close his eyes and rest.


12:35 noon.

Jiang Chen's mobile phone vibrated with a buzz.

He woke up from a half-sleep state and looked at the phone, which showed that Ye Zhuqing was calling.

After the call was connected, Ye Zhuqing's voice was heard on the phone: "Boss, the three beauties have been picked up. Should I bring them directly to the Power Bar?"

"Yes, bring them to my office."

Jiang Chen nodded.


Half an hour later.

Knock knock!

There was a knock on the door outside the office.

Jiang Chen knew that Tao Xiaoyao and the others had come.

This is the first time that the few of them have met in real life.

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