Jiang Chen knew that these dozen people wearing bamboo hats and black veils should be the "fish" that Luo Lianyue mentioned.

Their purpose must be to go in and rescue those who were caught due to the purification of the holy fire.

Jiang Chen naturally wouldn't stop him, and he didn't want to get angry, so he just stepped aside.

After seeing Jiang Chen's actions, these people were obviously startled.

Immediately afterwards, one of the slightly bowed men holding a dagger upside down shouted in a deep voice, "Kill him!"

In an instant, these people swarmed up. ..


Jiang Chen's pupils trembled, and he quickly muttered silently: "Hide in the void!"

He disappeared instantly and came to the void plane.

Seeing the crowd rushing out of the sky and seeing the world only in black, white and gray, Jiang Chen rushed out of the silk weaving workshop without stopping.

More than two seconds later, he left the void plane and appeared on the street outside the workshop.

He quickly scanned his surroundings, and then flew away in the direction where Ren Changsheng was flying.

More than a minute later, Jiang Chen arrived at an alleyway to the west of the silk weaving workshop, where Ren Changsheng had just landed.

Although there was no trace of the person, there were still traces of undried blood on the bluestone tile floor.

Jiang Chen followed the blood trail and walked for about twenty or thirty meters.

The blood stains that were almost connected in a line have become separated drop by drop. There is a distance of about half a meter between each drop of blood.

As Jiang Chen continued to move forward, the distance between blood drops on the ground became longer and longer.

He kept walking through the lanes, and after running for more than two hundred meters, the blood trail finally stopped.

This is located in the residential area of ​​Nancheng, Imperial City, in a small alley called Baoping Lane.

There are brick and stone walls on both sides and at the front of the alley. There is no way out except where you came in.

This is a dead end.

"According to what Luo Lingyue said, Ren Changsheng's arm was broken and he shouldn't be able to run far."

Jiang Chen stood there and looked around, saying to himself: "But this is a dead end, where will he go?"

After thinking for a short time, he thought: "White Wings!"

A pair of white wings appeared on his back, Jiang Chen flapped his wings and flew into the air.

The scene outside the wall came into view.

Among them, on the left and right are the front yards of two households, and in front is a residential backyard with a pond.

It was obvious that the person in front was a wealthy family.

At the same time, Jiang Chen noticed that the water in the pond in the backyard of this family was glowing with a faint red color.

Especially the half circle of water near the shore, the red color in it is very obvious!

"Is it blood?"

Jiang Chen groaned, flew forward, and soon arrived in the backyard.

He immediately landed on the edge of the pond and smelled the faint smell of blood.

At the same time, the tip of a weed leaf on the shore was still stained with blood.

"The blood in the pool was left by the wounds that should have been washed. It hasn't all dissipated yet. It must have just been washed."

Jiang Chen muttered to himself and looked around cautiously. He had a feeling that Ren Changsheng was nearby!

He carefully searched the backyard.

Soon, he noticed a pile of hay in the corner of the backyard.

He had seen all parts of the backyard, except for this corner, which was blocked by a haystack and could not see what was going on behind it.

Immediately, he slowed down and walked towards the pile of hay.

Just as he was approaching the haystack and about to go around it, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

This man with white hair and blood all over his body is none other than Ren Changsheng!

He was hunched over, holding on to the wound on his other broken arm with one hand, and his face was as pale as paper.

At the same time, he still held the gray-white staff tightly under his arm.


Jiang Chen was also shocked. He didn't expect that the other party would show up on his own initiative.

Before he could continue, Ren Changsheng said in a very weak voice: "My little friend from the mortal world, we should be on the same page!"


Jiang Chen frowned slightly and asked in confusion: "What do you mean?"

"You have already been to the Black Death Demon Cave. Since you can come out alive, you must have believed in the God of Disaster."

Ren Changsheng said slowly.

"You are a believer in the God of Disaster. Do you know that the God of Disaster has come to the Black Death Demon Cave?"

Jiang Chen asked quickly.


Ren Changsheng nodded: "That's why I ask you to go to the Black Death Devil's Cave to retrieve the staff."

"No wonder you asked me earlier what the God of Disaster had to say..."

Jiang Chen pondered and then said: "So, your real purpose is not the staff, but to make me believe in the God of Disaster?"

"Of course the staff is also important, otherwise I wouldn't be able to escape."

Ren Changsheng paused and said slowly: "And it is more important for you to become a believer in the Lord!"


Jiang Chen said doubtfully.

"Even if I escape, I can't escape the pursuit of the Holy See of Light, like now."

Ren Changsheng said seriously: "And you can make me survive!"

"Do you think I will save you?"

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows and asked.

"We are on the same page now."

Ren Changsheng replied confidently.

"Unfortunately, we are not from the same group."

Jiang Chen said quietly.


Ren Changsheng's pupils shrank and he said in disbelief: "If you hadn't become a believer in the God of Disaster, you wouldn't have come back alive!"

"Maybe the God of Disaster is not interested in me."

Jiang Chen curled his lips and said, "Okay, you should get going."

As he said that, he was about to swing the Ruler of Order.


Ren Changsheng shouted in a trembling voice, "I still have a skill book. As long as you are willing to let me go, it will be yours!"


Jiang Chen immediately became interested: "What skill is it?"

"Life Prayer!"

Ren Changsheng said quickly.

"Life Prayer?!"

Jiang Chen's eyes lit up immediately.

Life Prayer is a five-star skill, no worse than the Holy Light Apocalypse Formation!

Without any hesitation, Jiang Chen stretched out his hand: "Give me the skill book, and I will let you go!"

At the same time, he held the Concentric Lock with his other hand and told Luo Lianyue the location of this place.

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