Are you crazy! You call this an assist?

Chapter 773: Killing people thousands of miles away

Seeing El's teasing expression, Jiang Chen knew that this matter was no longer open to discussion.

He immediately checked his status bar, and soon saw the mark that was forcibly teleported to Jiuyou Mountain, which showed:

[Remaining time for transmission: 3 days, 10 hours and 12 minutes. 】

"It is now around eight o'clock in the morning, which means that in three days' time, at around six o'clock in the afternoon, we will be transported to Jiuyou Mountain."

Jiang Chen looked at the time, then held the concentric lock in his hand and sent a message to Luo Lianyue: "Judge Luo Lianyue, at what time should we go find Yan Changfeng in three days?"

"About this time, I will send you a message then."

After a while, Luo Lianyue's voice sounded in his mind.

"I see."

Jiang Chen replied and felt a lot relieved.

If he goes to the Demon Temple at eight o'clock in the morning three days later, he will have almost ten hours to explore, which should be enough time.

Immediately, he looked at Il and said, "Old man, do you still have the last key to the door to reality? Don't forget to give it to me."

"This key is of no use to me. I will give it to you when you arrive at Jiuyou Mountain."

After saying this, Il slowly escaped into the ground and merged with the shadows on the ground.

Jiang Chen went to Qiantian City through the large teleportation array in front of the central square of the imperial city.

Then, he came to a street called Qingyun Lane.

There is a wooden house in the alley. When you walk in, you can see a treasure box half a person's height inside.

This treasure chest is the divine item store.

Jiang Chen quickly opened the treasure box, and a light curtain emerged, displaying a list of items:

[Elementary Teleportation Stone: It can be teleported to the nearest safe area. It will disappear after one round trip. The round trip interval shall not exceed 5 minutes. Price: 100 gold coins. 】

[Intermediate teleportation stone: It can be teleported to a designated safe area. It will disappear after one round trip. The interval between round trips shall not exceed 5 minutes. Price: 200 gold coins. 】

[Intermediate backpack: The backpack can be expanded to 200 spaces. Price: 500 gold coins. 】

[Advanced backpack: The backpack can be expanded to 400 spaces. Price: 1,000 gold coins. 】

[Forgotten Divine Stone (one star): You can forget the one-star skills you have learned, priced at 100 gold coins. 】(Can be combined into one into a more advanced Forgotten Divine Stone.)

[Wash Point Divine Stone: You can reset one point of free attributes. The number of resets must not exceed the number of free attribute points you already own. Price: 500 gold coins. 】

[Advanced expansion divine stone: can be used to open the seventh skill slot, selling price: 10,000 gold coins. 】

[Top expansion divine stone: can be used to open the eighth skill slot, selling price: 100,000 gold coins. 】

[The ultimate expansion stone: can be used to open the ninth skill slot, priced at 1,000,000 gold coins. 】

"There is actually an ultimate expansion stone!"

Jiang Chen looked at the last column of the product list, his eyes widened.

But he soon calmed down. This thing cost 1 million gold coins, and now he only had enough to pay one-tenth.

"It's better to buy the Forgotten Divine Stone. I have to forget two skills before I can learn the 'Holy Light Apocalypse Formation' and 'Life Prayer'."

"We also need to replenish some teleportation stones."

After thinking for a short time, Jiang Chen purchased 24 Forgotten Divine Stones and another 20 Intermediate Teleportation Stones, spending a total of 12,400 gold coins.

[You have obtained the Forgotten Divine Stone (one star) × 24! 】

[You have obtained the intermediate teleportation stone ×20! 】

He combined 16 one-star Forgotten Divine Stones into a five-star one.

The remaining 8 Forgotten Divine Stones were combined into a four-star.

Immediately, he used the Forgotten Divine Stone (four stars) on his [Little Holy Light Apocalypse Formation].

Because the same type of skills cannot be learned repeatedly, he can only choose to forget the Little Holy Light Apocalypse Formation.

[Have you forgotten this skill? The skill disappears after being forgotten, so please choose carefully! 】


Jiang Chen muttered silently.

With a flash of light, the four-star Forgotten Divine Stone disappeared, and the skill icon of the Little Holy Light Apocalypse Formation also disappeared, turning into an empty slot.

"There is one more skill I have to forget, and I can only forget the 'Soul Planting Technique'. Although it is a five-star skill, I have almost never used it. It is a bit of a waste of skill slots."

After Jiang Chen thought carefully, he used a five-star forgotten divine stone to forget the soul-growing technique.

Now there are two empty slots in the skill bar.

Jiang Chen immediately took out two white-covered skill books from his backpack.

One is [Holy Light Apocalypse Array (Five Stars)], and the other is [Life Prayer (Five Stars)]!

With a clap of his hands, the two skill books turned into flowing light and sank into Jiang Chen's body one after another.

[You have learned the skill: Holy Light Apocalypse Formation (Five Stars)! 】

[You have learned the skill: Prayer of Life (five stars)! 】

In the skill bar, two more skill icons suddenly appeared.

Jiang Chen quickly clicked on the skill details:

[Holy Light Apocalypse Array (Five Stars): Releases a twelve-pointed star array within a 40-meter range, which will restore health at 200% of spell strength to all friendly targets in the array every second.

The magic circle lasts for 10 seconds, has a cooling time of 40 seconds, and consumes 200 mana points. 】

[Prayer of Life (Five Stars): Regardless of distance, silently recite the target's name, causing it to recover health at 100% of spell power every second, lasting 30 seconds, with a 3-minute cooldown and consuming 500 mana points. 】

[Tip: This skill cannot be released on targets you have not seen before! 】

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