The circular platform is connected to the arched corridor, and the area is very large.

Jiang Chen stood on it, like an ant standing on a millstone.

Especially when he looked at the 72 stone pillars in the center of the platform, he felt as small as dust, and a trace of fear inexplicably arose in his heart.

At this moment, he understood what Yan Changfeng meant by the mustard seed Sumeru.

The space inside the Demon God Temple is definitely much larger than it looks from the outside, like a small world!

In addition to this strong shock, Jiang Chen felt more of a creepy feeling in his heart.

He couldn't stop thinking in his mind, why is Luo Lianyue still there?

Who is the person who just walked with him?

If these are all illusions, when did he get tricked?

This Demon God Temple is so weird that he seems to have no way to resist. Should he continue to move forward?


Countless questions entangled in Jiang Chen's heart, which made him have a splitting headache for a while, and he could only keep hitting his forehead.

At this moment, a clear and beautiful voice sounded: "Fan Chen!"

This shout made Jiang Chen seem to be clearer. He turned his head and saw Luo Lianyue in a white dress walking out of the arch corridor and onto the platform.

"Are you okay?"

Luo Lianyue asked worriedly as she walked over.

"I'm fine."

Jiang Chen replied, and then his face froze, and he shouted loudly: "No, you are not Luo Lianyue, who are you?"

"What are you talking about?"

Luo Lianyue was stunned for a moment.

"When I sent you a message just now, you were still there. How could you be here so quickly?"

The more Jiang Chen spoke, the more strange it felt. He felt that the Luo Lianyue in front of him was the person who came with him before and disappeared again!

"When I received your message, I had already started walking this way."

Luo Lianyue explained: "I don't know why I got here so quickly. I feel that the corridor suddenly became shorter."

"The corridor became shorter?"

Jiang Chen frowned and thought for a while. He couldn't judge the truth of the other party's words, but with the weirdness of the Demon God Temple, it was not impossible.

But then, his expression suddenly changed, veins popped on his forehead, and he pointed at Luo Lianyue and shouted: "It's still wrong, how could you come here? I didn't tell you where I was!"

As he said, he was about to raise the Ruler of Order in his hand.

"Fan Chen, calm down! I came here because I can only come here to find you."

Luo Lianyue was startled and said quickly: "And we said before that we should be firm in our beliefs and not attack each other. Have you forgotten?"

"That's what I said to Luo Lianyue!"

Jiang Chen held the Ruler of Order tightly, his spirit was highly tense, and he felt that his head was about to split.

"I am Luo Lianyue!"

Luo Lianyue shouted helplessly.

Immediately, she remembered something and quickly took out a delicate little lock from her bosom: "You should know what this is!"

"Heart lock."

Seeing this little lock, Jiang Chen's torn mind suddenly eased a lot, and his expression calmed down a little.

"Whether I am the real me, you can find out by taking out the heart lock and trying it!"

Luo Lianyue said quickly.

"Yes, you can use voice transmission!"

Jiang Chen muttered to himself, quickly took out his heart lock, and said in a voice transmission: "Luo Lianyue, where are you?"

"The one in front of you is me."

Luo Lianyue's voice sounded in his mind.

Then she said: "Do you believe me now?"


Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief and said: "I'm really sorry, I don't know if it's affected by the atmosphere here, my mind is confused by this weird scene..."

As he was talking, he suddenly found that Luo Lianyue's figure had become smaller!

To be precise, he was moving away from Luo Lianyue quickly, and the distance between the two seemed to be stretched dozens of times invisibly!

And Luo Lianyue didn't seem to notice? !

"What's going on? Space magic?"

Jiang Chen's pupils trembled slightly, and he was still in shock.

He suddenly found that there was a person standing in front of Luo Lianyue in the distance!

That person looked exactly like him!

Luo Lianyue said to the person: "Don't blame you, it's really too weird here, it's easy to disturb people's minds, I hope you're okay."

"Of course I'm fine, let's move on."

The person who looked exactly like Jiang Chen said.


Luo Lianyue nodded and prepared to go immediately.

However, as soon as she turned around, the fake Jiang Chen quickly approached behind her and smashed her fiercely with the Ruler of Order.


With a muffled sound, Luo Lianyue's figure fell forward three or four meters away.

Although she was attacked on the back, a trace of blood flowed under her nose, and her mind was stinging.

When she stood up, she was obviously a little staggering.

But she still held the sword in front of her at the first time, facing "Jiang Chen", ready to swing it down.

At this moment, the fake Jiang Chen suddenly said: "I'm sorry, I still don't believe you are Luo Lianyue!"

As soon as this sentence came out, Luo Lianyue obviously hesitated, and the long sword in her hand that was about to swing down stopped.

The fake Jiang Chen seized the opportunity, quickly stepped forward, and swung the Ruler of Order again.

Luo Lianyue retreated to avoid the attack and said: "Fan Chen, clear your mind, I am Luo Lianyue!"


The fake Jiang Chen suddenly stopped and said, "Come closer, let me take a good look."

Luo Lianyue stopped, but did not approach, with a hint of vigilance in her expression.

The fake Jiang Chen walked up slowly.

On the other side, Jiang Chen looked at this scene and wanted to go over to tell Luo Lianyue that it was not him, but he could not get close.

The distance between the two would only get longer and longer.

He shouted at the top of his voice, but Luo Lianyue did not respond at all, as if he could not hear it at all.

I don't know if it was affected by the aura here, after several seconds, he remembered that he could use the Concentric Lock.

Just when he was about to use the Concentric Lock to transmit the sound.

In the distance, the fake Jiang Chen suddenly shouted with a ferocious face: "Luo Lianyue, accompany your parents to sink here forever!"

At the same time, he raised the Ruler of Order in his hand.

"You are not mortal!"

Luo Lianyue's face was as cold as ice, and he waved the long sword in his hand.

It was also at this time that Jiang Chen and the fake Jiang Chen instantly switched positions!

Looking at Luo Lianyue who was suddenly so close to him and the long sword in her hand, Jiang Chen felt uneasy.

He was very sure at this moment that this was definitely not an illusion. There must be something in the Demon God Temple playing tricks on them!

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