Are you crazy! You call this an assist?

Chapter 842 The three stone pillars merge inside the Gate of Reality

The continent of origin is vast. Whether it is the imperial city, the royal city, the main city, or the more than 100 new towns created after the server merger, all taken together, they only account for a very small part of the continent.

But no matter how big the continent is, it has an end. This end is the boundary of the world - the space barrier, also known as the boundary wall.

The boundary walls originating from the four directions of the continent's southeast, northwest and north are called the extreme east boundary wall, the extreme south boundary wall, the extreme west boundary wall and the extreme north boundary wall.

If the boundary wall is unstable, has cracks, or is opened, it may be invaded by other worlds.

About ten thousand years ago, there was an invasion from another world at a certain boundary wall of the Origin Continent.

Therefore, in order to prevent this from happening again, humans built four cities at the boundary walls to guard the four boundary walls.

They are respectively the Extreme East Boundary City, the Extreme South Boundary City, the Extreme West Boundary City and the Extreme North Boundary City.

However, Jiang Chen had only heard of this so-called boundary city, but had never seen it before.

After all, the Origin Continent is too vast, and most players have never been to the boundary wall.

Even after all the hard work, it is almost impossible to find the location of the boundary city.

Now, Jiang Chen was teleported to the extreme southern boundary wall and saw the outline of a city in the distance.

Apart from the Extreme South Boundary City, he couldn't think of any other buildings appearing here.

"Want to take a look?"

Jiang Chen looked at the outline of the city in the distance, and then looked at the huge stone gate in front of him - the Gate of Reality.

At this moment, the door is slowly opening, and a gap has been opened enough for people to enter. You can see the mist and mist inside.

The door to reality will not disappear immediately, nor will it stay forever. It will not leave until it is fully opened.

This time is about ten minutes.

Judging from the distance of the city's outline in the distance, I'm afraid this little time is only enough to rush on the road, and nothing else can be done.

"Let's talk about it after we come out of the gate of reality."

After Jiang Chen thought briefly, he strode forward.

Soon, he stepped into the huge stone door, and his vision was shrouded in fog.

【You have entered the door of reality! 】

Under the prompts of the system, the fog in front of me began to dissipate quickly.

Jiang Chen appeared in an extremely wide circular square.

In front of him, three stone pillars appeared.

"Last time there were still four stone pillars, and another one merged?"

Jiang Chen's eyes lit up.

When he first came in, there were five stone pillars standing in the door of reality. Each stone pillar represented an aspect of ability.

Later, the stone pillars representing intelligence, strength and other attributes and the stone pillars representing ordinary skills were merged together, and the five stone pillars became four.

But now, the stone pillars have become three, and it is obvious that they have merged again.

Jiang Chen stared straight at the tallest stone pillar. It was not only engraved with icons of intelligence, strength, physique and other attributes, but also many skill icons, such as the twelve-pointed star array, angel shadow, etc...

In addition, there is also a black and white embracing Tai Chi pattern printed on it, which is the talent icon of [Yin and Yang Reversal]!

"It actually merged with my Yin-Yang reversal talent!"

Jiang Chen's eyes were full of surprises, which meant that he could not only integrate attributes and skills into reality, but also bring the reversal of yin and yang back to the real world!

At the same time, he was also curious. The attribute and skill stone pillars allowed him to quickly practice levels and learn all magic in the real dream world. And what abilities would this reversal of yin and yang allow him to gain?

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen couldn't hold himself back any longer and went straight forward to place his hand on the tallest stone pillar.

The stone pillar lit up with a ball of colorful light, enveloping his whole body in it.

"Last time in my real dream, I just won the first place in the league competition and came out without even taking the reward. This time I should be able to get a lot of good things..."

Jiang Chen thought to himself, feeling dizzy in his mind, and his vision became dim.


"I've been in a coma for five days, why don't you wake up?"

A powerful voice sounded.

"He used elemental explosion in the alliance competition, and his mental power and magic power were almost drained. It's not easy to wake up."

came a voice that sounded a little hoarse.

"Master, he keeps lying like this. It's really worrying. Mr. Dean, please think of a solution!"

A crying girl's voice sounded.

"He is my apprentice, how could I not think of a way?"

The hoarse voice said helplessly: "He forcibly used elemental detonation, and it was a seven-series element. He was lucky not to be raped. Now he can only wake up on his own."


The girl's sobs rang in Jiang Chen's ears, and at the same time, he felt a soft little hand holding him.

"Stop crying, I'm not dead."

Jiang Chen opened his uncomfortable eyes and said something in a dry voice.

"Master, wake up!"

The exclamation of joy sounded loudly, almost piercing Jiang Chen's eardrums.

Immediately afterwards, several faces came over.

Yi Tianyun, Yi Feng, Aileen, and a few unknown people all leaned down and stared directly at Jiang Chen.

"I hope the first thing I see when I open my eyes is a reward, not a few useless faces."

Jiang Chen curled his lips and complained slowly.


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