"Maybe I'm a genius."

Jiang Chen deliberately raised his voice.

He knew that his performance was not something that ordinary people could do. In order to avoid other people's continued questioning, he chose to be a peerless genius.

"You are indeed a genius, but the speed of your magic power cultivation is too unreasonable?"

Wen Shishi thought she had seen many geniuses, but none of them was as outrageous as Jiang Chen.

"Geniuses are naturally unreasonable."

As he said this, Jiang Chen closed his eyes directly: "I'm going to meditate, please don't disturb me anymore."

He seemed to be talking to Wen Shishi, but in fact he was talking to everyone present.

The prince, who had always been elegant and easy-going, couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly after hearing this.

The second prince on the side even raised his mouth. He had seen arrogant people, but he had never seen anyone arrogant in front of his brother, the prince.

This was almost the same as driving people away openly.

"Crown Prince, Second Prince, and all my friends, my disciple is obsessed with cultivation, so please forgive me for my rudeness."

Yi Tianyun's voice sounded.

"If it were someone else, I would definitely think he was being pretentious, but Jiang Chen is still underage and has such talent, so he seems a bit straightforward."

The crown prince glanced at Jiang Chen on the ground, and then said: "Then don't disturb him for now. I will summon him after the Hidden Dragon Conference is over."

After that, he turned around and left, shaking his fan.

The group immediately left the square and returned to the high observation deck.

At this time, Jiang Chen, who was meditating with his eyes closed, felt dizzy in his mind, and soon he lost consciousness.


"There will be a total of 40 battle orders on the field, with two orders from one to twenty. Those who win the battle orders with the same number will fight each other, and the winner will be listed on the Hidden Dragon List!"

After an unknown amount of time, a very loud voice came.

Jiang Chen slowly opened his eyes and found that he was still sitting cross-legged on the square.

The lanes that were lined up before have disappeared.

On the huge square, there are seventy or eighty young men and women scattered around. These are the people who have successfully passed the previous competition.

Each of them is constantly observing the surroundings, as if they are afraid of missing something in the blink of an eye.

"Snatch the battle order?"

Jiang Chen muttered to himself, looking around, and slowly stood up.

He heard the loud voice just now, and knew what battle order the competition was about.

In other words, the seventy or eighty people on the field now have to compete for forty battle orders.


Suddenly, a loud bell sounded and echoed over the square.

Then, in the center of the square, a palm-sized jade cicada broke out of the ground and flew into the sky.

The players on the field all raised their heads with fiery eyes and looked at the jade cicada.

"Is this the battle order? A cicada-shaped jade pendant."

Jiang Chen also looked at the jade cicada flying high in the sky.

The next second, the jade cicada lost its power, drew a slight parabola, and fell from the sky.


"It fell to my side, God helps me!"

"No one can snatch the first battle order from me!"


Amidst the bold words, dozens of people rushed towards the landing point of the jade cicada.

Almost at the same time, another jade cicada broke out of the ground on another ground.

Soon, the third, fourth, fifth... jade cicadas rose into the air and fell like bamboo shoots after rain.

"The number of battle orders is not small, more than half of the people can get it."

Jiang Chen did not move, he quietly observed the situation on the field.

At this moment, a small bulge suddenly appeared on the ground under his feet, and a jade cicada flew out of it!

He was quick-eyed and quick-handed, and directly reached out and grabbed it!

"Is your luck so good?"

Jiang Chen looked at the jade cicada in his hand with a strange look.

The jade cicada was bright white, delicate and soft to the touch, and there was a serial number engraved on its abdomen: [Thirteen].

"Hand over the battle order!"

A voice suddenly came.

Jiang Chen looked in the direction of the voice and saw a young man with a long sword on his shoulder, not far in front of him, staring at him.

"There are still many battle orders without owners, why bother to grab others'?"

Jiang Chen pointed upwards, and there were still many jade cicadas falling from the sky.

"I just want the one in your hand!"

The man with the long sword said very domineeringly.

"I think you are looking for a fight!"

Jiang Chen did not tolerate it, and directly activated his magic power and swung the staff in his hand.


A green whirlwind mixed with the sound of breaking through the air shot out at a high speed.

The man with the long sword condensed his eyes slightly, tapped the ground with his toes, and dodged to the side.

When Jiang Chen raised the staff again and prepared to suppress the fire, he heard a puff, and another jade cicada broke out of the ground under his feet.

He reached out again and held it in his hand.

The abdomen of this jade cicada also had a serial number [Thirteen] engraved on it!

"I picked up both 'Thirteen'?"

Jiang Chen was stunned as he looked at the two jade cicadas with the same serial number in his hand!

Does this mean that he can skip the battle stage and enter the Hidden Dragon Ranking?

He now seriously doubted whether he had opened a lucky cheat.

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