Are you crazy! You call this an assist?

Chapter 931: Come but not go

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Chen's mind buzzed, and he was completely confused.

A rift in the world or too little? What is this going to do?

Of all the situations Jiang Chen could have imagined, this was undoubtedly the worst one.

He took a deep breath quickly, suppressed his inner emotions, and asked: "Why are there too few cracks in the world? Do you want to create new cracks in the world?"


Tang En, who was standing in front of the barrier, replied briefly and looked around.


Jiang Chen continued to ask.

Tang En did not answer, but took a few steps forward and flicked his hand towards the ground.

Suddenly, the ruins and gravel on the ground were blown away like dust, revealing a circular piece of land about two meters long.

Immediately afterwards, he squatted down and used his finger as a pen to draw continuously on the black soil.

In a moment, the word "forbidden" appeared on this exposed land.

"You are not allowed to enter this place until the word 'forbidden' is removed."

After making a loud announcement, Tang En stood up and walked towards the barrier again.

"Can you tell me why?"

Jiang Chen quickly followed and continued to ask.

"It will be completed in about seven days. I will disable the resistance circle."

Tang En replied, walking towards the barrier without stopping.

"I'm not asking you about the magic circle."

Jiang Chen followed quickly and said: "I want to know why you want to create a new world rift?"

Tang En did not answer and stepped into the barrier.

At this time, other players came around, looked at the word "forbidden" on the ground, and started to complain.

Others came to the transparent blue light curtain and tried to enter.

Jiang Chen looked at Tang En who entered the barrier, hesitated briefly and then walked up.

He had to figure out the other party's purpose, but this blue barrier blocked the way forward.

There seems to be no other way except to break through.

Jiang Chen stretched out his hand again and probed towards the barrier light curtain.

The moment he reached into the light screen, a huge repulsive force came and his hand was thrown out.

"I still don't believe it!"

Jiang Chen didn't give up and stretched out his hands to push the barrier light curtain with all his strength.

Without any surprise, another huge force pushed against his hands.

No matter how he resisted, he was forced to retreat in an instant. He leaned backward and almost fell to the ground.


Suddenly, there was an explosion nearby,

It was a mage player who threw a fireball and hit it on the light screen.

Apart from a faint ripple, the light curtain was undamaged.

"Isn't attacking useless?"

Jiang Chen's heart sank, then he shook his head and said to himself: "No, it's definitely not that the attack is useless, it's that the attack is not strong enough!"

He didn't believe that this thing was invincible, so he was ready to take out the Ruler of Order and try it.

At this time, several more "bang bang bang" collision sounds were heard not far away.

Several more players launched attacks against the light curtain, and waves of ripples emerged.

"Don't ask for trouble!"

Tang En, who was inside the barrier, suddenly turned around, raised his foot and stepped on it hard.


In an instant, the players who were attacking the barrier heard their own violent heartbeats. Their hearts seemed to have been hit hard by something, causing severe pain.

At the same time, their blood volume has also been reduced to varying degrees.

For a moment, they didn't dare to attack again.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen frowned. Obviously, if the barrier was attacked, Tang En would take action!

"You must know his purpose!"

After thinking for a short time, Jiang Chen looked at the light curtain in front of him and muttered silently: "Flash!"

He teleported forward 15 meters and appeared within the barrier.

Tang En also turned his head slightly and looked at Jiang Chen who suddenly appeared, seeming a little confused.

At this moment, a huge force acted on Jiang Chen's whole body.

The next second, he was blasted out of the barrier like a cannonball.


With a muffled sound, Jiang Chen fell to the ground like a kite with its string broken.

A damage value also appeared on his head:


This was just the damage caused by falling from the air. It didn't matter to Jiang Chen, but the effect made him very desperate.

When he was blasted out, he clearly saw that he had an additional control effect of being knocked away.

Obviously, this resistance circle is essentially a large-scale control skill. As long as you enter it, you will be knocked away in a direction.

Jiang Chen suddenly had no choice but to walk around the barrier while thinking of a way.

At this time, Tang En had arrived next to the bronze mirror and the space crack in the center of the barrier, and sat cross-legged on the ground. ..

It seems that he will not leave until his evolution is complete.

As time passed, the blue barrier light curtain shrouded became more and more solid.

In just a few minutes, it went from transparent to translucent and finally to opaque.

It was like a blue cage, completely covering this area.

Neither Tang En nor the spatial cracks inside could be seen.

Jiang Chen was still walking around the barrier. When he came to the back of the barrier, he suddenly stopped and said, "Yes, this is the control effect. What I am least afraid of is control!"

Then, he faced the light curtain and silently said: "Holy Body of Light!"

Suddenly, a layer of light golden light covered his body.

Without any hesitation, he took a step forward and stepped into the barrier light curtain.

With a ripple, he entered the barrier without any hindrance!

The Holy Body of Light is immune to all control effects!

This is a talent skill brought by the hidden profession, and he can now use it for 35 minutes a day!

Then, Jiang Chen walked quickly towards Tang En.

Tang En, who was originally sitting cross-legged on the ground, stood up again at this time. He looked at Jiang Chen and said in an incredible tone: "You actually have the Holy Body of Light?!"

"Your Excellency knows?"

Jiang Chen was a little surprised. The other party knew about the Holy Body of Light?

Hearing this, Tang En did not answer. He was silent for two seconds and then asked: "What do you want to do?"

"I just want to know why you want to create a world rift?"

"I can't say."

"Do you know that the world rift will eventually become a world passage?"

"I know."

"Do you know that once the passage is formed, the monsters on this continent can go to my hometown through it?"

"I know."

"Then why do you want to create a new world rift? If you do this, more monsters will go to our place!"

Jiang Chen was puzzled.

"You can come, but they can't go?"

Tang En asked back.

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