Are you crazy! You call this an assist?

Chapter 949 I want to gamble

What the two discussed from beginning to end was about the harm caused by Qianye's creation and experimentation of the All-Spirit Blood Seed.

They only care about the safety of Qiantian City. As for the consequences of bringing the ferocious beasts and monsters from the Origin Continent to Blue Star, they have not mentioned a word!

This made Jiang Chen very angry.

Although most of the other players around the square didn't know what was being said because they were too far away, a few still heard the conversation.

Especially when Jiang Chen's words came out, they immediately understood that the alien world Qianye and Hogg mentioned was the Blue Star!

This information can be said to be very explosive.

Some people think that this is just a plot set by the game to make players feel more involved and will not really have any impact on Blue Star. ..

Some people realized the seriousness of the matter and chose to go offline directly!

Obviously, I'm afraid it won't be long before many people will know this explosive news!

At this time, Qianye and Hogg looked at Jiang Chen, both silently silent, and the scene fell into silence.

"Why, you can't answer my question?"

Jiang Chen spoke again.

"It's not that I can't answer your question, it's just that there's no need to answer it."

Looking at Jiang Chen's puzzled expression, Qianye continued: "Because you know the answer yourself."

"what is the answer?"

Jiang Chen expressed confusion.

"What would you do if it were you?"

Qianye asked back: "If there are endless monsters in your hometown, the place where you live is constantly being compressed, and your life is constantly threatened, will you take these monsters to another world? Will you care about the consequences of that other world? "

"if it was me……"

Jiang Chen spoke for a moment and suddenly fell into silence.

If Blue Star had endless monsters, would he take these monsters to another world?

The answer is obviously yes, if that's the only option.

But is there really only one choice?

"Maybe we can think of other ways."

After thinking for a short time, Jiang Chen looked at Qianye above the Behemoth beast.

"Is there any other method?"

Qianye asked quietly.

"There will definitely be one!"

Jiang Chen said with great certainty.

"That said, not yet."

Qianye paused and said slowly: "The appearance of the crack in the world is the only chance."

"This is the only chance you thought you had, why can't you wait any longer?"

Jiang Chen continued to persuade.

"We have been waiting for a long, long time. For countless years, ancient cities have turned into ruins. If we do not completely eliminate these monsters, we will have no future."

At the end of Qianye's words, his tone became deeper.

"We will definitely find a way."

Jiang Chen could feel that the other party's words were sincere.

"Tell me, if you really have a way, I might consider giving up using the All-Spirit Blood Seed."

Qianye's eyes were like sharp swords, staring at Jiang Chen.

"Give us some time. Although we adventurers from another world may seem embarrassed and useless now, our potential for growth is immeasurable."

Jiang Chen said seriously: "Perhaps in the near future, we can completely eliminate the monsters in the Origin Continent!"

"How do you solve it? Manpower will eventually be exhausted."

Qianye has a pessimistic attitude towards adventurers from other worlds.

"Then become a god!"

Jiang Chen said with an extremely determined expression: "I will definitely become a god, and I will definitely be able to deal with these monsters and even demon gods by then!"

As soon as these words came out, Qianye's eyes clearly flashed with a strange color.

Hogg, who was not far away, also showed a surprised look, and looked at Jiang Chen with a slightly different look.

"I won't change my plan just because of your rhetoric. I need to see something substantial."

Qianye paused for a moment before asking slowly: "Do I want to bet that you can become a god? And even if you do become a god, it may not be able to solve the situation that has existed in the Origin Continent for so long."

"Why not take a gamble?"

Jiang Chen was still fighting: "Just give me some time."

"I'm not a gambler."

Qianye chose to refuse.

At this moment, a huge blue light came from the direction of the city gate, dyeing almost half of the sky blue.

Immediately afterwards, a beam of dark red light penetrated the blue light and struck towards the city.

It seems that...the demon god Bailang has entered the city!

Suddenly, both Hogg and Qianye showed extremely solemn and worried expressions on their faces.

Both of them had the same thought: Did the teacher lose? ?

At the same time, a figure appeared out of thin air in front of the dilapidated mansion.

He first glanced in the direction of the city gate, then looked at Jiang Chen and Qianye, and said, "I want to make a bet."

This person is Yan Changfeng!

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