Are you crazy! You call this an assist?

Chapter 956 If you want to protect your hometown, you can only rely on your own strength

“What exactly are the Old and New Testaments?”

Jiang Chen's mind is now full of questions. Literally speaking, the New Testament and the Old Testament should be two contracts or agreements.

Among them, the content of the Old Testament involves the fact that gods are not allowed to come to the world at will, otherwise they will suffer punishment from heaven.

The basis for judgment should be that the power used must not exceed the limit.

As for whether there is any other content in the Old Testament, Jiang Chen doesn't know.

Then there is the New Testament. Why is the New Testament not enabled? And why do the gods start a war once the New Testament is activated?

Jiang Chen didn't know all of them.

"The Old Testament and the New Testament are oracles conveyed by the gods a long time ago. Many of the contents have been lost. We only know that they are agreements made between the gods."

Bei Ming paused and said slowly: "It's almost impossible to understand it now. You can only look up a few words, and you have to have a great scholar interpret it for you."

"All right."

Jiang Chen could only nodded, and then asked: "By the way, Lao Yan just said that if we are sure to eliminate all the demon gods, maybe it is time to activate the New Covenant. Does this mean that the initiative to activate it is in our hands? "

"Whether it is activated or not is of course up to the gods."

Bei Ming smiled and said: "All we can do is pray devoutly, asking the gods to hear our wishes."

"I think the New Testament has not been activated, just waiting for us to have the power to destroy the devil. When the time comes, as long as we convey our ideas, the gods will definitely agree."

Yan Changfeng looked at the sky and said firmly.

"I hope it's as you said."

Beiming said slowly: "But if you want to have the power to destroy the demon god, it may be difficult for you to enter the realm of the Dharma God alone. After all, there are also gaps between the demon gods, such as Bailang today, and us The demon god I was chasing back then was far inferior to the Supreme Four Pillars."

"Even if it's a Dharma God, it might be okay to deal with one, but if you have to deal with four, I'm afraid..."

Hogg's voice sounded, and he said in a low tone,

"The Four Pillars are really troublesome."

Yan Changfeng's face also became a little solemn. He paused and then said: "I may not be able to kill them all by myself, but I am not the only one in the human race. Whether it is the Pope or the hidden man in the palace, I am convinced that they all have powers comparable to gods."

"You're right. If all human power is used, we can indeed achieve a more than 50% chance of winning, but the difficulty is too high."

Bei Ming sighed slightly and said: "Let's not talk about the reclusive man in the palace who has not been born for who knows how many years. Even if he wants the Pope to take action, the possibility is slim."

"When I fully enter the realm of the Dharma God, I will go to them one by one and let them make a choice."

Yan Changfeng's eyes narrowed, with a hint of chill in his expression.

"Even if you really convince them, even if you really win in the end, the result will definitely be extremely tragic."

Hogg suddenly asked: "If, I mean if, you finally step into the realm of the Dharma God that countless people dream of, but you end up dying in a battle with the Demon God, is it worth it?"

“It’s worth it if you can win!”

Yan Changfeng said firmly: "I have had two dreams since I was a child. One is to reach the highest realm, and the other is to cleanse all the demon gods. If I achieve the first one, I will naturally have to do the second one."

As soon as these words came out, both Hoge and Beiming stopped talking. There was obviously a hint of admiration in their eyes when they looked at Yan Changfeng.

"Take me with you then!"

Jiang Chen suddenly said.

"Then you have to wait until you have this level of power."

Yan Changfeng turned his head and smiled slightly: "But I believe you can do it."


Jiang Chen smiled back with a firm tone.

"I'm waiting for you."

Yan Changfeng nodded with admiration, and then said: "This time the crisis in Qiantian City has been resolved, I will take my leave first."

After speaking, he turned his wrist, and a scroll appeared in his hand. This was a world teleportation map.

Seeing that he was about to use it, Jiang Chen immediately said: "Old Yan, wait a moment, there is one more thing."

"What's the matter?"

Yan Changfeng asked doubtfully.

"About the Crack in the World."

Jiang Chen came to Yan Changfeng for this matter. He quickly said: "A world rift has appeared over there in the Black Cloud Forest. You should know about it, right?"


Yan Changfeng nodded.

"A mysterious man has appeared there and is copying a new world rift. I want you to stop him."

Jiang Chen pleaded.


Yan Changfeng asked.

"The cracks in the world will become the passage to my hometown Blue Star. Once the number increases, it will increase the risk of monsters and beasts invading Blue Star. This will be a disaster for everyone on Blue Star."

Jiang Chen answered this question many times, with a very serious look on his face every time.

"I won't stop you. If you want to protect your hometown, you can't rely on the strength of others."

Yan Changfeng refused.

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