Are you crazy! You call this an assist?

Chapter 99 Are you guys messing with me?

"Brother Fanchen is here!"

Qingying and Tao Xiaoyao said at the same time.

That's right, Jiang Chen has arrived.

In other words, he arrived early.

He learned the general cause of the incident from the comments of the onlookers around him.

I also found out that the harasser was Han Sicong.

He was even not far away, watching a large group of people coming from the opposite side.


There is no waiting for Han Sicong!

He thought that Han Sicong would personally lead a large group of troops to kill him after his resurrection.

Now that the team has arrived, Han Sicong didn't come?

When you see this group of people, you will take action.

Jiang Chen couldn't wait any longer, so he had to squeeze through the crowd watching the excitement in front and quickly arrived at the center of the field.

"Brother Fanchen!"

Seeing the visitor, the two girls quickly came over.

"It was so scary that I almost died."

Qingying said "scaring to death", but there was a smile on her face.

Tao Xiaoyao on the side also looked at Jiang Chen with a smile on her face, feeling particularly at ease.

"It's so scary. You're so eager to fight. I'm afraid my coming will affect your fight, right?"

Jiang Chen shook his head helplessly. He saw Qingying's excited face, as if she was about to go on a killing spree in the next second.

Where is the slightest hint of fear?

"No way, isn't this just to cheer yourself up..."

Qingying seemed to know that she had been exposed, she rubbed her fingertips and muttered softly.

This appearance and contrast also made the jaws of the people around him drop in shock.

Many people roared in their hearts: "That's not what you did when you sprayed at a group of people just now!"

This scene also made the imperial guard across from him frown.

He could feel that the other party's atmosphere was obviously different from before.

It's like they don't take them seriously anymore!

This made him feel a little uneasy.

He quietly asked the caped knight on the side: "Is this person also the first to kill the team?"

"That's right, all three members of the first killing team are here!"

The caped knight's eyes seemed to be burning with fire at this moment, full of fighting spirit!

"Is this person very strong?"

The imperial guard expressed his doubts.

"No matter how strong you are, you are just a priest. The advantage lies with me!"

With the arrival of the large army, the Caped Knight seemed to be a different person compared to before.

Coward when you should be cowardly, fight when you should fight!

This is his creed!

Moreover, he enjoys this feeling of being responded to by hundreds of people and being watched by everyone.

There were too few people in front, and he felt it wasn't impressive enough.

And now this scene.

It was just like the Young and Dangerous movies he had watched before, with hundreds of people gathering behind him, satisfying his sense of pleasure that he couldn't achieve in real life!

He was so full of pride that he couldn't be happier!


As if inspired by the caped knight, the imperial guards also eliminated their worries.

He looked at Jiang Chen and said coldly: "Since you are the first to kill the team and rush over to reunite, then all of you will die!"

"Everyone is ready..."

The imperial guard raised his hand.

The caped knight also raised his hand.

Everyone nearby who was watching the excitement knew that this time it was serious, and everyone stepped back together.

To prevent the city gate from catching fire and damaging the fish in the pond.


Jiang Chen waved his hand and interrupted, "Where are you, Mr. Han?"

"You'll see him soon!"

The imperial guard's expression remained unchanged, his big hand immediately fell, and he suddenly shouted: "Do it! Stop this animal first..."

The words are not finished yet.

A large white light lit up.

"I'm coming!"

Qingying's voice also sounded at the same time.

She already knew what the next second would bring.

As a six-pointed star array emerged.

Nearly half of the team of hundreds of imperial guards were shrouded in white light.

If it weren't for the fact that he didn't want to hurt the ordinary players around him, Jiang Chen's position where the magic circle was released could even go deeper.

It was enough to cover all the hundreds of people on the other side.

But even if not all are covered.

At this time, sixty or seventy people had all fallen!

Except for some people at the very back, they escaped unhurt.

The opponent's entire team seemed to have been wiped by an eraser, erasing a large area!

The center of the field was quite empty.

For a moment, the place was extremely silent.

Many people didn't understand what happened.

After several seconds, scattered discussions gradually started to sound.

"What kind of skill is this? Why are people disappearing?"

"Why are there such perverted skills in the early stage? Does this range and damage really not affect the balance of the game?"

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have thought it was the boss using his skills!"

"Isn't this really cheating?"

"Is this... stable?"

There was a lot of discussion among those watching.

The few people who survived on the other side left in a hurry.

Leaving the fire city resurrection point.

Under the white statue.

It's cold at high places and I'm still waiting here.

White lights would light up here from time to time, but the people who came out of them were not the people he was waiting for.

"What on earth are these dogs doing? They kill everyone with such ink marks!"

He really wanted to see Tao Xiaoyao walking out of the resurrection point with a look of despair.

He wanted to humiliate her in front of her.

Let her know the consequences of irritating her!


Where are people?

Gao Chu Bu Sheng Han was furious and was about to open his friend list.


Countless white lights lit up at the resurrection point at the same time.

These beams of white light were so dense that they even connected into one piece!

A large group of people walked out of it with a confused look on their faces.

While Gao Chu Bu Sheng Han was still confused, he suddenly froze.

He saw a familiar face!

Many people in the crowd, including the royal guards and the caped knight, also saw Gao Chu Bu Sheng Han.

The confused faces of the group turned pale in an instant!

"Are you guys messing with me?"

Gao Chu Bu Sheng Han's cold voice sounded.

"Han, Mr. Han..."


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