The college entrance examination results are announced.

The whole country is paying attention and the whole network is discussing it

"Wow, I wonder who will be the top scorer in the college entrance examination this year?"

"Compared to this, I actually want to know the identity of that 'poet'!"

"Poet? What's that?"

"You don’t know this? He’s the genius who wrote the perfect three-line poem!"

"I don't visit forums much, but I have heard of that god. How come his identity hasn't been revealed in two weeks?"

"No! God knows why, but I just can’t find it!"

"Tsk tsk! It's hard to imagine that if the identity of that 'poet' is exposed one day, the whole network will explode."

Amidst the random discussions, the college entrance examination official blog released a new announcement.

Countless people clicked to open it with great anticipation.

【**Summary of information on the National College Entrance Examination in Summer 2018】

【National undergraduate pass rate:**】



Netizens don't care about these professional data.

They directly turned to the end of the announcement, which contains the information of the top scorer in the college entrance examination every year!

Countless people can't wait to know the name of this year's top scorer!

The eye-catching title on the last page of the announcement surprised everyone!

【Binhai No. 1 Middle School, the top scorer in both liberal arts and science! 】


It's Binhai again!

Everyone is familiar with this place. The genius who scored a perfect three-line poem is from Binhai City, Jiangsu Province!

Thinking of this, the brainy people's hearts jumped!

Could it be...

Click the title to enter the text

【**Top scorer in the national liberal arts college entrance examination in summer】

【Name: Su Chen

【Total score: 736

【Region: Binhai City, Jiangsu Province

【School]: Binhai No.1 Middle School

【Scores of each subject】:


【**Top scorer in the national science college entrance examination in summer】

【Name: Chu Qingyue

【Total score: 734

【Region: Binhai City, Jiangsu Province

【School]: Binhai No.1 Middle School

【Scores of each subject】:


Everyone who saw the content was dumbfounded!


The top scorer in liberal arts!

The top scorer in science!

They are both from the same place and the same school!

But the sharp-minded people immediately noticed a detail!

"Pay attention to the scores of Su Chen, the champion in liberal arts!"

When this post came out, everyone quickly looked through it.

They were immediately shocked!

"Wow! These scores are outrageous!"

"Full marks in math and English! Is this the top scorer in the college entrance examination?"

"I think what is even more outrageous is the liberal arts comprehensive exam! A liberal arts comprehensive exam score of 295 is not that outrageous even if you just write according to the answer sheet!"

"The key point is the Chinese language score! Haven't you thought of anything?"

"Chinese? 141 points, that's quite exaggerated, I guess the composition must have——"

"Holy crap!!"


Suddenly, the whole network exploded

"The one with 141 points in Chinese is most likely the one who got full marks in the composition!"

"I think so too! By the way, the name Su Chen seems familiar. Have you seen him somewhere in the past few days?"

"I have also seen the above post. It seems that two weeks ago, there was a post online saying that the person who wrote a three-line poem with a perfect score was called Su Chen! But not long after, all those posts were deleted.……"

"Wow! It matches! It really is this big guy!"

For a while, there were countless replies.

In the past two weeks, countless netizens have worked hard to find out the identity of the"poet".

Now that this clue has appeared, it has immediately received a lot of responses!

The whole network began to look for clues and evidence!

Until someone got Su Chen's exercise book from somewhere, took a photo and uploaded it!

The handwriting matched!

Wow, it's basically confirmed!

Even the graduation photo was dug out and posted online.

Su Chen's true face was also seen by netizens for the first time!

"Holy shit! Is he this handsome?"

"The most handsome college entrance examination champion in history!"

"He can make a living with his looks, and he even got the top score in the college entrance examination? Is this the legendary boss?"

"I think it's very elegant! No wonder she can write such a three-line poem!"............

Binhai City, old neighborhood.

Su Chen was flipping through web pages out of boredom.

After the college entrance examination results came out, he didn't care about it anymore, and it would take a few days to fill in the volunteer application.

He was looking for the program"Three Love Poems".

But unfortunately, he couldn't find it!

Logically speaking, it should be almost born by now?

Is the program still in preparation?

Or, it is not in the form of a national audition as he thought?

With this thought, Su Chen became a little anxious.

This program must be participated in, it is so exciting!

Dinglingling - just at this moment, the phone rang.

It was an unfamiliar number, and it was from outside the province.

A harassing call?

Su Chen didn't even think about it and directly rejected it.

Dinglingling - it rang again.

Su Chen raised his eyebrows. Pretty dedicated?


Dinglingling - it rang again.

Su Chen picked up the phone this time, but before he could speak, an anxious voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Hello, is this Su Chen from Binhai No. 1 Middle School?"

Su Chen raised his eyebrows and said,"It's me. Who are you?"

A sigh came from the other end of the phone, and then he said,"It's like this. I'm the person in charge of Mangtai. Our TV station is planning a variety show recently. I hope to invite you as a guest on the show. I don't know if you are...……?"

Su Chen was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously asked:"What's the name of the program?" The other end of the phone hesitated for a moment, and then a voice rang out:"Three Love Poems》!"

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