Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 1023: Three days, earn 500,000

In the next two or three days, Liu Xingquan called Gu Youli and hinted that he had an affection for Gu Youli.

Gu Youli pretended not to understand.

On this day, Liu Xingquan asked Gu Youli out again.

Unlike the past, Gu Youli looks very irritable and unhappy today.

"You Li, what's wrong with you?" Liu Xingquan asked with concern. After these few days, he has successfully approached the relationship with Gu Youli and changed Miss Gu to President Gu.

Gu Youli put his cheek in one hand and sighed, "It's nothing, just work."

"What's the matter at work? Tell me, see if I can help?" Liu Xingquan looked like I was willing to have an effect.

Gu Youli curled his lips lightly: "Thank you for your concern, but you can't help."

Liu Xingquan laughed, a little embarrassed: "Maybe you can't help, but you can talk to me and you will feel better."

Gu Youli sighed, "Maybe, but I really don't want to say it now, I just feel very annoying."

Liu Xingquan's eyes are deep and he exudes electric charm: "Trust me, it won't be so annoying to say it."

Gu Youli fixedly looked at him, thought for a while, and then said: "Oh, my uncle wants to drive me out of the company. He is too unconscionable. I don't want to think about who supported the company when the company's shares fell. I got up, now the company is on the right track, and I actually want to drive me out of the company."

"It's not that easy to get you out of the company, right?" Liu Xingquan asked.

Gu Youli sneered: "Of course it is not that easy, but he thought of a way and gave me two million, saying that if I can earn half a million in three days, not only will I not leave the company, but These two million are still mine, but if I can't make it, then I will not only leave the company, but also pay back the two million!"

Liu Xingquan couldn't believe it: "I earn 500,000 yuan in three days. Isn't this deliberately embarrassing?"

"That's not it, that's why I'm irritable!" Gu Youli was irritable and authentic, but he kept Liu Xingquan on the trick.

After Liu Xingquan listened, he felt his chin and thought for a long time.

He has checked this Gu Youli, and of course all he knows is written on the Internet.

He had seen the news about Gu Youli and Lu Han, who were fighting for the chairman of Lu's. He knew that they were rivals, so he had no doubts at this moment and believed Gu Youli 100%.

Two million, if he can help her earn 500,000, then she will share his money? At this moment, Liu Xingquan has such thoughts in his heart.

During the time he hesitated, Gu Youli could not help but clenched his fists and stared at Liu Xingquan for fear that he would not take the move.

Therefore, she is very calm on the surface, but in fact she has no bottom in her heart.

Because this plan is to succeed, the other party must be greedy. If it is not greedy, it will never succeed.

Liu Xingquan is supposed to be greedy, but 500,000 is not a small amount. For Liu Xingquan, it may be a sky-high price.

He wants to take it out, or he will ask the company to borrow it from the bank or the finance company.

In this way, would he take the risk?

Gu Youli thought about it, and suddenly said with emotion: "If anyone can help me earn 500,000 in three days and help me stay in the Lu's Group, I will put my 200,000 He is a million."

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