Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 106: Shot without mercy (12)

Such Yang Mengshan made Luo Chunli even more angry.

She was bitter and mean to Yang Mengshan, and cursed without seriousness: "Gu Mengshan, you really can't afford it. You don't have a husband. When you asked my son to give you a make-up record, one husband one by one. Brother Hongfei, who is your name? Now that you have achieved your **** goal, you just want to get everything clean. You don’t want to see what you are? With this sordid look, my son can It is your blessing to fall in love with you. You dare to play tricks on my son. You are a vegetarian in our Gu family. You are a coquettish little bitch!!!"

For women like Luo Chunli, it is vicious and vicious to scold people, and they are endlessly long, and every sentence is a personal attack, making the person she scolds ashamed and wanting to die.

Yang Mengshan was dizzy and ashamed of being scolded. She just wanted to find a hole in the ground, so she would dare to refute.

Zhao Mingcheng heard the blood surge up: "Enough!"

"Enough is enough! I tell you, don't be a fool to be an old lady! You just punched the old lady, and the old lady is endless with you!!"

As he said, Luo Chunli yelled: "You Li, quickly give me the phone number of your principal's office. This kid dares to call my old lady. If my old lady wants the school to expel him today, my surname is Luo!"

Yang Mengshan's lips were about to be bitten, and he didn't know if it was because of being beaten or because of fear. The whole person trembled badly.

Hearing Luo Chunli's words again, and hearing Gu Youli's name, she felt aroused all over her body, as if she had found a breakthrough to resolve this matter.

She raised her eyes to look at Gu Youli with an incredible expression on her face.

Suddenly she rushed to Gu Youli's side, grabbing Gu Youli's body and swaying desperately, her tone was full of sad grievances, "It's you, you deliberately framed me, right? Sister, why are you so cruel? How can you treat me like that!"

Today Luo Chunli and Gu Huijun would come here to bump into her and Zhao Mingcheng, it must be Gu Youli deliberately.

Gu Youli could easily escape, but she didn't hide, instead she let Yang Mengshan yell out, "Sister, I know you hate me, but why did you frame me? Do you want me to be ruined?" "

The students around were confused by this sudden change.

What the **** is going on? It wasn't the cheating was caught on the spot, so how could it be framed again.

"Enough of you!" Gu Huijun suddenly rushed forward and pushed Yang Mengshan away.

Yang Mengshan looked at Gu Huijun sad and sad, angrily said: "Sister Huijun, you believe me, all this is the ghost of my sister, she..."

"Mengshan, I've said enough, haven't you heard?" Gu Huijun yelled off Yang Mengshan's words.

She was very angry: "You forgot that I called you before, and you said you didn't have time, so I asked Gu Youli to bring my mother and me here for afternoon tea, then visit Beijing University, and find you out at night. Eat a meal, thinking about solving the misunderstanding between you and Youli. It seems that there is no misunderstanding. I have always felt that it was Youli’s fault before. Today I found out that you are simply unreasonable. There are no other tricks..."

A touch of self-deprecating slipped over Gu Youli's mouth, and he was very depressed and said: "Don't say it, Huijun, I'm used to it. She likes to make everyone think that I am the evil sister, then I am the evil sister!"

Damn! The onlookers were in an uproar, and some even made violent swearing.

(PS: The six chapters have been updated today, and the title of the book has been changed: The strongest military pet in history: The First Political Madame. This book is very domineering, personally like it, I don’t know if you like it? Regarding the book review activity, as long as I haven’t announced it Award list, then the event is not over, don’t worry, you can think about it slowly...)

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