When the American doctor Yu Zhihe invited came to the hospital, the dean personally came out to welcome him, and assigned him the best doctor in the hospital as his assistant.

After a review, the doctor said that in the non-white brain, a nail-sized blood clot was pressing against the cranial nerves, but because the blood clot was too small and there was no other reaction, only the patient caused the false image of brain death, so other doctors I can't find it.

To eliminate blood clots, surgery is necessary, and the success rate of surgery is only 30%.

If the operation fails, then the patient’s life is at stake, but this will leave.

Gu Youli discussed with his family for a day, and finally signed his name on the operation consent form.

Before the doctor entered the operating room, Gu Youli clutched the corner of the doctor's clothes tightly, begging in a trembling voice, "Please save her life, I can't bear losing her."

"Please rest assured, I will do my best in a while to wake up your husband," the doctor said, and stepped into the operating room.

Gu Liangwei walked over and put his daughter's head on his shoulders: "Don't worry, Fei Bai won't be willing to leave you!"

His hands came down to her back gently.

"Yeah!" Gu Youli also believed, nodding his head, trying to chuckle.

She and her family have been sitting and waiting. The corridor is very quiet and quiet.

As time moved forward one minute after another, Gu Youli suddenly felt that his stomach hurts and aches, and there was fine sweat on his forehead.

Wang Jiahui first noticed something wrong with her, and sat down beside her holding her hand: "What's wrong with you, Lili?"

Taking a deep breath, resisting the pain, Gu Youli wanted to move his body, but the blood-red liquid beneath him shocked her and Wang Jiahui.

"Lili, what's wrong with you?...Doctor, doctor" As Wang Jiahui asked and shouted urgently, everyone looked at Gu Youli.

"Lili," everyone cared about her, anxious.

When it's not in vain, they don't want anything to happen to Gu Youli at this point.

"Stomach hurts, it seems to be about to give birth," Gu Youli frowned, gritted his teeth and squeezed out this sentence.

Yu Feifan rushed over and hugged Gu Youli sideways: "Sister-in-law, bear with me, I will send you to the obstetrics and gynecology department immediately.

"Here, hurry up..." Wang Jiahui and Gu Liangwei led the way, and Grandpa Yu followed.

Although Yu Zhihe and Yu Feimo wanted to go too, but Father Yu asked them to leave behind and looked at Yu Feibai.

The child was coming out early, and Gu Youli was pushed into the delivery room.

After that, it was Gu Youli's stern cry.

She shouted until her voice became hoarse, and finally exhausted all her strength, and three hours later, the child's clear cry came.

After a while, a nurse came out, took off her mask and shouted, "Who is Gu Youli's family?"

Father Yu, Wang Jiahui and Gu Liangwei, who were in front of the delivery room, stepped forward together: "I am! I am!"

The nurse smiled softly: "It's born, mother and child are safe!"

"Mother and son, hahaha, it's a grandson, I have a great-grandson!" The old man Yu laughed with joy on his face.

Gu Liangwei and Wang Jiahui also laughed.

As for Fei Bai's injury, this is the first time they laughed.

At this time, the doctor's reproaching voice rang inside the door, "You have just finished giving birth, and your body is very weak. You have to enter the sterile room and observe for an hour. You can only get out of danger..."

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