Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 109: Shot without mercy (15)

At this moment, her delicate face was full of drops of water, and she looked particularly pitiful.

Now that she has reached this point, she can only suffer from this dumb loss, and only hates herself for being too slack during this period of time, and looking at Gu Youli too lightly.

Others said again, "Use such a beautiful word of affection as a shield. When I see my sister disagrees, I get angry. Now I pretend to be pitiful. It's really disgusting."

"This kind of woman simply regards shamelessness as character and inferiority as noble!"

Yang Mengshan cried so much that it rained, and looked at everyone pitifully.

She wanted to find someone who could speak for herself, but no one wanted to talk to her.

It also includes Zhao Mingcheng, Zhao Mingcheng's cold and gloomy eyes, full of anger and pain, after meeting her gaze, he quickly moved away.

"You still cry. Are you addicted to crying? It's no use crying anymore. Now everyone knows what's going on. Do you still want to plead for sympathy with your tears?"

"Yeah, I made it so clear and pretended to be pitiful. Really, I'm embarrassed looking at it."

In Yang Mengshan's Yu Guangli, hundreds of people all looked at her in disgust, making her so ashamed that she wanted to burrow into the ground.

At this moment, she could no longer make any crying sounds.

But his eyes were like a knife, he slapped Gu Youli fiercely, resentful like a snake, turned around, and rushed out the door.

Zhao Mingcheng squeezed his hands, and seemed to feel that he didn't have the need to stay, only that all this seemed to be over.

Taking a step, he was also ready to leave, not wanting to be ashamed, but he seemed to have forgotten Luo Chunli.

Luo Chunli is notoriously a shrew, she was punched by Zhao Mingcheng just now, how could she let him go.

Seeing that Zhao Mingcheng was also preparing to flash people, she rushed over and grabbed Zhao Mingcheng.

"You are not allowed to leave. You want to leave after hitting my old lady. It's not that easy!" Luo Chunli pulled Zhao Mingcheng hard.

Zhao Mingcheng couldn't get away, and couldn't make another move.

The first time I met such a woman, I blushed and was completely at a loss when encountering such a thing.

Gu Huijun had already reported to the police before, and the police had come.

This incident just made it to the police station. The police must understand the truth of everything, so Yang Mengshan was called to the police station.

At the same time, Gu Hongfei was called over by Gu Huijun. Gu Hongfei probably knew something. As soon as he arrived at the police station, without saying anything, he punched Zhao Mingcheng in the head.

At this moment, Gu Hongfei obviously inherited the sturdiness of his old lady.

Zhao Mingcheng is not a person who will be passively beaten, not to mention that his heart is full of anger.

Fortunately, the police pulled the two away forcibly, otherwise it would be another scene.

Zhao Mingcheng was attacked by Gu Hongfei and hit his eye socket.

At this moment, one of his eyes was blue and purple, and he didn't have the usual gentle and steady appearance at all, but his face was hostile.

In addition to these, the principal of Beijing University, as well as Zhao Mingcheng's parents Zhao Long and Lu Qingmei, were all called over.

Zhao Long saw the embarrassed Zhao Mingcheng, his gentle and honest son, completely gone, his expression suddenly shook, and then he became angry, "What the **** is going on?"

Zhao Mingcheng lowered his head and said nothing. The policeman glanced at Yang Mengshan who was sitting over there. This little girl was really beautiful. It is no wonder that the two boys fought for her, but the style was too sloppy.

The police sighed and shook his head, and told Zhao Long about the situation.

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