Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 1113: He didn't know anything about her

Seeing Chu Qing's head turned slightly to one side, there was no anger in the soft neck, his eyes half-opened and half-closed, it seemed that he could see something, but it seemed that there was no light flowing in it.

It's so quiet, not stained, and there is no trace of dirt or vulgarity.

Leng Kuang glanced at her face, then stared at the blood in his hand, leaving a blank in his mind.

I just feel my heart, like a flower blooming on pure white Thai silk, and my soul flies away in an instant.

After a roar, he dared not move.

I dare not determine the suspicion in my heart.

He only shook his head in disbelief, his body trembling slightly, like falling leaves in the cold winter.

"You let me first, let me save her." When Chen Jin's voice sounded, Leng Kuang felt that he was from outside the sky.

What the aliens represent seems to be a comeback.

Leng Kuang only discovered the existence of Chen Jin.

But he is a brain expert, but can he do it with a gun?

Dead horses can be regarded as living horse doctors.

Chen Jin let Leng Kuang, let Chu Qing lay flat, first detected Chu Qing's breathing, then checked her pupils, and measured her blood pressure.

Leng Kuang was watching from the side, holding Chu Qing's hand tightly.

Chu Qing's hands were cold, as if there was no temperature.

At this moment, Chen Jin looked up and smiled wildly at the trance, "Don't worry, she is still alive."

At that moment, Leng Kuang felt like he was reborn.

But Chen Jin's next paragraph made Leng Kuang nervous again.

"She had four bullets on her body, and one of them hurt her lungs, so her limbs were clammy, she was unconscious, her blood pressure dropped, and her breath was weak. Be quick, she must find the hospital for surgery immediately, otherwise..."

Leng Kuang immediately ordered: "Search the nearest hospital and land..."

"Yes!" When the pilot yelled, he already used the navigation to search.

In less than a minute, he told Leng Kuang: "It takes half an hour to arrive at the nearest hospital."

"Half an hour, she was dead," Chen Jin said anxiously, and then asked Leng Kuang, "Do you have complete surgical medical tools on your plane? If so, I can perform surgery on her now!"

Without waiting for Leng Kuang to ask Zhanlong, Zhanlong nodded immediately: "There are some!"

Chen Jin nodded excitedly and had a makeshift operating table set up. As soon as the pilot landed the plane smoothly, he began the operation.

And Leng Kuang is his assistant.

Before starting, he asked Leng Kuang: "The patient's name, age, is there any medical history?"

These are things that doctors must know before surgery.

But Leng Kuang was asked.

He was silent for a moment, and then whispered: "Chu Qing, maybe 23...24 years old, or 25 years old, the specifics are not clear, the medical history, and I don't know."

Chen Jin frowned, looking at the relationship between the two, it seemed that they were a pair of lovers.

From her injury just now, and his desperate look, it can be seen that this man should love her very much.

But how could you know nothing about her?

How old is it that you don’t know? !

He raised his head, glanced at him coldly, and then asked, "Do you know that she has any drug allergies?"

Leng Kuang pursed his lips: "No... I don't know."

Yes, he didn't know. He said he loved her, but he never really knew her.

In other words, there is no real care for her.

At the moment of answering, Leng Kuang only felt that his heart was like being beaten.

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