Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 1133: I just want to go home

Leng Kuang shrugged his shoulders and said with a faint mockery in his voice: "Aren't you very capable? You can find rescuers under my nose. Since you are so capable, you can certainly open the door yourself under my skin! "

"You..." Chu Qing's attitude suddenly softened: "You know everything."

The cold and crazy face, behind the light of the street lamp opposite, was shrouded in shadow.

"I was almost fooled by you. I saw you wandering around the White Apple Square for so long and thought you liked it very much, so I planned to surprise you there, but I didn't expect to see a mark on the statue. I began to think I was thinking, but what I didn't expect was that I would wait for someone, Michael, your savior!" He tilted his head and smiled at Chu Qing, whose smile made Chu Qing feel terrified.

Chu Qing's heart sank instantly.

Sure enough, he knew everything.

She murmured for a while before squeezing out a word: "Everything is just a coincidence, just a coincidence..."

"Coincidence, I also want to think that all this is just a coincidence, so I pretend to know nothing, but I have to admit that when I met your friend, it is not a coincidence. If it is a coincidence, why would you not leave Lyon with me in advance, Why?" Leng Kuang asked murderously.

Chu Qing knew that no matter how sophisticated it was, it would be useless to refute it.

She bit her lip, her voice filled with grievances: "I just want to go home, I just want to go home..."

In Leng Kuang's eyes, there was a flash of cold light from the gloomy bird, and his expression was gloomy and scary: "I said, I won't take you home?"

"You said to my family that I was dead, how do you think I should go home!" Chu Qing's aggrieved eyes were red, and she turned her head to look out the window without saying a word.

Leng Kuang stretched out her hand and broke her slender chin. A pair of pitch-black pupils were as deep as the sea: "If I let you go home, will you agree to be with me?"

Chu Qing tried his best to ignore the masculine atmosphere that was very close to her and surrounded her.

She pursed her lips for a while before squeezing out four words: "I don't know!"

He hesitated, but there was a touch of coldness and strangeness, his eyes were precautionary and alienated, afraid that he would trick her to try her.

How could he not know, what was she thinking?

"You are lying to me again." Fingers wiped her lower lip, and then put aside her hand severely.

At the same time, he also put his head aside, looked at him regardless of Chu Qing, and looked out the window. Before stopping, he didn't look at Chu Qing again.

There are many well-equipped warehouses outside of Lyon's northwestern effect. There is a mixture of fish and dragons, which can be described as a intensive place for Lyon's commodity trading.

In recent years, there have often been large-scale gang fights and occasional small-scale fights.

Gradually, this has almost become a hoarding place for underworld gangs and a famous violent neighborhood in France.

Killing people here, as long as it is not a national worker, almost no one will care about it.

Warehouse No. 7 is like a huge dark box with a small skylight on the top. The window can let in light, but it doesn't seem to let in air.

Walking into this huge and closed warehouse is like entering a coffin that can suffocate people to death!

Through the faint light, Chu Qing saw that there were a dozen tall and tough men in the warehouse, and Michael was surrounded in the middle!

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