Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 114: Yu Feibai, who do you like? (2)

Gu Youli had the heart to hit the wall anyway, and she felt that she needed to explain to prove that she was not thinking about him.

So she sent another message over: "I accidentally pressed it wrong!"

She regretted it again after sending it out, so the more the message was read, the more it became clear.

Gu Youli lay down on the bed again, looking out the dark window, a little bit eager to cry.

That night, she slept very badly, woke up from time to time and stared at the phone, she didn't want to admit that she was waiting for a reply.

Early the next morning, I woke up.

When Gu Youli sat up from the bed, he subconsciously picked up the phone, his long eyelashes drooping slightly.

There was still no reply, Gu Youli's blushing lips lightly bit a little bit, and he secretly snorted twice in disapproval before he got up to brush his teeth and wash his face.

It's not uncommon for her to return if she doesn't return!

She seems to have forgotten that Yu Feibai once said that he would not answer but would watch it. Gu Youli had been staring at the phone for two days and had not received any text messages before remembering this sentence.

Suddenly, it was calm, no longer looking forward to it!

She was taking a nap three days later and dumbly heard the phone ring.

She still closed her eyes, touched the phone under the pillow, and buzzed "Hey".

"Invite me to eat tonight!" A deep magnetic voice came from the other end of the phone.

Such a familiar voice, Yu Feibai!

Gu Youli's slender eyelashes trembled, and when he opened his eyes, he suddenly sat up: "Are you back?"

The cold face on the other side of the phone was dyed with a faint smile that was as thin as gauze, and his lips lightly pressed against the phone and let out a slow "um".

"Ah! I..." Gu Youli was suddenly at a loss, his face flushed extremely.

She shook her head and wanted to say that when there is no time to change the day today, but Yu Feibai has already said, "See you at the south gate at six o'clock in the afternoon!"

After speaking, the phone hangs up.

Gu Youli's eyes widened, her complex emotions changed sharply, "Wait, hello, hello..."

Uh, as always domineering!

Yu Feibai was in a good mood. After hanging up the phone, he faintly curled the corners of his lips to Yu Feimo, who had just returned home.

Yu Feimo's face was struck by lightning, and he couldn't stand it anymore. He slid down from the chair with a bang, and made intimate contact with the ground.

And for a long time, lying on the ground in a weird posture, staring wide-eyed and asking himself: What happened just now?

It seems that since he was sensible, his elder brother Yu Feibai has not expressed any emotions, no matter what time he is calm, without a slight expression, no matter who he is, he is neither cold nor hot, nor salty nor salty!

But he was laughing just now, his elder brother was laughing, did he hit the evil?

Yu Feimo was infinitely worried, and quickly got up and went to Feibai's room to see what was going on.

Yu Feimo is the second brother of Yu Feibai, a famous **** in the entertainment industry.

Many well-known female stars in the circle were once his girlfriends.

If you go to Baidu Yufeimo on the Internet, you will see that there is a very funny question on Baidu Zhidao.

The above question is: It is said that the boyfriend of Tianhou Qiu Begonia is called Yu Feimo; the boyfriend of singer Han Zixing is said to be called Yu Feimo; the boyfriend of actress Chen Xueru is said to be called Yu Feimo; the boyfriend of singer Zhang Xin is said to be called Yu Feimo; After Wu Lingna’s boyfriend is Yu Feimo; it is said that the boyfriend of the advertising queen Song Aining is Yu Feimo; it is said that the boyfriend of supermodel Xu Jiarui’s is Yu Feimo...Excuse me: Who is Yu Feimo’s mother? ! !

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