Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 1142: Leave, his final decision

The pain entered the palm and the heart, but Leng Kuang didn't care at all.

He let go of his hands full of fragments and blood, grasped Chu Qing's hand, looked into her eyes, and called her name: "A Qing..."

Chu Qing looked at him helplessly: "I'm here, I'm going to get the medicine box now, you are injured and need to be bandaged!"

Leng Kuang curled his lips and smiled softly: "Don't leave me, okay?"

Chu Qing didn't say a word, she promised him to tell the truth tonight, but he couldn't accept this answer to her truth.

Therefore, she chose to remain silent.

Leng Kuang bowed his head suddenly, bit Chu Qing's neck, biting fiercely and hard.

"Ah_" Chu Qing yelled in pain, then bit her lips tightly.

The neck is the softest place, and his teeth tore through her carotid arteries. The pain made her tremble all over.

But Leng Kuang just wanted to make her hurt, very real pain. why? Because of his pain, after confirming a certain decision he made, he was so painful that he could not breathe.

Suddenly, he let go, and with the blood in his mouth, he kissed Chu Qing's mouth hard.

The fishy and sweet smell made Chu Qing want to vomit, but was blocked by Leng Kuang.

She tried to roll to the side, but Leng Kuang grabbed her ankles, separated them vigorously, and pierced her to the end again amidst her whimper.

Chu Qing bit her lip subconsciously, tensed her body, and looked up at the ceiling.

It didn't take long for them to do it just now, and the lubrication and warmth inside made Leng Kuang sigh comfortably. Without stopping, he violently pumped |

Under the dim light, the picture of their bodies tangled together is like a beautiful oil painting, but where is the wild, like the most primitive, completely uncovered blood and sex|love!

That night, Leng Kuang was like a hungry beast, attacking Chu Qing strongly.

Chu Qing was defeated by him, and was defeated.

Those bursts of unstoppable feeling of depression came like a wave, gradually drowning her.

Chu Qing didn't know how many times Leng Kuang asked herself that night.

She only knew that when she passed out, Leng Kuang still did not let her go, and was still lying on her body, constantly beating and bumping.

It was dawn and when she got up coldly, Chu Qing woke up slightly, quickly put on her clothes, and then pulled the door to leave, leaving a heroic back in her eyes.

Chu Qing didn't think much, turned over and went back to sleep.

When she woke up again in a dizzy manner, it was already past twelve o'clock.

The room was very quiet. She got up and got out of bed, opened the curtains, and the sunlight came in. Some dim rooms were immediately bright and beautiful.

She did a few stretches, ready to wash.

I looked down slightly, but saw something on the bedside, which was a ticket and a passport. The sunlight shone through the window, as if it was coated with a layer of gold, so dazzling.

Chu Qing couldn't believe it. She suddenly walked over, stretched out her hand and took a look. It was not wrong. It was indeed her passport, her ticket to return to China, and the plane at 8 o'clock this evening.

how come? Leng Kuang prepared for her?

He let him go, he let her go? This is simply too unexpected, too shocking!

Chu Qing packed her passport and air ticket tightly in her hand, opened the door and ran out, and shouted: "Cold crazy, cold crazy..."

There was no one in the villa, no one.

Chu Qing quickly shuttled through the corridor, trying to find someone, but there was no one. Apart from her, there was no one else.

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