Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 1166: Dad Chu came, the real purpose

Father Chu quietly listened to Chu Qing's words, and did not dare to respond or guess randomly.

He didn't even dare to speak any more. He came here today to be a lobbyist and do some ideological work for Chu Qing. In this situation, I just hope that it won't be counterproductive, right? !

"Dad, I think there are some things you should know, so you will come here today, did Miao Miao tell you something..." she asked slowly.

"No, Miao Miao didn't tell me anything..." Father Chu waved his hand quickly. Quickly ignore it.

Chu Qing curled her lips and smiled: "Dad, then don't tell me, you just came here to just look at me.

"Of course." Dad Chu said, subconsciously raising his hand and stroking his neck.

Chu Qing glanced slyly: "Dad, Mom told me before that every time you lie, you can't help but raise your hand to touch your neck. Look at you now..."

"Uh!!" Dad Chu put his hand down and cleared his throat: "I came today because of you and Miao Miao, but Miao Miao really didn't tell me anything."

As Chu's father said, Hua Miaomiao really didn't tell him anything, but why did he know about Hua Miaomiao's proposal to Chu Qing? This is all due to Hua's mother.

Hua Miaomiao's age is not too young, Hua's mother is very anxious about his lifelong events, and is very afraid that he is really "base" as Chu Qing said.

So for the past year, she has been urging Hua Miaomiao to find a girlfriend to come back quickly.

But half a year later, Hua Miaomiao couldn't bring a girlfriend home.

Hua's mother was anxious and decided to use another method to test Hua Miaomiao. She asked Hua Miaomiao if she had a boyfriend. If so, take it home.

Anyway, it's better than being single all his life.

On the surface, I agree, but I actually want to determine the sexual orientation of Hua Miao Miao.

For this question, Hua Miaomiao scolded her mother, and then he was angrily and said that he would bring her boyfriend back tomorrow.

But half a year later, he is still single, no girlfriend, and of course no boyfriend.

Unable to grasp the thoughts of Hua Miaomiao, Hua's mother became more anxious, not knowing what to do.

So I called Hua Miaomiao every night and preached to Hua Miaomiao, who will marry a daughter-in-law today, and who will have a child tomorrow.

Anyway, when Hua Miaomiao went home, she was told by Hua's mother in person, Hua Miaomiao didn't go home because she was told by Hua's mother on the phone.

Last night, Hua Ma called Hua Miaomiao again.

She also told Hua Miaomiao that the eldest son of the brother-in-law of his grandma's younger son was going to marry in two days. She envied and hated her, and asked Hua Miaomiao when she was going to marry, and gave her a grandson.

Hua Miaomiao was annoyed by her and said that he was going to get married soon.

Hua's mother was happy, and quickly asked him when to get married and when to bring his wife home to show her.

Hua Miaomiao said at the time that he was going to get married, but in fact it was just casual.

Now being asked by Hua's mother so urgently, he can only tell the truth: "I proposed to marry someone, but they have not yet agreed. I will tell you the date if I agree."

Hua's mother is happy now. Regardless of whether her son's marriage proposal is successful, she can finally prove that her son is not Ji, and that his son likes women.

She thanked "the ancestors to accumulate virtue"!

After hanging up the phone, she suddenly remembered saying on the Internet that now there are places where men and men can get married, and now she is a little worried.

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