Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 1172: Secretly, contest

Chu Qing turned back angrily and glared at the two of them: "What are you doing in a daze, call an ambulance!"

At this moment, the two of them took out their mobile phones almost at the same time to make a call.

Chu Qing was sane and didn't mess around.

Seeing that both of them were going to call at the same time, thinking that this would be busy, and finally they couldn't get through one of them, so they quickly said: "Crazy, you call, just let your people clear the way, don't There is a traffic jam."

She knew that Leng Kuang was not alone, and his two Shadow Wolf and Zhanlong must be downstairs.

Then, she said to Hua Miaomiao, "Help me clean up the kitchen, and quickly remove the cooking on it."

"it is good"! The two spoke at the same time, not daring to object.

Seeing her father groaning with pain on the ground, Chu Qing's face was pale, as if there was a tight string in her head. Until the ambulance came, the doctor did a preliminary examination and said that the sprain was not particularly serious, so she gently relieved. Take a breath.

After getting a cast in the hospital, the doctor suggested that he stay in the hospital for observation for a few days, just in case.

Outside the ward, Chu Qing said to Leng Kuang and Hua Miaomiao: "You two, go back."

Leng Kuang and Hua Miaomiao glanced at each other, and they were silent.

Seeing that they will all be here, Chu Qing gazes around between the two for a round, and finally fixed his gaze on Leng Kuang's face: "You go back first."

Leng Kuang felt cold in his heart when he actually called him back first, and looked at Chu Qing's eyes like a grieving woman.

It seems that Chu Qing is always abandoning him.

Seeing that Leng Kuang was still motionless, Chu Qing stepped up to him and stretched out his hand to pull at him: "I'll talk about it later, you can go back now."

Leng Kuang was surprised. Obviously, he didn't expect that Chu Qing would actually walk up to him, pull at the corner of his clothes intimately, and let him go back first.

The same words now have different meanings.

He curled his lips, smiled slightly, and seemed to be lazy at will: "Okay, I'll go back first, then come to me when you are done."

Chu Qing was embarrassed, her entire face burned, and her voice became even smaller: "Okay, I know, stop making trouble."

The light in Leng Kuang’s eyes was astonishing in an instant: "That's it, VIP on the top floor of the Imperial City Hotel."

The scene between the two of them whispering quietly was extremely dazzling in Hua Miaomiao's eyes.

Chu Qing asked Leng Kuang to go back first, but it didn't mean that Leng Kuang didn't occupy a place in her heart.

On the contrary, Leng Kuang was already a very casual and casual lover to Chu Qing.

This is Chu Qing, all her bad and unkindness will only be reserved for the closest people.

And I only stayed with him because he was just a friend. No matter how good the relationship is, it is as good as a relative, but it will never be the person in her heart, the partner who can spend a lifetime with her.

Hua Miaomiao groaned and rubbed her face.

When he put down his hand, he had returned to his normal color, and Chu Qing said: "Mother, I will go back first."

Chu Qing looked back: "Okay, yes, don't tell my mother about this and this matter for now, I don't want her to worry about it."

Hua Miaomiao nodded and smiled faintly: "Well, I know, don't worry, I will make some soup later and bring two sets of changed clothes."

Leng Kuang listened to their conversation, silent, but his face was not so good.

When Chu Qing asked him to leave first, he quietly coaxed him, and he felt quite happy.

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