Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 1179: Dad Chu asked, who are you going to marry?

In the hospital, Father Chu was unwilling and continued to be hospitalized, and strongly demanded to go home.

Chu Qing persuaded him not to go home first to prevent his mother from worrying, but Chu's father said he wanted to live in her apartment.

In short, I just don't want to be hospitalized.

Chu Qing had no choice but to divert his attention and prevent him from worrying about being hospitalized and discharged.

So I asked him what he was most interested in lately, "If she wants to get married, will he and his mother and grandfather be reluctant."

Sure enough, Father Chu calmed down.

He looked at Chu Qing with a gossiping face, and asked with a smile: "Qing Qing, do you agree to marry Miao Miao?"

Chu Qing said: "Eh? Dad, when did I agree? I just asked if I am married now, would you be reluctant?"

Father Chu frowned: "What's the difference? Since you said you are going to get married, then it must be the answer Miao..."

Before he finished speaking, Dad Chu was shocked: "Qingqing, you are not going to marry that kid!?"

"Who?" Chu Qing obviously hasn't reacted yet, who is the kid in Dad Chu's mouth.

When she suddenly realized that, Dad Chu had already said: "It was the other day that came to the apartment to find you. He was a slicker and more handsome man than a girl."

After a pause, he said: "When I fell yesterday, he seemed to be there too!"

Chu Qing nodded: "Yes, he was there yesterday, it was the ambulance he called."

Father Chu snorted coldly, and said angrily: "Miao Miao also took out the phone at the time, you told Miao Miao not to call."

Chu Qing chuckles: "Dad, do you really hate him so much?"

Hearing Chu Qing's overtones, Dad Chu's expression suddenly became serious.

He fixedly looked at Chu Qing and asked, "Qingqing, do you really like him that much?"

This question made Chu Qing's heart jump a few times inexplicably.

She replied in a soft but vain voice: "Dad, think about it, I have nothing to do with him, really."

Father Chu looked at her quietly, "Who asks what you have to do with him? I just ask you, do you really like him?"

Chu Qing felt a little guilty, lowered her eyelids subconsciously, curled up her fingers secretly, and pinched her palms with her nails.

As soon as she lied in front of her father, her eyes would flicker, and she would bite her lip.

This problem is the same as that of Dad Chu lying in front of his family, and he can't help but touch his neck.

"Don't say anything, then you just asked about marriage, meaning you want to marry that kid?" Father Chu asked again, with eyes that were as clear as autumn water, staring at her without blinking, as if to look into her heart. .

In an instant, the air seemed to become viscous, tangible and qualitative, squeezing Chu Qing from all directions.

Chu Qing felt that suddenly there was no place in her body at ease.

There is something to say, she lifted a rock and hit her in the foot, and now she is like this.

It's not good to find a topic, and it's actually getting married. There is no way. Who makes her father only interested in this topic now.

She bends her lips upwards with a very small amplitude. Her expression does not look like a smile, but rather like an uncomfortable mouth twitching slightly. She slowly asked, "Dad, why would you ask like this?"

Dad Chu patted her hand, with an expression that you knew well: "Daughter, don't fight with Dad, just tell what's the matter."

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