Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 1204: If you have to find someone for a lifetime, then you

Chu Qing fixedly looked at him and said solemnly: "Because I don't love him, so I don't blame you, and I blame you because I love you."

An ecstasy rushed into my heart like a rocket.

Leng Kuang quickly grabbed Chu Qing's arms and said excitedly: "A Qing, you finally admit that you still love me now!"

Chu Qing was very calm: "Crazy, do you know that I am afraid that you will pester me, because I am afraid that I will not be able to control myself, and will be with you again regardless of me. I linger and struggle, and finally I surrender. If I have to be entangled with me, I can’t avoid it, then we’ll be together. I don’t want to care about the previous things. I don’t care about how you hurt me. It doesn’t matter if you are with me or want excitement. Okay, I don’t care if I haven’t played enough for me. I don’t care anymore. If a person has to spend his entire life with another person, then I will choose you."

At this point, she paused and smiled bitterly: "Because I chose you, I hurt Miao Miao, because I once answered that I wanted to marry him, because you made me pregnant, because I had to find a father for the child. Because of you, I gave him hope, and because of you, I hurt him. That’s why I don’t have to blame him. It’s because he did something wrong, but I still blame you. Crazed, if you think I am I’m not doing it right, I’ve hurt you by doing this, so please see that I don’t want the future, regardless of right or wrong, and I’m still with you. I just hope that if one day, you really don’t want me, we can get together. ,Okay?"

After a long conversation, Chu Qing quietly waited for a cold and crazy reaction.

Leng Kuang listened as the excitement faded, although he looked at Chu Qing blankly, but in those deep eyes, there seemed to be a thousand years of bone-eroding love.

Suddenly, he stretched out his hand and hugged Chu Qing in his arms, staring at her with deep eyes, deep in his pupils with lingering love, his thin lips opened slightly, and he firmly uttered each sentence: "I swear to the sky coldly and madly. If you lose Chu Qing, you won’t die!! Hua Miaomiao, I will apologize to him! And thank him for taking care of you for me during those days."

Chu Qing's heart was blocked by nasal soreness, and her eyes were warm.

She raised her hand and gently hugged Leng Kuang's neck, clinging to him, the naked | two people hugging each other tightly.

Leng Kuang's deep eyes seemed to have melted into water, feeling that her body was cold, and he embraced her and pulled the thin blanket around her, and then folded it in his arms.

He kissed her again, and sent the hard heat into her body inch by inch, she wrapped him wetly, and the flame of passion ignited the night again.

This night, they were lingering, there were only rough gasps and delicate moans in the room.

When Chu Qing woke up the next day, it was almost noon.

She was still asleep, but she was awakened by Leng Kuang and asked her to get up to eat. He didn't dare to be too presumptuous when he knew that the future husband was in the hospital.

Her clothes were torn by Leng Kuang yesterday. For this reason, Chu Qing scolded him severely. Leng Kuang was also angry, but she smiled charmingly and gave him her shirt.

It's so boring to be scolded by yourself, but the other person just laughs but ignores you.

Chu Qing gave him an angrily white look, then took the shirt and put it on her body: "I will go to the hospital later, you will have to send someone a suit over, if you don't, be careful to let my dad know and you will be abolished."

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