Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 1208: Three days before marriage, no meeting

Yu Feibai reached out and clasped her back of the head, really wanting to hold her and kiss her like this.

But the unsuitable place made him hold back, and just touched her forehead lightly with his forehead: "No, he will definitely come, trust me!"

"Hope!" Gu Youli said authentically.

At this time, the cell phone Gu Youli put in his bag rang.

Yu Feibai took the bag and handed it to Gu Youli. She opened it and took out the phone from the inside. She glanced at the phone screen and saw a transoceanic number jumping on it.

The area code in front is 02, from Milan, Italy.

There is only one person they know in Milan, so you can guess it without thinking.

Yu Fei Bai Junyi smiled at the corner of his mouth and said slowly: "I'm calling from Milan, don't pick it up soon."

Gu Youli was about to jump up happily, and happily connected and said hello, "Miao Miao."

Hua Miaomiao's smile came from somewhere on the phone: "Lily, do you still like wedding dresses?"

"I like it, I like it very much, thank you Miao Miao!" Gu Youli replied with a smile, then glanced at Feibai.

Yu Feibai stretched out his hand to embrace her and buried her in his arms, bowed his head and sniffed her body gently, and listened to the fine words on the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Gu Youli was even happier, with a pair of soft jade arms wrapped around his non-white neck: "Miao Miao said he will come and will be back on the wedding day, but a private helicopter is needed. Can you handle it?"

Yu Feibai raised his hand and squeezed her little nose: "Even if it can't be done, we must find a way to do it. In any case, we won't let you leave a little bit of regret on our wedding."

"Feibai, I love you so much, I really want to love you to death!" Gu Youli said affectionately, and kissed Yu Feibai's lips regardless.

Yu Feibai was stunned for a moment, then smiled, no longer thinking about where they are and what they are doing at the moment, hooking her waist, and kissing her back.

But they were blushing. The salespersons in the bridal shop, who looked like little transparent, could not help but peep at the beginning, full of envy.

After coming out of the bridal shop, it was getting late.

Yu Feibai sent Gu Youli back to the small villa where Gu Liangwei lived. After a few words, he reluctantly said goodbye to her.

They will not be able to meet again for the next two days and three nights.

It was night, and Gu Youli couldn't sleep while lying on the bed. She was worried about her son, and she thought about her husband. She tossed around until 12 o'clock in the evening, but she didn't feel sleepy at all.

She has become accustomed to sleeping by her side in vain, and she is also used to her son arguing with herself every night. Now that she is empty without them by her side, she always feels like something is missing.

Suddenly sitting up from the bed, Gu Youli wanted to call Yu Feibai, but it was already twelve o'clock at night, and it was too late.

After thinking about it, forget it!

But as soon as she lay down, her cell phone rang, and as soon as the ringing that belonged to the white ring rang, she picked it up without staying connected.

The call was connected so quickly that Yu Feibai chuckled cheerfully: "Can you sleep?"

Gu Youli replied honestly: "It's kind of! You are the same as me, otherwise, why call me!"

Yu Feibai laughed tenderly: "Yes, I can't sleep either, miss you!"

Gu Youli became a little shy: "Me too, and my son, how is he? Did he bother you!"

"Don't worry, he slept soundly!" Yu Feibai said, suddenly lowering his voice, with a trace of bewilderment: "Lili, open the window!"

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