Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 1217: Fanwai: Zhuma Taihei black start

I always thought that I had a secret love for him, unrequited love for him, until I was turned into a ditch by him, and I didn't eat anything left, I didn't know that I had been calculating! __ Yu listen!


After Gu Youli gave birth to his son Yu Shen, his health has not been very good, and his chills are extremely serious.

Yu Feibai took her to the hospital for various examinations and said that there was nothing wrong with her body, but a physical problem. If she wanted to change her physical fitness, the doctor suggested to see an old Chinese doctor.

The old Chinese doctor said that Gu Youli’s body is the root cause of the disease that fell during confinement. If a woman does not sit well in confinement, her body will suffer. The possibility of using conditioning to change her physical constitution is very low. The only good way is to re Take a confinement.

Yu Feibai felt very guilty about this, thinking that if it hadn't happened to him at that time, Gu Youli wouldn't have taken care of his body.

Therefore, he tried every means and exerted all his power and strength to finally apply for the second-child permit and gave birth to the princess of their family.

At the time of Tingtingsheng, due to an incorrect fetal position, dystocia was stuck overnight.

When Yu Ting grew up, Gu Youli often said that her brain was so inflexible because she was stuck when she was born.

When Yu Listening was three years old, Yu Feibai and Gu Youli realized that their living room seemed to have a smaller range of activities for the little devil at home.

So they decided to move, moved to the Banshan villa area, and became neighbors with Tang Yu's family.

Yu Ting listened to the impression that he had forgotten himself. He had seen Tang Yu at a few years old, and only knew that he liked him very much.

Three-year-old Yu Tingting, like a little nympho, named him his male god.

Precisely because of this, this period of entanglement, entanglement, and entanglement between her and Tang Shangshi began.

As soon as he moved to the Mid-Levels Villa, Yu heard that Mommy said that Uncle Tang lived next door, immediately stepped on his short legs and went to the door alone.

When Yu Feibai knew it, it was a terrible heartache, and she sighed that the leap woman was extroverted. How old is this, but only three. No, he has to pay attention to it, or else he will have to help count the money if he is bought by someone!

The one who helped Yu Tingting opened the door was Ye Qingqing. She always felt that her daughter Tianyang was too innocent, so she likes to listen to it, especially since it looks a bit like listening and listening, so every time she sees it Listen, the little babies screamed very affectionately.

Yu Ting heard that her house went to the door and immediately went to Zhang Luo to eat.

"Auntie, where is uncle?" Yu Tingting, who was sitting on the sofa, asked with his short legs dangling.

Ye Qingqing, who was in the kitchen, raised her voice and replied, "I'm reading upstairs. I'll wait for my aunt to tell him to come down and play with you!"

Yu Tingting's big round eyes rolled around, and he slid off the sofa and stomped upstairs.

She didn't know which door the study was. She saw a door on the left hand door, and she pushed it open without much thought. There was a little boy in the room changing clothes, little naked |

As soon as Tang Shangshi took off his pants, he heard that the door was being pushed open. He thought it was his mother Ye Qingqing. He subconsciously turned around and wanted to teach his mother. When he entered his room to knock on the door, he saw Yu Ting. Hearing the shocked little face, he was shocked. He stretched out his hand and draped the bath towel over his small body, sinking his face, "Who are you!!"

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