Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 1227: Extraordinary, Boys and Girls Pure Love 4

Hearing her mother said that Tang Yu's family was coming to the house for dinner, Yu Tingting had been sitting still on the surface, but his heart was up and down, jumping in a mess, and the whole person was always out of state.

She didn't know what was wrong, why did she seem to have a guilty conscience?

The doorbell rang abruptly, and Gu Youli told her daughter: "Listen, go and open the door, the guests are here."

Yu heard an "Oh", and then a little absent-minded, stood up nervously and opened the door.

Standing in front of the door were Tang Yu and Ye Qingqing. When they saw her, they smiled kindly: "Listen!"

"Good uncle, good aunt!" Yu Ting listened to them politely, and then saw Tang Shangshi standing behind them.

Standing in the shadow of the light, he appeared handsome and cold, his eyes kept looking deep and deep.

Leaning sideways, facing the guests and entering the door, when Tang Shangshi passed by her, he paused and then moved forward.

Yu Tingting sighed silently with her hand over her chest. When she collided with Tang Shangshi's sight just now, for some reason, she had the illusion of a beating heartbeat.

what happened? She didn't do anything wrong, but why did she feel uncomfortable like a kid who did bad things?

During the meal, the adults were chatting, and the elder brother Yu Shen and Tang Shangshi whispered, because Tang Tianyang was not at home, Yu listened to a little girl, and had to quietly bury her head in the meal, but in fact she was very nervous and had a fast heartbeat. I have never lived.

After finally dialing the bowl of rice, he went upstairs and went back to the bedroom.

She was lying on the bed reading a book, her legs raised and shaking.

"It's really leisurely." The door was suddenly pushed open, and Tang Shangshi's soft and slightly cold voice suddenly rang behind him.

When Yu Listening was frightened, he sat up subconsciously and was about to ask him why he didn't knock on the door. Tang Shangshi said, "You didn't close the door, it opened by itself."

He didn't enter the house, but leaned lazily by the door, watching and listening with a smile.

"Oh~~ Anything?" Yu Tingting curled his lips and asked him while sitting on the bed with a book in his arms.

Tang Shangshi glanced at the book in his arms, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly, with a slight sarcasm, "So diligent? Actually reading?"

Yu Tingting raised his chin and said proudly, "I am always diligent, and I always read books at home."

Tang Shangshi raised his eyebrows: "But, haven't I already graduated? Ready to go to high school?"

Yu Tingting smiled and said, "You can also study, I am a good student."

Tang Shangshi laughed again, with a touch of irony: "Do good students skip class more than five times a semester?"

Yu Tingting's face sank instantly: "How can you know!"

Tang Shangshi didn’t explain how he knew, but he just continued: “It’s said that your student assessment handbook also specifically states that because the total number of skipping classes in a semester is more than five, so you clear the final assessment results of the semester. You have to come forward with your uncle to save your final grades."

Yu heard the words, the whole face collapsed.

If she didn't guess wrong, she must have been upstairs just now, and then her parents and Uncle Tang were chattering.

Oh, mother, do you know the truth about family ugliness?

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