Yu Tingting ran home in a hurry like being chased by someone, just to bump into Yu Chen who was about to go out.

He almost fell to the ground again, but fortunately, Shen stretched out his hand to catch her.

She patted her chest with one hand, and smiled at Shen: "Brother, thank you!"

Yu Chen helped her stand still, his tone was slightly cold: "What are you running, no one looks like a lady at her age!"

Yu Tingting responded perfunctorily, "Too thirsty, drink water anxiously!"

After speaking, he waved his hand with his brother and rushed inside. The moment he turned around, he inadvertently saw Tang Shangshi standing on the balcony of the house.

He supported the railing with both hands, and looked at her calmly, his eyes dark as night.

Yu Tingting's heart suddenly missed a beat.

She pursed her lips uncomfortably, retracted her gaze somewhat awkwardly, and then tried her best to move upstairs and enter her bedroom with steady steps.

After the door was locked, Yu Tingting seemed to have returned to his own space, so he no longer has to worry about being peeped.

She relaxed all over, threw herself on the bed, and then she lay down on the bed. She wanted to be quiet, but just after she turned around, her brain was out of control, and she kept beating. Just now she kissed Tang Shangshi. Fiery picture.

"Ah!" Yu Tingting was startled, he pulled one side of the sheet with one hand, and then wrapped himself tightly.

But instead, I thought more, even thinking that she and Tang Shangshi rolled onto the bed together.

This was terrible, her face was red from the heat, almost purple.

At this moment, the mobile phone placed on the bedside suddenly rang, and Yu Listening grabbed it and took a look at it. It was Tang Shangshi's call.

She didn't answer or hang up, just put it back in place, letting it keep ringing.

But how long the phone kept ringing, the light turned on and then dimmed, and then went on again.

Yu listened to the sound of the phone, and only felt that her heart was upset. After thinking about it, she got up from the bed and ran to the bathroom to take a shower.

When she came out of the shower, the phone hadn't ringed.

Yu Tingting turned aside, feeling that Tang Shangshi was particularly insincere, and turned off the phone angrily.

She did not go to dinner at noon, but asked the housekeeper to cook a bowl of noodles and brought it to her room to eat.

At dinner in the evening, Gu Youli came up and knocked on his daughter's door: "Listen, I'm downstairs for dinner!"

"I see, let's go down," Yu Listening, who was lying on the bed reading a book, sat up lazily.

But Gu Youli's next sentence: "Hurry up, your brother was there when you went up, don't let anyone wait!" Yu Tingting immediately lay back.

Her heart tightened, and she quickly replied: "Mom, I don't want to eat anymore, you eat, don't wait for me!"

Gu Youli frowned: "The housekeeper said that you haven't eaten at noon. How can you not eat dinner?"

"I feel a little sick and don't want to eat!"

"Where is it uncomfortable? Open the door and let mom come in."

"It's okay, it's just our women's problem. I take a day off, go to bed early, and tomorrow will be fine!"

There was silence outside the door for a while, and Gu Youli's voice sounded again, "That's OK, wait for Auntie to give you brown sugar water to drink!"

"Okay! Mom, go eat!"

"That's OK, then I'll go down first. You are not allowed to play on the computer or the mobile phone. Give me a good rest." Gu Youli asked coldly, and then went downstairs.

Yu Ting listened to a sigh of relief, holding the quilt and covering his head, only feeling all kinds of shyness, all kinds of at a loss, really don't know how to face him in the future?

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