Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 1239: Extraordinary, marriage contract

The two reconciled after this morning, and the previous kiss and unhappiness seemed to have never happened.

Now when Yu Tingting no longer wants Tang Shang, she knocks on the door every day to wake her up, and automatically wakes up at 6 o'clock every day. When she opens the door, she can see when she is standing outside Tang Shang.

The two of them jogged while making noise, laughing and beating and scolding, until they went home for breakfast at nine.

Time passed quickly, and the summer vacation passed in no time.

On the day when school started, Yu Tingting returned home and heard his mother say that Tang Shangshi had gone abroad and he wanted to continue his studies.

When he heard the news, besides wanting to cry, Yu Listening was very calm.

After dinner, she sat in the garden and looked across, in the direction of Tang Dynasty's bedroom, there was a silent darkness.

Yu Tingting watched, his eyes became sore, and then he didn't know why, so tears fell.

Crying silently, the phone rang suddenly.

Yu Tinghe took a look from her pocket and found that it was actually Tang Shangshi who called. She burst into tears and laughed quickly, connected to the phone, but did not speak.

"I arrived smoothly, did you sign up today smoothly?" His soft voice came from the other end of the phone.

Hearing his voice coming in, Yu Tingting's cries rang in an instant, and the other side frowned slightly, and asked: "What's wrong? Did the registration go smoothly?"

Yu Tingting cried and shook his head, sobbing: "No, it's going well. Brother Shangshi, no one will run with me tomorrow!"

Tang Shangshi was stunned for a moment, and suddenly laughed, "Little fool, didn't you tell me, I will wake you up on the phone?"

"Then you have to speak and count!" Yu Tingting finally stopped crying while holding his phone!

"Certainly, you can't be lazy, don't you know?" Tang Shangshi really, as he said, would call Yu Tingting every morning to get her up and go for a morning jog.

Except in the morning, sometimes at noon and evening, Tang Shangshi would also call her. He said very little. Most of the time he listened to the listener, and he was only responsible for listening. Listen, but Yu Ting Ting did not take it to heart.

Spring comes and autumn is another three years. Yu heard that the college entrance examination is about to go to university. She has been looking forward to Tang Shangshi to come back, but Tang Shangshi said that he has something to do and cannot come back during summer vacation, but next year he said he Will definitely go home.

But to listen, after going to college in T City, Tang Shangshi suddenly stopped calling her or answering her past calls.

If it hadn't been for his family to know that he had always been fine, Yu Tingting would really think that something happened to him.

It was said that he would come back next summer, but he did not come back either.

Two years later, Yu Tingting graduated from university. In these years, she went to school in T City and lived in Mo Chen's house most of the time. When she was going back to the capital after graduation, Yu Feibai and Gu Youli came to t together. The city listened to the people of the Mo family to eat.

While chatting in the middle, Mo Chen talked about the previous marriage contract and said that he still wanted to hear about his wife.

Mo Qian and Yu Ting were surprised. In order to show the opponent, neither of them said anything.

Seeing that the two of them didn’t say anything, and didn’t know if they were embarrassed to agree, or did not agree at all, Yu Feibai chuckled lightly: “Let the two of them discuss this matter. If they are willing, of course we are. Okay, if they have someone they like, don’t we help them?"

"So too!" Mo Chen nodded in agreement.

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