Aristocratic Shocking Love: The First Lady

Chapter 1241: Extraordinary, Return from Last Time 2

Yu Ting's instinctive reaction was to pick up his leather bag and slam it on the man's head.

However, he was easily blocked by the man. Yu Listening raised his leg and started to run. At the same time, he opened his mouth and yelled, "Help..."

But the man's stupidity was like a ghost quickly, and before the scream rushed out of his throat, he raised his thick palm to cover her open mouth, and the scream immediately turned into a "hmm" sound.

"Hmm (let me go)!" Yu Tingting struggled, but in vain.

When she was struggling, the man still hugged her into his arms. At this moment, Yu Ting listened to be like a well-behaved lover, placed in his arms, her back was close to the thick and broad chest of the man behind him.

A warm feeling came through the clothes, and he bit down hard without thinking about it. The snow-white teeth were small and dexterous, sharp like small animals, and immediately bit into the skin of the man's palm.

The man hurts, but he didn't let her go, with a wicked smile in his voice: "Yu Ting, how come you see me like a lioness that can bite people?"

He breathed with fiery temperature, blowing in the ears of listening.

Some familiar voices, coupled with familiar titles, made Yu Tingting a little stunned.

She raised her eyes to look at the man, but the man was too tall, and she was still standing behind her back, so she couldn't see him clearly.

But the man loosened his hand slightly, so he could make Yu Listening angrily ask, "Who are you, do you know how to be polite!"

Since he was someone who knew her, even though Yu Tingting was not as scared as he was just now, he was still very angry and kicked the man's leg with his foot.

The man who was in severe pain snorted and then let go of her gently: "Yu Ting Ting, I have not seen you in a few years, you have become more and more barbaric!!"

Having gained freedom, Yu Listening turned around with an angry face. When he was about to teach someone a good lesson, he was suddenly astonished. He opened his mouth big and small, as if he had forgotten his breath, his eyes widened, and he looked dim. Junrong under the light.

Obviously I haven’t seen this face, but I don’t know why it is so familiar. It is perfect like carved facial features. The facial lines are firm and arrogant. A pair of sword eyebrows flies diagonally into the forehead, deep and cold eyes, like locks. Living in the midnight sky, it was quiet and mysterious, with a slightly wild, slightly tick smile on the corner of his mouth, exuding a wild evil charm, as if it was tempting women to get trapped.

This is a mature face that belongs to a man, with a solemn power and the innate arrogance.

"Tang, Shang, Shi." When Yu Tingting was about to ask herself who he was, she already murmured, and then she raised her hand to cover her small mouth in disbelief.

Tang Shangshi raised his eyebrows slightly, with a slight evil spirit: "It seems that I still know who I am, but since I know who I am, should I feel sad? I haven't seen you for a few years. Think of it as a prodigal son, or a robber, a night bandit, and just want to say hello to you, but he bit me mercilessly."

As he said, he lifted the palm of his hand, handed it to Yu Heard, and then looked at her with a smile but a smile: "Look, it's all bleeding! Now you have to be responsible."

After listening to it for a long time, Yu was shocked and recovered, "Why are you back?"

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